code golf meetup by MichalMarsalek-bfasm-source

init abe 'a'                      ++++++++++++++++[->+>++++++++>++++++>+++++++>++++<<<<<]>------>------->+>-->++++++++
init mnos 'n'                     
init y 'y'                        
init H6 'H'                       
init NL 10                        
in x                              >,
while H6                          <[
    dec H6                        
    dec x                         ->-
end                               <]
inc H6 6                          ++++++
while x                           >[
    dec x 5                       -----
    while x                       [
        # input is orthoplex      
        inc abe 4                 
        inc mnos 5                <<+++++<++++
        while H6                  >>[
            dec H6                
            out y                 -<<<.
            out abe               >.
            out mnos              >.
            out NL                <<<.
        end                       >>>>]
        clear x                   >[-]
    end                           ]
    while H6                      <[
        # input is MichalMarsalek 
        out mnos                  
        inc mnos                  
        out mnos                  <.+.
        clear H6                  >[-]
    end                           ]
    clear x                       >[-]
end                               ]
while H6                          <[
    # input is HPWiz              
    dec mnos                      
    out mnos                      <-.
    out abe                       <.
    out y                         
    inc abe                       <.>+
    out abe                       .
    inc abe 3                     
    out abe                       +++.
    clear H6                      >>[-]
end                               ]

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).

To protect the system from spam, please input your favorite sport (hint: I believe its name must start with 'g', case insensitive)


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