uudecode by kodera

\xd70\xfd\xd7\xd78\xfc\x87\x87o\xdf\x10\xfd \xf5v\xcd\x03\x80\xd6 \x06\x06\xc9)$\xd0|b<\xf8

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


	ORG	00000H

	RST 10H			;0000	D7 	. 
	JR NC,$-1		;0001	30 FD 	0 . 
	RST 10H			;0003	D7 	. 
	RST 10H			;0004	D7 	. 
	JR C,$-2		;0005	38 FC 	8 . 
	ADD A,A			;0007	87 	. 
	ADD A,A			;0008	87 	. 
	LD L,A			;0009	6F 	O 
	RST 18H			;000A	DF 	. 
	DJNZ $-1		;000B	10 FD 	. . 
	JR NZ,$-9		;000D	20 F5 	  . 
	HALT			;000F	76 	V 
	CALL 08003H		;0010	CD 03 80 	. . . 
	SUB 020H		;0013	D6 20 	.   
	LD B,006H		;0015	06 06 	. . 
	RET			;0017	C9 	. 
	ADD HL,HL			;0018	29 	) 
	INC H			;0019	24 	$ 
	RET NC			;001A	D0 	. 
	LD A,H			;001B	7C 	| 
	LD H,D			;001C	62 	B 
	INC A			;001D	3C 	< 
	RET M			;001E	F8 	. 


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