The size of non printable characters is disclosed by default. And you can choose to disclose the size of alnum ([0-9A-Za-z]) and symbols. When you want to appeal that you challenged exotic golf such as symbolic golf, disclose your code statistics and change your name like "shinh(symbol)".
You will see Binary / Alnum / Symbol in statistics column.
Binary is 0-8 or 11-31 or 127-255.
Alnum is [0-9A-Za-z].
Symbol is [!\"\#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~].
Note whitespaces ([ \t\n]) does not belong to any classes.
The following code is used for this system.
def get_statistics(s) a=[0,0,0,0] an=/[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ws=/[ \t\n]/ s.each_byte{|x| s=x.chr a[an=~s ?2:ws=~s ?1: x<127&&x>32?3:0]+=1 } a end