Version info of languages

><> (fsh): 3b16018cb47f2f9ad1fa085c155cc5c0dc448b2d (

How your program is executed:

exec python3 /golf/local/fish/ $1

A+ (a+): Debian package: aplus-fsf-4.22.1-4

How your program is executed:

a+ -q $1

Ada (adb): Debian package: gnat-4.4+1.1 (

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

gnat make -gnat05 -g -O $1 -o a.out

Aheui (aheui): f1376d776b9a3940c6ead0b34e54b0dd07e6a2c1 (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/caheui/aheui -q $1

Arc (arc): arc3.tar (

How your program is executed:

cd /golf/local/arc3 && exec /golf/local/plt/bin/mzscheme -m -v -f as2.scm -e '(aload "/golf/test/'$1'")'

Asymptote (asy): Debian package: asymptote-2.13-2 (

How your program is executed:

exec asy -nosafe -q $1

Atlas (atl): c0bf5086c114278a86245d07a50ba2419cf440bf (

How your program is executed:

exec ruby3.2 /golf/local/atlas/atlas $1

AWK (awk): Debian package: mawk-1.3.3-15

How your program is executed:

exec mawk -f $1

Bash (sh): Debian package: bash-4.1-3 (

How your program is executed:

exec bash $1

Bash (builtins) (bash): Debian package: bash-4.1-3 (

How your program is executed:

exec bash $1

BASIC (bas): Debian package: yabasic-2.763-4

How your program is executed:

exec yabasic $1

bc (bc): Debian package: bc-1.06.95-2

How your program is executed:

BC_LINE_LENGTH=9999 exec bc -lq $1

Befunge (bef):
We are using the reference implementation.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/befunge -i -q $1

Befunge-98 (bef98):
We are using CBBI-2.1.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/ccbi-2.1/ccbi $1

Brainfuck (bf):
I think we are using this C interpreter, but I'm not sure...

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/bf $1

Burlesque (blsq): Burlesque e4e7ff873e2f7a9d99ca658a78a5cf3de60fe9b0 in github (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/Burlesque/main_golf --file $1

C (c): Debian package: gcc-4.6.1-2

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

gcc -g -O -lm $1

C# (cs): Debian package: mono-gmcs-2.6.7-5 (

How your program is executed:

exec mono a.out

How your program is compiled:

gmcs $1 -out:a.out -optimize

C++ (cpp): Debian package: g++-4.6.1-2

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

g++ -g -O $1

Chapel (chpl): Chapel 1.7.0 (

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

/golf/local/chapel-1.7.0/bin/linux32/chpl $1

CLC-INTERCAL (clci): Debian package: clc-intercal-1.0~4pre1.-94.-2-2

How your program is executed:

exec ./

How your program is compiled:

sick $1

Clojure (clj): Clojure 1.1.0 with clojure-contrib 1.1.0 (

How your program is executed:

exec java -cp /golf/local/clojure-1.1.0/clojure.jar:/golf/local/clojure-contrib-1.1.0/clojure-contrib.jar \
  clojure.main $1

COBOL (cob): Debian package: open-cobol-1.0-5 (

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

cobc -x -g -debug -free $1 -o a.out

Common LISP (l): Debian package: clisp-2.49-8 (

How your program is executed:

exec clisp $1

Crystal (cr):

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

exec /golf/local/crystal/bin/crystal build $1 -o a.out

Curry (curry): cyc version 0.9.11 (built on Mon Jun 11 10:35:49 CEST 2007) (

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

cyc $1

Cyan (cy): cyan-1.0.3.tgz (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/cyan $1

D (d): Digital Mars D Compiler v2.019 (

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

/golf/local/dmd2/bin/dmd -L-L/golf/local/dmd2/lib -I/golf/local/dmd2/src/phobos -g -O -ofa.out $1

