Prime Knot by tails

\x1a\x1a*:z!\xa4\x9a\x16ZU*!v\xa9\x98\x8aF\x97*%2\x93\xa18\x87\x05\xaf\xedo'\xee0\xff\xaf\xbe \xf5,\xdfv

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


	ORG	00000H

	LD A,(BC)			;0000	0A 	. 
	LD A,(BC)			;0001	0A 	. 
	LD A,(DE)			;0002	1A 	. 
	LD A,(DE)			;0003	1A 	. 
	LD HL,(07A3AH)		;0004	2A 3A 7A 	* : Z 
	LD HL,09AA4H		;0007	21 A4 9A 	! . . 
	LD D,05AH		;000A	16 5A 	. Z 
	LD D,L			;000C	55 	U 
	LD HL,(07621H)		;000D	2A 21 76 	* ! V 
	XOR C			;0010	A9 	. 
	SBC A,B			;0011	98 	. 
	ADC A,D			;0012	8A 	. 
	LD B,(HL)			;0013	46 	F 
	SUB A			;0014	97 	. 
	LD HL,(03225H)		;0015	2A 25 32 	* % 2 
	SUB E			;0018	93 	. 
	AND C			;0019	A1 	. 
	JR C,$-119		;001A	38 87 	8 . 
	DEC B			;001C	05 	. 
	XOR A			;001D	AF 	. 
	RLD		;001E	ED 6F 	. O 
	DAA			;0020	27 	' 
	XOR 030H		;0021	EE 30 	. 0 
	RST 38H			;0023	FF 	. 
	XOR A			;0024	AF 	. 
	CP (HL)			;0025	BE 	. 
	JR NZ,$-9		;0026	20 F5 	  . 
	INC L			;0028	2C 	, 
	RST 18H			;0029	DF 	. 
	HALT			;002A	76 	V 
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