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S='On#3&17&36&#3 m3th&&06, 64,#3 market t45`1&16, 6&26#3 auth7& ROMANCE OF THE ROSE&4 67,`167 to be 6 2 perfect@st9e& revoluti3 2 if#3`177 22 75 49@138 La Roc4lle& 8^M0y`166,&37#3 women fly6g&44#3 High Street,&47`115 children cry6g 9#3 83 do7s,&6tened to d3#3`cuir2s,#5 supp7t6g&15 somewh9 uncerta6&58 86 a`musket 7@part5an, directed&15 steps&44#3 hostelry&`33&22&41,&29&26&4 ga103d, 6creas6g 96`m6ute,@compact group, vociferous#5 full& curios8y.``In&05&20 p0ics 63 comm3,#5 few 42s p2sed&49`some 53 7&14 reg5ter6g 6&2 archives 0 event& 47`k6d^30re 63&32, 41 49&1&53 each&14;&03`14#3 89, 41 49&1&53#3&70;&03&4&09,`126 49&1&53#3 89^30n, 6 24iti3 to 99`176 7 public, secret 7 83 66,&03 63 robbers,`mendi23ts,&77,&40,#5&80 41 49&1 62`174^30&66&31 70 up arms readily&53`thieves,&40 7&80&ten&53&32 7&77,`some120&53#3 89,&8&12&53&70 7&09.`It&73, 55, 90 47 hab8 73##3 72&17&36`1&06, 64,#3&66,# 4ar6g#3 clam7,#5&37`nei33r#3 red-35-133 st35ard&5#3 livery&#3 Duc de`Ric4lieu, rus4d&44#3 hostel&#3&22&41^W4n`arrived&03,#3 cause&#3 hubbub&4 app43nt to#2.``A&02#7--we 23 sketch 40&61 9@d2h^Imag6e to`57self@34&59& eighteen;@34&59&49 40`c7selet,&49 40 co9& mail,&49 40 cu5ses;@34`159 clo33d 6@woolen doublet,#3 blue col7&&26 22`faded 92@nameless s22e between lees& w6e#5@4avenly`azure; face 68#5 br45; high c4ek b31s,@71& saga53;`33 maxillary muscles e15mously developed, 0 6f32ible 71 by`126@143 26&31 be detected, even&49 40&3--35`25&02#7 w7e@13 20&f 86@s7t& fea33r;#3#9`83#5 6telligent;#3 nose hooked,&8 f6ely c40eled^Too`big&9@44th, too sm32&9@gr45#7, 0 experienced#9`might 48&24#6&9@farmer\'s 21 62@151 22 8 29`46&9#3 68&00&26, d0gl6g 90@lea33r baldric,`h8&53#3 calves&&2 45er 2 4 walked,#5&53#3`rough 82& 40&04 79 4&4#&13back.``F7 25&02#7 22@104&26&4#3 observed&#2`observers^It&4@121 61, 90 twelve to f25teen&19`28,&33 6 40 56,&49@hair 6 40 tail,&8 29`149 w6dg32s# 40 legs,&26, though go6g 86 40 4ad`lower 80 40 knees, render6g@mart6gale qu8e unnecessary,`c3trived&12t4less to per19m 40 eight leagues@42.`Un19tun9ely,#3 qual8ies& 47&13 63 so well&76`118 40 str0ge-col7ed 56#5 40 unaccountable ga8, 73`9@time 79&74&4@c3no5seur 6&13flesh,#3`181&#3 a19e72 61 9&16--126 place 4 22`entered&08@quarter& 0 h25&29, by#3 g9e&`Beaugency--produced 0 unfav7able&57,&26 extended to 40`rider.``And 47&57 22 46 59 pa6fully perceived by&02`d171--19 so&4#3#4&59& 47&38 Ros6ante`named--90 40 29 97 able to c3ceal 90&48#3`ridiculous&81 73 54@104 84#6, good&13m0`2 4&4^He 22 sig4d deeply,&78, 79 accept6g#3`gift&#3 61 90 M. d171#3 93^He&4 29`ig15ant 73 54@be2t&4 w7th 9 le2t twenty livres;#5`33 w7ds&26 22 accomp0ied#3&45 63 above#2 price.``"My 21," 72#3 28&43&75, 6 73 pure&21`PATOIS&&26 Henry IV could&12 rid&48, "47&13&4`67 6#3 house& 57 fa33r&08 thirteen&19 ago,#5`16&69 6 8 85 94,&26&23 to 65 44 60 8.