D-compile-time (di): Digital Mars D Compiler v1.047 (

How your program is executed:

b=`basename $1 .di`
mv $1 $b.d
exec /golf/local/dmd/linux/bin/dmd -L-L/golf/local/dmd/lib -I/golf/local/dmd/src/phobos -c -ofa.out $b.d 2>&1

dc (dc): Debian package: dc-1.06.95-2

How your program is executed:

DC_LINE_LENGTH= exec dc -f $1

DOS (com): Debian package: dosemu-1.4.0+svn.2010-1 (

How your program is executed:

export HOME=/home/golf
tar -C $HOME -xzf /golf/local/dosemu.tgz
exec dosemu -quiet -dumb $1

Erlang (erl): Debian package: erlang-14.b.3-dfsg-2 (

How your program is executed:

export HOME=/home/golf
m=`basename $2 .erl`
erl -noshell -s $m m -s erlang halt

How your program is compiled:

export HOME=/home/golf
m=`basename $2 .erl`
mv test.erl $m.erl
erl -compile $m

Euphoria (exu): Euphoria Interpreter 3.1.1 for Linux (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/euphoria/bin/exu $1

FerNANDo (nand):
We are using the Python implementation 0.5.

How your program is executed:

exec python /golf/local/ $1

Fish (fish): Debian package: fish-1.23.1-2 (

How your program is executed:

exec fish $1

FlogScript (flog):

How your program is executed:

exec php5 /golf/local/FlogScript.php $1

Forth (for): Debian package: gforth-0.7.0+ds1-6 (

How your program is executed:

exec gforth $1 -e bye

Fortran (f95): Debian package: gfortran-4.6.1-2

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

gfortran -g -O $1

gas (s): Debian package: binutils-

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

gcc -g -lm $1

gnuplot (gplot): Debian package: gnuplot-4.4.0-1.1 (

How your program is executed:

exec gnuplot $1 2>&1

Go (go): go version go1.9.2 linux/386 (

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out 2>&1

How your program is compiled:

export PATH=/golf/local/gobin:$PATH
export GOROOT=/golf/local/go
export GOARCH=386
export GOOS=linux
/golf/local/go/bin/go build -o a.out $1

GolfScript (gs):
GolfScript is a stack oriented esoteric language invented by flagitious.

How your program is executed:

exec ruby /golf/local/golfscript.rb $1

goruby (grb): ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) (

How your program is executed:

exec /usr/local/bin/goruby-1.9 $1

Grass (grass):
We are using the OCaml interpreter written by YT.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/grass_ml $1

Groovy (groovy): Debian package: groovy-1.8.2-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec groovy $1
java -cp "$CP" groovy.ui.GroovyMain $1

gs2 (gs2): 827ade5d5f7ed8c690bb23724dd13df613fbf702 (

How your program is executed:

exec python /golf/local/gs2/ $1

Haskell (hs): The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.0.2

How your program is executed:

export LANG=C
exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

ghc-8.0.2 -O $1 -o a.out

Hexagony (hxg):

How your program is executed:

exec ruby1.9.1 /golf/local/hexagony/interpreter.rb $1

Icon (icn): Debian package: iconc-9.4.3-2

How your program is executed:

exec iconx ./test

How your program is compiled:

icont $1

Io (io): Io 20080209 (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/io_static $1

iogii (iog): iogii 0.1 (alpha)

How your program is executed:

exec ruby3.2 /golf/local/iogii $1

J (ijs): j602a (

How your program is executed:

export HOME=/tmp
exec /golf/local/j602/bin/jconsole $1

Java (java): Debian package: sun-java6-jdk-6.26-3 (

How your program is executed:

m=`basename $2 .java`
exec java $m

How your program is compiled:

m=`basename $2 .java`
mv $1 $
javac -g $

JavaScript (js): Debian package: spidermonkey-bin-7.0.1-2 (

How your program is executed:

exec smjs $1

Jelly (jelly): 2f7103853033b2f04a419ca737011dc4c4c22196 (

How your program is executed:

export PYTHONPATH=/golf/local/jellylanguage
exec python3 /golf/local/jellylanguage/jelly fu $1

jq (jq): Debian package: jq-1.4-2.1 (

How your program is executed:

exec jq -s -r -R -f $1

jq 1.6 (jq16): jq-1.6-145-ga9f97e9-dirty

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/jq16 -s -r -R -f $1

JVM (class): Debian package: sun-java6-jre-6.26-3 (

How your program is executed:

m=`basename $2 .class`
mv $1 $m.class
exec java $m

K (k): 81e95b395144f4b02fe8782ad87c1f218b511c43 (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/kona/k $1

