Palindromic Quine by wimu

let y="t\";;)y depacse(f;;";;open String let rec r s=if length s=0then s else let x=sub s in r (x 1 (length s-1))^x 0 1 let p=List.iter(fun x->print_char (char_of_int x))let f=(fun q i s y->p i; print_string (q^y^q^(r s)^q^s^q^(r y)^q);p(List.rev i))(make 1(char_of_int 34))[108;101;116;32;121;61]"]16;121;23;611;101;801[))43 tni_fo_rahc(1 ekam())i ver.tsiL(p;)q^)y r(^q^s^q^)s r(^q^y^q( gnirts_tnirp ;i p>-y s i q nuf(=f tel))x tni_fo_rahc( rahc_tnirp>-x nuf(reti.tsiL=p tel 1 0 x^))1-s htgnel( 1 x( r ni s bus=x tel esle s neht0=s htgnel fi=s r cer tel gnirtS nepo;;";;f(escaped y);;"\t"=y tel

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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