Hello transposable world by %20

E   r c    e
L   i h    c
F   n o    h
printf Hello
#   f -     
echo -n , w 
#   H      o
#   e ,    r
#   l      l
#   l w    d
 echo  orld!

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


00000000 <.data>:
   0:	7f 45                	jg     0x47
   2:	4c                   	dec    %esp
   3:	46                   	inc    %esi
   4:	70 23                	jo     0x29
   6:	65 23 23             	and    %gs:(%ebx),%esp
   9:	23 23                	and    (%ebx),%esp
   b:	20 0a                	and    %cl,(%edx)
   d:	45                   	inc    %ebp
   e:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  10:	20 72 20             	and    %dh,0x20(%edx)
  13:	63 20                	arpl   %sp,(%eax)
  15:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  17:	20 65 0a             	and    %ah,0xa(%ebp)
  1a:	4c                   	dec    %esp
  1b:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  1d:	20 69 20             	and    %ch,0x20(%ecx)
  20:	68 20 20 20 20       	push   $0x20202020
  25:	63 0a                	arpl   %cx,(%edx)
  27:	46                   	inc    %esi
  28:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  2a:	20 6e 20             	and    %ch,0x20(%esi)
  2d:	6f                   	outsl  %ds:(%esi),(%dx)
  2e:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  30:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  32:	68 0a 70 72 69       	push   $0x6972700a
  37:	6e                   	outsb  %ds:(%esi),(%dx)
  38:	74 66                	je     0xa0
  3a:	20 48 65             	and    %cl,0x65(%eax)
  3d:	6c                   	insb   (%dx),%es:(%edi)
  3e:	6c                   	insb   (%dx),%es:(%edi)
  3f:	6f                   	outsl  %ds:(%esi),(%dx)
  40:	0a 23                	or     (%ebx),%ah
  42:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  44:	20 66 20             	and    %ah,0x20(%esi)
  47:	2d 20 20 20 20       	sub    $0x20202020,%eax
  4c:	20 0a                	and    %cl,(%edx)
  4e:	65 63 68 6f          	arpl   %bp,%gs:0x6f(%eax)
  52:	20 2d 6e 20 2c 20    	and    %ch,0x202c206e
  58:	77 20                	ja     0x7a
  5a:	0a 23                	or     (%ebx),%ah
  5c:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  5e:	20 48 20             	and    %cl,0x20(%eax)
  61:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  63:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  65:	20 6f 0a             	and    %ch,0xa(%edi)
  68:	23 20                	and    (%eax),%esp
  6a:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  6c:	65 20 2c 20          	and    %ch,%gs:(%eax,%eiz,1)
  70:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  72:	20 72 0a             	and    %dh,0xa(%edx)
  75:	23 20                	and    (%eax),%esp
  77:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  79:	6c                   	insb   (%dx),%es:(%edi)
  7a:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  7c:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  7e:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  80:	6c                   	insb   (%dx),%es:(%edi)
  81:	0a 23                	or     (%ebx),%ah
  83:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  85:	20 6c 20 77          	and    %ch,0x77(%eax,%eiz,1)
  89:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  8b:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  8d:	64 0a 20             	or     %fs:(%eax),%ah
  90:	65 63 68 6f          	arpl   %bp,%gs:0x6f(%eax)
  94:	20 20                	and    %ah,(%eax)
  96:	6f                   	outsl  %ds:(%esi),(%dx)
  97:	72 6c                	jb     0x105
  99:	64                   	fs
  9a:	21                   	.byte 0x21


return to the top page