Kite (kt): This is kite, version 1.0.3 (

How your program is executed:

exec kite $1

Labyrinth (lab):

How your program is executed:

exec ruby2.2 /golf/local/labyrinth/interpreter.rb $1

Lazy-K (lazy):
We are using the C interpreter written by irori.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/lazyk2 $1

LilyPond (ly): Debian package: lilypond-2.14.2-2 (

How your program is executed:

exec lilypond $1

LMNtal (lmn): lmntal-20080828 (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/lmntal-20080828/bin/lmnr `basename $1 .lmn`.jar -v0

How your program is compiled:

/golf/local/lmntal-20080828/bin/lmnc $1

Logo (logo): Debian package: ucblogo-5.5-2.1

How your program is executed:

exec ucblogo $1

Lua (lua): Debian package: lua5.1-5.1.4-10 (

How your program is executed:

exec lua $1

m4 (m4): Debian package: m4-1.4.16-2 (

How your program is executed:

exec m4 $1

make (mk): Debian package: make-3.81-8.1 (

How your program is executed: (note "ag_launcher" below is this script.)

exec /golf/ag_launcher -i /usr/bin/make -f $1

Malbolge (mal): Slightly modified reference implementation in C (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/malbolge $1

Maxima (max): Debian package: maxima-5.24.0-1

How your program is executed:

exec maxima --very-quiet -r 'batchload("'"$1"'")$'

Mind (mind): Mind Version 7 for UNIX mind7u06.tar.gz (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/mind7/kernel/obj/kernel test

How your program is compiled:

/golf/local/nkf -e $1 > test.src
/golf/local/mind7/bin/mind test /golf/local/mind7/lib/file | /golf/local/nkf

Minus (ms):
Minus is an esoteric language, with only 1 instruction operator, invented by flagitious.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/minus $1

MNNBFSL (bfsl): c6820766108596ba522d64b6d8581f5bbb4e526b (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/MNNBFSL/mnnbfsl $1

Nemerle (n): Debian package: nemerle-0.9.3+dfsg-2

How your program is executed:

exec mono out.exe

How your program is compiled:

ncc $1

Nibbles (nbb): 1.00 (

How your program is executed:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

/golf/local/nibbles/nibbles -hs $1
cd /golf/local/nibbles
ghc-8.0.2 -O /tmp/out.hs -o /tmp/a.out

ObjC (m): Debian package: gobjc-4.6.1-2

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

gcc -g -O -lm $1

OCaml (ml): Debian package: ocaml-3.12.0-7 (

How your program is executed:

exec ocaml $1

Octave (oct): Debian package: octave3.2-3.2.4-12 (

How your program is executed:

exec octave -q $1

PARI/GP (gp): Debian package: pari-gp-2.5.1-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec gp -f -q $1

Pascal (pas): Debian package: gpc-2.1-4.1.2-46

How your program is executed:

exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/crt*.o .
gpc -g -O $1

Pefunge (pef):
Pefunge is an esoteric language proposed by mame. There is only Japanese documentation about this language. The reference implementation.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/2dpi.rb $1

Perl (pl): Debian package: perl-5.14.2-9 (

How your program is executed:

export LANG=C
exec perl $1

Perl6 (pl6): This is Rakudo Perl 6. (
We are using this version.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/rakudo/install/bin/perl6 $1

PHP (php): Debian package: php5-cli-5.3.8-2 (

How your program is executed:

exec php5 $1

Piet (piet): npiet-1.3a (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/npiet-1.3a/npiet -q $1

