The Eight Billion Names of God by tails

m=1 2 3 4 5 6
n=$m 7 8 9 
f=$(if $1,$e $(call f,$(wordlist 2,7,$1),$d))
$(foreach i,d e,$(eval $i=$$(word $$(word 1,$$1)$$2,$n$$(foreach d,0 $n,$$(foreach e,$n10 $(n:%=1%) 20 $(m:%=2%),$$$i)))))$(foreach i,$(strip $(STDIN)),$(eval a=$i)$(foreach i,0 $n,$(eval a=$(subst $i,$i ,$a)))$(eval b=1 $(m:%=1))$(foreach i,$a,$(eval b=$(call f,$b,$i)))$(eval a=)$(foreach i,$b,$(eval a=$(word $i,A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)$a))$(info $a))

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).

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