Five Little Ducks _ Next Verse by Hydrazer

Went out one day
Over the hill and far away";
my$B=q["Quack, quack, quack];
my$C=q[, quack."
But only];
my$E=" little ducks";
my$D="$E came back.";
Mother duck said
$B$C four$D|Four$E$A
Mother duck said
$B$C three$D|Three$E$A
Mother duck said
$B$C two$D|Two$E$A
Mother duck said
$B$C one little duck came back.|One little duck$A
Mother duck said
$B, quack."
But none of the five$D|Sad mother duck$A
The sad mother duck said
And all of the five$D].split("|");$!=lines.join("\n");for .kv -> \a,\b {b eq $!&&say .[(a+1)%6]}

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).

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