If youre happy and you know it by whio

EG\x17\xf9\xb0S\x88>a\xde\x03\xe7\x1d>\xff\xfe\x96\xe7mS\xd3y\xbfc"\x86\x83\xaa,\x89W\xbcg\xa2\xb5\xed\xea\xf2\x82*\xf5=\x16c-\xae\xb9\xb2\x05\x1fi\x01\x1di*\x04';! \x05\x850\x92\xeb&\x01IbMB\x83ZX\xe9\x0eGG

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).

Disassemble it with gs2 Decompiler

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