print'(a)',("On the "//trim("first secondthird fourthfifth sixth seven eigh nin ten eleventwelf "(i*6-5:i*6))//"th day of Chri& stmas,"(3-i/7*2:),"my true love sent to me",(trim("Two turtle doves, Three French hens, Four calling birds,Five golden rings, Six & geese a-lay Seven swans a-swimmEight maids a-milk Nine ladies danc Ten lords a-leap Eleven pipers pip Twelve drummers drumm& "(j*19-75:j*19-57+j/14*2))//"ing,"(:j/8*4),j=i+2,4,-1),"And a"(:5-1/i*4)//" partridge in a pear tree"//char(46-i/12*13),"",i=1,12) end