Twelve Days of Christmas by *yuko*

var i:byte;begin for i:=1to 12do
write("On the ",trim(copy("first secondthird fourthfifth sixth seven eigh  nin   ten   eleventwelf",i*6-5,6)),copy("th day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
",3-i div 7*2),("Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a")[ord(("\xea\xd8\xc5\xb1\x9e\x8ar[F1\x1b\x01")[i])..238-1div i*4]," partridge in a pear tree",(".!")[i div 12+1],^j^j)end.

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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