box paint by *yuko*

\xe5\x04\xb8\xde\xffG\xcd\x03\x808\x03\xfe  v\xcbP(\x02>.

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


	ORG	00000H

	PUSH HL			;0000	E5 	. 
	INC B			;0001	04 	. 
	CP B			;0002	B8 	. 
	SBC A,0FFH		;0003	DE FF 	. . 
	LD B,A			;0005	47 	G 
	CALL 08003H		;0006	CD 03 80 	. . . 
	JR C,$+5		;0009	38 03 	8 . 
	CP 020H		;000B	FE 20 	.   
	JR NZ,$+120		;000D	20 76 	  V 
	BIT 2,B		;000F	CB 50 	. P 
	JR Z,$+4		;0011	28 02 	( . 
	LD A,02EH		;0013	3E 2E 	> . 


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