Palindromic Quine by kinaba

let y="n\";;)x y p(gnirts_tnirp;;";;open String;;let rec r s=if length s=0 then s else r(sub s 1(length s-1))^sub s 0 1;;let p y x=let y=sub(r x)97 6^sub x 3 1^escaped y^sub x 3 1^r x in sub y 0 218^r y;;let x=escaped"\n\"depacse=x tel;;y r^812 0 y bus ni x r^1 3 x bus^y depacse^1 3 x bus^6 79)x r(bus=y tel=x y p tel;;1 0 s bus^))1-s htgnel(1 s bus(r esle s neht 0=s htgnel fi=s r cer tel;;gnirtS nepo;;";;print_string(p y x);;"\n"=y tel

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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