ieee754 by kozima

(defun f(x y z)(format t"~(~V,'0X~)~%"(/(+ 1 x y z)4)(let((r(let*((r(regexp:regexp-split"[.]"(read-line)))(a(pop r))(s(pop r)))(+(if s(*(if(eq(elt a 0)#\-)-1 1)(/(read-from-string s)(expt 10(length s))))0)(parse-integer a)))))(and(< 3 r 4)(= z 1)(format t"4000c8f5c28f5c28f5c2
~:*~A234~C"'|4000c90fdaa22168c|))(if(= r 0)0(+(ash(if(< r 0)1 0)(+ x y z))(ash(+(ash 1(1- x))#1=(floor(log(abs r)2))-1)(+ y z))(round(+ z(/(abs r)(expt 2 #1#))-1)(/(ash 1 y))))))))(loop(case(read)(single(f 8 23 0))(double(f 11 52 0))(t(f 15 63 1))))

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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