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t:string:="On$e first Monday%$e month% April, 1625,$e market~wn/of Meung, in=ich$e author% ROMANCE OF THE ROSE` born,/appeared~ be in as perfect a state%*volution as if$e/Huguenots\d just made a second La Rochelle% it.  Many/citizens, seeing$e women fly"&
"ing~ward$e High Street, leaving/their children crying at$e open doors,\stened~ don$e/cuirass,&d supporting$eir somewhat uncertain courage with a/musket or a partisan, directed$eir steps~ward$e hostelry%/the Jolly Miller, before=ich` gathered, increasin"&
"g every/minute, a compact group, vociferous&d full% curiosity.//In$ose times panics were common,&d few days passed without/some city or other*gistering in its archives& event%$is/kind.  There were nobles,=o made war against each other;$ere/was$e king,="&
"o made war against$e cardinal;$ere` Spain,/which made war against$e king.  Then, in addition~$ese/concealed or public, secret or open wars,$ere were robbers,/mendicants, Huguenots, wolves,&d scoundrels,=o made war upon/everybody.  The citizens always~o"&
"k up arms*adily against/thieves, wolves or scoundrels,%ten against nobles or Huguenots,/sometimes against$e king, but never against cardinal or Spain./It*sulted,$en, from$is\bit$at on$e said first Monday/of April, 1625,$e citizens, on hearing$e clamor,"&
"&d seeing/neither$e*d-and-yellow standard nor$e livery%$e Duc de/Richelieu, rushed~ward$e hostel%$e Jolly Miller.  When/arrived$ere,$e cause%$e hubbub` apparent~ all.//A<ng man--we can sketch|s portrait at a dash.  Imagine~/yourself a Don Quixote% eigh"&
"teen; a Don Quixote without|s/corselet, without|s coat% mail, without|s cuisses; a Don/Quixote clothed in a woolen doublet,$e blue color%=ich\d/faded into a nameless shade between lees% wine&d a heavenly/azure; face long&d brown;|gh cheek bones, a sign"&
"% sagacity;/the maxillary muscles enormously developed,& infallible sign by/which a Gascon may always be detected, even without|s cap--and/our<ng man wore a cap set%f with a sort% feather;$e eye/open&d intelligent;$e nose hooked, but finely chiseled.  "&
"Too/big> a<th,~o small> a grown man,& experienced eye/might\ve taken|m> a farmer's son upon a journey\d it not/been>$e long sword=ich, dangling from a leather baldric,/hit against$e calves% its owner as he walked,&d against$e/rough side%|s steed=en he`"&
" on horseback.//For our<ng man\d a steed=ich`$e observed% all/observers.  It` a Bearn pony, from twelve~ fourteen years/old, yellow in|s|de, without a\ir in|s tail, but not/without windgalls on|s legs,=ich,$ough going with|s head/lower$an|s knees,*nder"&
"ing a martingale quite unnecessary,/contrived nevertheless~ perform|s eight leagues a day./Unfortunately,$e qualities%$is horse were so well concealed/under|s strange-colored|de&d|s unaccountable gait,$at/at a time=en everybody` a connoisseur in horsef"&
"lesh,$e/appearance%$e aforesaid pony at Meung--which place he\d/entered about a quarter%& hour before, by$e gate%/Beaugency--produced& unfavorable feeling,=ich extended~|s/rider.//And$is feeling\d been more painfully perceived by<ng/d'Artagnan--for so`"&
"$e Don Quixote%$is second Rosinante/named--from|s not being able~ conceal from|mself$e/ridiculous appearance$at such a steed gave|m, good horseman/as he`.  He\d sighed deeply,$erefore,=en accepting$e/gift%$e pony from M. d'Artagnan$e elder.  He` not/ig"&
"norant$at such a beast` worth at least twenty livres;&d/the words=ich\d accompanied$e present were above all price.//""My son,"" said$e old Gascon gentleman, in$at pure Bearn/PATOIS%=ich Henry IV could never rid|mself, ""this horse`/born in$e house%<r "&
"father about$irteen years ago,&d/has*mained in it ever since,=ich ought~ make< love it./Never sell it; allow it~ die tranquilly&d honorably% old/age,&d if< make a campaign with it, take as much care% it/as< would%& old servant.  At court, provided<\ve "&
"ever/the honor~ go$ere,"" continued M. d'Artagnan$e elder, ""--an/honor~=ich,*member,<r&cient nobility gives<$e/right--sustain worthily<r name% gentleman,=ich\s been/worthily borne by<r&cestors> five hundred years, both>/your own sake&d$e sake%$ose=o b"&
"elong~<.  By$e/latter I mean<r*latives&d friends.  Endure nothing from/anyone except Monsieur$e Cardinal&d$e king.  It is by|s/courage, please observe, by|s courage alone,$at a gentleman/can make|s way nowadays.  Whoever hesitates> a second/perhaps all"&
