Polynomial Sequences part 2 by clock(embed)

puts [%w[31299 192__ 3991 23_ 99922 9222 13919 9123 99_2 32_1_],%w[1__ 1___ 1____ 1_____ 1______],%w[239113 21221 91231 9213 31_22 93132 39132 91329_9 31_2931 113_ 2331 3_32_2 9123_ 399131 19192__ 13__139 3933 329_ 23_1 319_23_]][$$%3].map{|n|(n.gsub(/\d/).map{s=$'.size;$&+(s>0?"x#{"^#{s}"if s>1}":"")}*" +").gsub(/.?9/,'-1').gsub('1x','x')}

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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