a='Search on Code Golf… a'"'_'"' 7,591 , 7,591 reputation ●22 gold badges●1717 silver badges●5050 bronze badges Code Golf Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered Return to Question Became Hot Network Question occurred 5 hours ago 4 added 137 characters in body source edit link edited 12 hours ago Taako 25155 bronze badges inlineside-by-sideside-by-side markdown Requirements: Take a single word input on stdin with only lowercase alphabetical characters (a-z) Output a string where every other character is repeated, with the first repeated character being the second character in the string Example: Input: abcde Output: abbcdde Winning Criteria: Standard code golf. Shortest number of bytes in program wins. Requirements: Take a single word input on stdin with only lowercase alphabetical characters (a-z) Output a string where every other character is repeated, with the first repeated character being the second character in the string Example: Input: abcde Output: abbcdde Winning Criteria: Standard code golf. Shortest number of bytes in program wins. Clarification: For languages with 1-based indexing the output must still match the above, aabccdee is not an acceptable solution. 3 added 32 characters in body; edited title source edit rollback link edited 12 hours ago Taako 25155 bronze badges inlineside-by-sideside-by-side markdown Repeat odd index characters Requirements: Take a single word input on stdin with only lowercase alphabetical characters (a-z) Output a string where every odd index character (starting from 0 as first character) is repeated once Example: Input: abcde Output: abbcdde Winning Criteria: Standard code golf. Shortest number of bytes in program wins. Repeat every other character in string starting with second character Requirements: Take a single word input on stdin with only lowercase alphabetical characters (a-z) Output a string where every other character is repeated, with the first repeated character being the second character in the string Example: Input: abcde Output: abbcdde Winning Criteria: Standard code golf. Shortest number of bytes in program wins. Tweeted twitter.com/StackCodeGolf/status/1223395609018847235 occurred 12 hours ago 2 edited tags edit rollback link edited 13 hours ago FryAmTheEggman 15.8k33 gold badges2626 silver badges8686 bronze badges code-golf string 1 source edit rollback link asked 13 hours ago Taako 25155 bronze badges CODE GOLF Tour Help Chat Contact Feedback Mobile Disable Responsiveness COMPANY Stack Overflow Stack Overflow Business Developer Jobs About Press Legal Privacy Policy STACK EXCHANGE NETWORK Technology Life / Arts Culture / Recreation Science Other Blog Facebook Twitter' echo for((;i++<11;)){ echo "$a$b" b=' LinkedIn site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa 4.0 with attribution required. rev 2020.1.30.35927' } echo "${b:1}"