delete words by D

procedure Gnat.Spitbol.Patterns.P is
K:String:=Get_Line;N:Integer:=K'Length-1;T:array(1..12)of String(1..12):=(1..12=>Get_Line);C:Pchar;begin
for B in 1..3 Loop for I in 1..12 loop
Put(T(i)(1..B/3*12));Set_Col(1);for J in 1..12 loop
If J+N<13 And Then(K=T(I)(J..J+n)or T(i)(J..J+n)=Reverse_String(K))Then
T(i)(J..J+N):=(others=>' ');end if;if J<I then C:=T(i)(j);T(i)(j):=T(j)(i);T(j)(i):=C;end if;end loop;end loop;end loop;end;

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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