Helloworldless Hello world by GreaseMonkey


Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


	ORG	00000H

	INC A			;0000	3C 	< 
	LD L,00BH		;0001	2E 0B 	. . 
	LD B,00DH		;0003	06 0D 	. . 
	ADD A,(HL)			;0005	86 	. 
	RST 38H			;0006	FF 	. 
	INC HL			;0007	23 	# 
	DJNZ $-3		;0008	10 FB 	. . 
	HALT			;000A	76 	V 
	LD B,A			;000B	47 	G 
	DEC E			;000C	1D 	. 
	RLCA			;000D	07 	. 
	NOP			;000E	00 	. 
	INC BC			;000F	03 	. 
	CP L			;0010	BD 	. 
	CALL P,0F857H		;0011	F4 57 F8 	. W . 
	INC BC			;0014	03 	. 
	JP M,0BDF8H		;0015	FA F8 BD 	. . . 


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