Triangular Text by *yuko*


Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


	ORG	00000H

	INC C			;0000	0C 	. 
	LD B,C			;0001	41 	A 
	CALL 08003H		;0002	CD 03 80 	. . . 
	RET C			;0005	D8 	. 
	CP 021H		;0006	FE 21 	. ! 
	JR C,$-6		;0008	38 F8 	8 . 
	RST 38H			;000A	FF 	. 
	DJNZ $-9		;000B	10 F5 	. . 
	LD A,00AH		;000D	3E 0A 	> . 
	RST 38H			;000F	FF 	. 
	RST 0			;0010	C7 	. 
	HALT			;0011	76 	V 


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