"ows$e bait~ escape=ich during$at exact second/fortune held out~|m.  You are<ng.  You ought~ be brave/for two*asons: $e first is$at< are a Gascon,&d$e/second is$at< are my son.  Never fear quarrels, but seek/adventures.  I\ve taught< how~\ndle a sword;<"&
"\ve/thews% iron, a wrist% steel.  Fight on all occasions.  Fight/the more> duels being>bidden, since consequently$ere is/twice as much courage in fighting.  I\ve nothing~ give<,/my son, but fifteen crowns, my horse,&d$e counsels<\ve/just heard.  Your m"&
"other will add~$em a*cipe> a certain/balsam,=ich she\d from a Bohemian&d=ich\s$e/miraculous virtue% curing all wounds$at do not*ach$e/heart.  Take advantage% all,&d live\ppily&d long.  I\ve/but one word~ add,&d$at is~ propose& example~<--/not mine,> I "&
"myself\ve never appeared at court,&d\ve/only taken part in*ligious wars as a volunteer; I speak%/Monsieur de Treville,=o`>merly my neighbor,&d=o\d/the honor~ be, as a child,$e play-fellow% our king, Louis/XIII,=om God preserve!  Sometimes$eir play dege"&
"nerated into/battles,&d in$ese battles$e king` not always$e/stronger.  The blows=ich he*ceived increased greatly|s/esteem&d friendship> Monsieur de Treville.  Afterward,/Monsieur de Treville fought with others: in|s first journey~/Paris, five times; fr"&
"om$e death%$e late king till$e<ng/one came% age, without*ckoning wars&d sieges, seven times;/and from$at date up~$e present day, a hundred times,/perhaps!  So$at in spite% edicts, ordinances,&d decrees,/there he is, captain%$e Musketeers;$at is~ say, c"&
"hief%/a legion% Caesars,=om$e king holds in great esteem&d=om/the cardinal dreads--he=o dreads nothing, as it is said.  Still/further, Monsieur de Treville gains ten$ousand crowns a year;/he is$erefore a great noble.  He began as< begin.  Go~|m/with$is"&
" letter,&d make|m<r model in order$at< may/do as he\s done.""//Upon=ich M. d'Artagnan$e elder girded|s own sword round|s/son, kissed|m tenderly on both cheeks,&d gave|m|s/benediction.//On leaving$e paternal chamber,$e<ng man found|s mother,/who` waitin"&
"g>|m with$e famous*cipe%=ich$e/counsels we\ve just*peated would necessitate frequent/employment.  The adieux were on$is side longer&d more tender/than$ey\d been on$e other--not$at M. d'Artagnan did not/love|s son,=o`|s only%fspring, but M. d'Artagnan` "&
"a/man,&d he would\ve considered it unworthy% a man~ give/way~|s feelings;=ereas Mme. d'Artagnan` a woman,&d/still more, a mother.  She wept abundantly;&d--let us speak it/to$e praise% M. d'Artagnan$e<nger--notwithstanding$e/efforts he made~*main firm, "&
"as a future Musketeer ought,/nature prevailed,&d he shed many tears,%=ich he succeeded/with great difficulty in concealing$e\lf.//The same day$e<ng man set>ward on|s journey, furnished/with$e$ree paternal gifts,=ich consisted, as we\ve said,/of fifteen"&
" crowns,$e horse,&d$e letter> M. de Treville--/the counsels being$rown into$e bargain.//With such a VADE MECUM d'Artagnan` morally&d physically&/exact copy%$e hero% Cervantes,~=om we so\ppily/compared|m=en our duty%&|storian placed us under$e/necessity"&
"% sketching|s portrait.  Don Quixote~ok windmills/for giants,&d sheep> armies; d'Artagnan~ok every smile>/an insult,&d every look as a provocation--whence it*sulted/that from Tarbes~ Meung|s fist` constantly doubled, or|s/hand on$e|lt%|s sword;&d yet$e"&
" fist did not descend/upon&y jaw, nor did$e sword issue from its scabbard.  It`/not$at$e sight%$e wretched pony did not excite numerous/smiles on$e countenances% passers-by; but as against$e side/of$is pony rattled a sword%*spectable length,&d as over/"&
"this sword gleamed& eye rather ferocious$an\ughty,$ese/passers-by*pressed$eir|larity, or if|larity prevailed/over prudence,$ey endeavored~ laugh only on one side, like/the masks%$e&cients.  D'Artagnan,$en,*mained majestic/and intact in|s susceptibility"&
", till he came~$is unlucky/city% Meung.";begin
for i in 1..9202 loop case t(i)is
when'/'=>new_line;when'&'=>put(" an");when'>'=>put(" for");when'\'=>put(" ha");when'|'=>put(" hi");when'%'=>put(" of");when'*'=>put(" re");when'$'=>put(" th");when'~'=>put(" to");when'`'=>put(" was");when'='=>put(" wh");when'<'=>put(" you");when
others=>put(t(i));end case;end loop;end;

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