use std.textio.all;entity pquine is end;architecture s of pquine is begin process variable x:string(1 to 526):="""use std.textio.all;entity pquine is end;architecture s of pquine is begin process variable x:string(1 to 526):=;begin write(output,x(2 to 1));write(output,x(2 to 112)&x(1)&x(1)&x&x(1)&x(1)&x(113 to 414)&x(1)&x(1)&x&x(1)&x(1)&x(415 to 525));wait;end process;end;--;dne;ssecorp dne;tiaw;))525 ot 514(x&)1(x&)1(x&x&)1(x&)1(x&)414 ot 311(x&)1(x&)1(x&x&)1(x&)1(x&)211 ot 2(x,tuptuo(etirw;))1 ot 2(x,tuptuo(etirw nigeb;=:)625 ot 1(gnirts:x elbairav ssecorp nigeb si eniuqp fo s erutcetihcra;dne si eniuqp ytitne;lla.oitxet.dts esu""";begin write(output,x(2 to 1));write(output,x(2 to 112)&x(1)&x(1)&x&x(1)&x(1)&x(113 to 414)&x(1)&x(1)&x&x(1)&x(1)&x(415 to 525));wait;end process;end;--;dne;ssecorp dne;tiaw;))525 ot 514(x&)1(x&)1(x&x&)1(x&)1(x&)414 ot 311(x&)1(x&)1(x&x&)1(x&)1(x&)211 ot 2(x,tuptuo(etirw;))1 ot 2(x,tuptuo(etirw nigeb;"""use std.textio.all;entity pquine is end;architecture s of pquine is begin process variable x:string(1 to 526):=;begin write(output,x(2 to 1));write(output,x(2 to 112)&x(1)&x(1)&x&x(1)&x(1)&x(113 to 414)&x(1)&x(1)&x&x(1)&x(1)&x(415 to 525));wait;end process;end;--;dne;ssecorp dne;tiaw;))525 ot 514(x&)1(x&)1(x&x&)1(x&)1(x&)414 ot 311(x&)1(x&)1(x&x&)1(x&)1(x&)211 ot 2(x,tuptuo(etirw;))1 ot 2(x,tuptuo(etirw nigeb;=:)625 ot 1(gnirts:x elbairav ssecorp nigeb si eniuqp fo s erutcetihcra;dne si eniuqp ytitne;lla.oitxet.dts esu"""=:)625 ot 1(gnirts:x elbairav ssecorp nigeb si eniuqp fo s erutcetihcra;dne si eniuqp ytitne;lla.oitxet.dts esu
Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).