Th zn f pythn by 鳴神裁4.1号

Btfl s bttr thn gly.
xplct s bttr thn mplct.
Smpl s bttr thn cmplx.
Cmplx s bttr thn cmplctd.
Flt s bttr thn nstd.
Sprs s bttr thn dns.
Rdblty cnts.
Spcl css rn't spcl ngh t brk th rls.
lthgh prctclty bts prty.
rrrs shld nvr pss slntly.
nlss xplctly slncd.
n th fc f mbgty, rfs th tmpttn t gss.
Thr shld b n-- nd prfrbly nly n --bvs wy t d t.
lthgh tht wy my nt b bvs t frst nlss y'r Dtch.
Nw s bttr thn nvr.
lthgh nvr s ftn bttr thn *rght* nw.
f th mplmnttn s hrd t xpln, t's  bd d.
f th mplmnttn s sy t xpln, t my b  gd d.
Nmspcs r n hnkng grt d -- lt's d mr f ths!

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