kibou to zetsu by ohcamac nahtanoj

#!/usr/bin/perl -w                     #                     w- lrep/nib/rsu/!#
use strict;   #always                  #                  syawla#   ;tcirts esu
use warnings; #always                  #                  syawla# ;sgninraw esu
use Compress::Zlib; #might be useful   #   lufesu eb thgim# ;bilZ::sserpmoC esu
                    #         later    #    retal         #                    
#Flip over to read the other side.     #     .edis rehto eht daer ot revo pilF#
print("sekai + " .                     # .",egnellahc siht gnitsop retfA"(tnirp
      "anata no name + " .             #  ." .terger dna tnemssarrabme tlef I "
      "nothing");                      #  . " ,emityad s'ti taht won"\ atroSn\"
                                       #   . "? evom emitthgin taht odnu I nac"
                                       #                 . "n\n\.ralimis ro "\"
                                       #   . " detsop I taht thgin eht ,yawynA"
                                       # ."n\,yllaerrus ,yldrusba saw ti ,siht"
                                       #    . " fi sa tsomlA .teiuq ,yllaerrus"
                                       # . " gnidnuorrus kcolb ytic eritne eht"
                                       #  . " moor ym dna I tahTn\.daed saw em"
                                       # . "n\n\.diov a ni enola gnitaolf erew"
                                       #  . " detsop ,dnuorgkcab taht htiw dnA"
                                       #   . "naba na htob ot ,yrteop dab emos"
                                       # . "rehtie( tnuocca lanruojeviln\denod"
                                       #       . " )vqwol_camac ro llrtc_mtes "
                                       # ."I hcihw etisn\flog siht ot osla dna"
                                       #         . " .31020 ni nees tsrif dah "
                                       # . "srevinu eht fi ,taht derugif atroS"
                                       #. "edisa( tsixe I taht wonk t'nseodn\e"
                                       # . "cele fo tib ynit a gnimusnoc morf "
                                       # . "mos yas llew sa thgimn\)rewop cirt"
                                       #  . "ninaem yllufepoh dna ,etuc gnihte"
                                       # . "ts m'I elihwn\,eid I erofeb ,llufg"
                                       #                        . " .evila lli"
                                       #        . "n\n\.taht ekil gnihtemos rO"
                                       # . " ,yrteop dab emos detsop ,suht dnA"
                                       #  . "voba eht ot ,yhtrow-terger ylhgih"
                                       #              . "n\.setisn\denoitnem e"
                                       #                              . "n\---"
                                       # . "hsilgne lamron ni kaeps dluoc I fI"
                                       #  . "lbaborp ,yrteop lufwa fo daetsni "
                                       #  . "uow ,yas dl'I sgnihtn\tsrif eht y"
                                       #  . "n\,PASA otnarepse nrael -n\:eb dl"
                                       #  . " erit eht kcehc ot tegrof reven -"
                                       #  . "even -n\,edir uoy erofeb erusserp"
                                       #   . "srttax-- ivnax- cnysr"\ tegrof r"
                                       #     . "  n\\\ eteled-- sdi-ciremun-- "
                                       #                 . " dedulcxe-eteled--"
                                       #    . "n\n\"\ . . . PAWS/ edulcxe--"   
                                       #  . "gniht eerht ebyam . . . dna . . ."
                                       #            . "n\n\.yas ot hguone si s"
                                       #  . " ,snoitidda ro sterger fo esac nI"
                                       #  . "hc 2 evomer ,egassem siht tide ot"
                                       #. "latot eht morf ,emit a tan\sretcara"
                                       #  . "as eht htiw timbuser dna ,htgnel "
                                       # . "erp eht etirwrevo otn\,emanresu em"
                                       #  . "ne s'ereht ,yltnerruC .ypoc suoiv"
                                       # . " evig otn\ecapsetihw gniliart hguo"
                                       #  . "iht tide ot secnahc 1311 tuoba em"
                                       # . "urtn\gnitteg strats ffuts erofeb s"
                                       #  . "p siht decalper I fi dnA ? detacn"
                                       #  . "u(tnirp  n\htiw egassem txet nial"
                                       #    . " nehtn\;))"\ . . . "\(sserpmocn"
                                       #   ."emas eht otni tif dluoc txet erom"
                                       #              . "n\n\.ecaps fo tnuoma "
                                       #  . "on rof aranoyas / al sixg ,yawynA"
                                       #                                 ;)".w"
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 93   #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 87   #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 711  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 651  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 591  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 432  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 372  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 213  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 153  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 093  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 924  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 864  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 705  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 645  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 585  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 426  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 366  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 207  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 147  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 087  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 918  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 858  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 798  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 639  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 579  #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 4101 #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 3501 #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 2901 #
                                       #                 tide ot secnahc 1311 #

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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