+[<+]<[<],<[>-<-]>[----[<<[<]]<<[<]]>[.>]\x00 a\x0d y t l\x0d rewrite\x0d s i i\x0d t l t r\x0d e o user\x0d r god s\x0d d y e t\x0d a a\x0d easy u\x0d c error\x0d t a e\x0d i n a\x0d s v t l\x0d nowhere i k\x0d o special\x0d waterfall e y n\x0d m r l i\x0d a english o t\x0d n n bargain\x0d c a\x0d h l\x00 scrabble\x0d e\x0d destroy\x0d x t\x0d electric\x0d c r e m\x0d k u sample\x0d i t t o\x0d laleled r\x0d l t\x0d serial e a\x0d r l psychology\x0d p s\x0d h a\x0d nearby\x0d a b\x0d t e\x0d counter\x0d r\x0d ao\x00 s t\x0d eight w\x0d v eleven\x0d five n l\x0d o n v\x0d three hundred\x0d w\x0d one\x0d \x0d /* error with thousand */
Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).