n in a row by McBusLuck


Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


	ORG	00000H

	INC B			;0000	04 	. 
	RLA			;0001	17 	. 
	LD E,D			;0002	5A 	Z 
	LD E,(HL)			;0003	5E 	^ 
	LD E,E			;0004	5B 	[ 
	LD E,H			;0005	5C 	\ 
	LD D,076H		;0006	16 76 	. V 
	LD A,(HL)			;0008	7E 	~ 
	XOR 037H		;0009	EE 37 	. 7 
	INC HL			;000B	23 	# 
	PUSH HL			;000C	E5 	. 
To protect the system from spam, please input your favorite sport (hint: I believe its name must start with 'g', case insensitive)


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