`125 sell 8;#2ow 8 to die tr0quilly#5&01ably& 28`17,#5 if 44 65@campaign 86 8, take 2 78 c43& 8`2 44&10& 0 28 serv0t^At&07, provided 44 48 85`33&01 to go&03," c3t6ued M. d171#3 93, "--0`101 to&26, remember, 57 0cient nobil8y 91s 44#3`right--susta6&65 57 name&&75,&26&6 46`165 67e by 57 0cest7s&9 76&56&19, 74&9`57 45 50#5#3 50&&05 41 be68 to 44^By#3`l9ter I me0 57 rel9ives#5 friends^Endure&55 90`0y31 except&62#3 Card6al#5#3 89^It 5 by 40`158, ple2e observe, by 40&58 al31, 73@175`23 65 40&0 nowa42s^Who85 4sit9es&9@138`152#2ows#3 ba8 to es13e&26 dur6g 73 95&38`19tune 4ld out to#6^38 43&02^38&23 to be brave`19 two rea21s: #3&17 5 73 44 43@143,#5#3`138 5 73 44 43 my 21^125 fear quarrels,&8 seek`adventures^I 48 taught 44 how to h35le@100; 44 48`33ws& ir3,@wr5t& steel^111##2 occ2i3s^111`33 59&9 duels 97&9bidden, 94 c3sequently&03 5`twice 2 78&58 6 fight6g^I 48&55 to 91 44,`my 21,&8&46&34, my&13,#5#3&68 44 48`75 4ard^38r&28 will 24 to#3m@135&9@certa6`balsam,&26 s4 22 90@Bo4mi0#5&26&6#3`miraculous virtue& cur6g#2 wounds 73 do 29 reach#3`4art^Take adv0t17&#2,#5 live&60#5 68^I 48`18#1 w7d to 24,#5 73 5 to propose 0 example to 44--`29 m6e,&9 I myself 48&12&67 9&07,#5 48`88&24 part 6 religious 66 2@volunteer; I 98&`162 de&72, 41&4&9merly my neighb7,#5 41 22`33&01 to be, 2@child,#3 77-fellow& 25 89, Lou5`XIII, 58 God preserve!  Some120&15 77 degener9ed 92`154,#5 6 99&54#3 89&4 29&31#3`str3ger^30 blows&26 4 received 6cre2ed&27ly 40`130#5 friendship&9&62 de&72^After11d,`162 de&72 f123 86&14s: 6 40&17&51 to`Par5, 76&20; 90#3 de9h&#3 l9e 89 87#3&02`31 69&&7,&49 reckon6g 66#5 sieges, seven&20;`35 90 73 d9e up to#3&45 42,@156&20,`152!  So 73 6 sp8e& edicts, 7d6ances,#5 decrees,`103 4 5,&3ta6&#3 Musketeers; 73 5 to say, chief&`a legi3& Caesars, 58#3 89 h28s 6&27&30#5 58`33&70&39--4 41&39&55, 2 8 5 72^S87`fur33r,&62 de&72 ga6s ten thous35&34@year;`4 5&78@127 noble^He beg0 2 44 beg6^Go to#6`86 47&42,#5 65#6 57 model 6 7der 73 44 26`do 2 4&6 d31."``Up3&26 M. d171#3 93 girded 40 45&00 round 40`21, k5sed#6 tenderly# 74 c4eks,#5 84#6 40`benedicti3.``On&47#3&64 chamber,#3&02#7 found 40&28,`41&4 wa8ing&9#6 86#3 famous&35&&26#3`168 we 48 75 repe9ed&10 necessit9e frequent`employment^30 adieux 63# 47 82 68er#5 59 tender`80 52 22 46##3&14--29 73 M. d171 27 29`60 40 21, 41&4 40 88&fspr6g,&8 M. d171&4 a`37,#5 4&10 48 con82red 8 unw7thy&@37 to 91`10 to 40&57s; w4re2 Mme. d171&4@wo37,#5`s87 59,@128^S4 wept abund0tly;#5--let us 98 8`to#3 pra5e& M. d171#3&02er--not86st35ing#3`ef19ts 4 49 to rema6 firm, 2@future Musketeer&23,`n9ure&79,#5 4 s4d#7y tears,&&26 4 succeeded`86&27 difficulty 6 c3ceal6g#3 half.``30 same 42#3&02#7 20&9ward# 40&51, furn5hed`86#3 three&64 gifts,&26 c3s5ted, 2 we 48 72,`1&46&34,#3&13,#5#3&42&9 M. de&72--`33&68 97 thr45 92#3 barga6.``W8h 54@VADE MECUM d171&4 mor32y#5 physic32y 0`95 copy&#3 4ro& Cerv0tes, to 58 we so&60`comp43d#6 79 25 duty& 0 40t7i0 placed us&18#3`necess8y& sketch6g 40&61^34&59 70 w6dmills`19 gi0ts,#5 s4ep&9 armies; d171 70 96 smile&9`0 6sult,#5 96 look 2@provoc9i3--79ce 8&73`73 90 Tarbes to&16 40 81&4 c3st0tly doubled, 7 40`h35##3 hilt& 40&00;#5 yet#3 81 27 29 descend`62 0y jaw,&5 27#3&00 5sue 90&2 scabbard^It&4`29 73#3 sight&#3 wretc4d 61 27 29 exc8e numerous`smiles##3 counten0ces&&50-by;&8 2&53#3 82`1 47 61 r9tled@100& respectable length,#5 2 51`47&00 gleamed 0#9 ra33r ferocious 80 haughty, 99`150-by repressed&15&63, 7 if&63&79`51 prudence, 52 endeav7ed to laugh 88##1 82, like`33 m2ks&#3 0cients^D171, 55,&69 majestic`35 6tact 6 40 susceptibil8y, 87 4 69 to 47 unlucky`53&&16.'
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