Pike (pike): Debian package: pike7.6-core-7.6.112-dfsg-1+b1 (

How your program is executed:

exec pike $1

Postscript (ps): Debian package: ghostscript-9.02~dfsg-3 (

How your program is executed:

exec gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE $1

Prolog (pro): Debian package: swi-prolog-5.10.4-1.1 (

How your program is executed:

exec swipl -t m -q -s $1

Python (py): Debian package: python-2.7.2-8 (

How your program is executed:

exec python $1

Python3 (py3): Debian package: python3-3.2.3-5 (

How your program is executed:

exec python3 $1

QCL (qcl): qcl-0.6.3 (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/qcl-0.6.3/qcl -I /golf/local/qcl-0.6.3/lib -q $1

R (r): Debian package: r-base-2.13.1-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec /usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave $1

REBOL (reb): rebol-276 (

How your program is executed:

exec  /golf/local/rebol-276/rebol -vwq $1

REXX (rexx): Debian package: regina-rexx-3.5-4 (

How your program is executed:

exec rexx $PWD/$1

Ruby (rb): Debian package: ruby1.8- (

How your program is executed:

exec ruby $1

Ruby2 (rb2): Debian package: ruby2.2-2.2.3-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec ruby2.2 $1

Rust (rs): Rust 1.8.0 (

How your program is executed:

export LANG=C
exec ./a.out

How your program is compiled:

PATH=/golf/local/rust/bin:$PATH /golf/local/rust/bin/rustc $1 -o a.out

Scala (scala): Debian package: scala-2.9.1.dfsg-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec scala -nocompdaemon $1

Scheme (scm): Debian package: gauche-0.9.4-3 (

How your program is executed:

exec gosh $1

sed (sed): Debian package: sed-4.2.1-9 (

How your program is executed:

exec sed -f $1

Smalltalk (st): Debian package: gnu-smalltalk-3.2.4-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec gst $1

SNOBOL (sno): snobol4-1.4.1 (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/snobol4-1.4.1/snobol4 $1

Squirrel (nut): Squirrel 3.1 beta (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/SQUIRREL3/bin/sq $1

Tcl (tcl): Debian package: tcl8.5-8.5.10-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec tclsh $1

Universal Lambda (lamb):
Universal Lambda is proposed by flagitious. We are using the C interpreter written by irori.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/lamb $1

Unlambda (unl):
We are using the C interpreter written by Emil Jerabek.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/unlambda $1

VHDL (vhdl): broken probably :(

How your program is executed:

./`basename $2 .vhdl`

How your program is compiled:

mv $1 $2
ghdl -a $2
ghdl -e `basename $2 .vhdl`

Vim (vi): Debian package: vim-7.3.315-1+b1 (

How your program is executed:

cat > /tmp/out
TERM=dumb vi -s $1 /tmp/out > /dev/null 2>&1
cat /tmp/out

wake (wake):
We are using the C++ implementation.

How your program is executed:

ln -sf /golf/local/wake/std
exec /golf/local/wake/wake $1

Whirl (wr):
We are using the C++ interpreter.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/whirl $1

Whitespace (ws):
We are using the Haskell interpreter.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/wspace $1

x86 (out): Linux 2.6.32-5-xen-686 #1 SMP Mon Oct 3 09:00:14 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

How your program is executed: (note "ag_launcher" below is this script.)

chmod 755 $1
exec /golf/ag_launcher ./$1

xgawk (xgawk): Extensible GNU Awk 3.1.6 (build 20080101) with dynamic loading, and with statically-linked extensions (

How your program is executed:

exec xgawk -f $1

Xtal (xtal): xtal (

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/xtal.exe $1

z80 (z8b): Modified fMSX (
See this site for more detail.

How your program is executed:

exec /golf/local/z80golf $1

Zsh (zsh): Debian package: zsh-4.3.12-1 (

How your program is executed:

exec zsh $1

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