Twelve Days of Christmas by chocobi

for(int i;++i<13;){write('On the '+split("first second third four fif six seven eigh nin ten eleven twelf")[i-1]+(i>3?"th":"")+' day of Christmas,\nmy true love sent to me');for(int j=i;j>0;--j)write(j>1?split("Two turtle dove,Three French hen,Four calling bird,Five golden ring,Six geese a-lay,Seven swans a-swimm,Eight maids a-milk,Nine ladies danc,Ten lords a-leap,Eleven pipers pip,Twelve drummers drumm",",")[j-2]+(j>5?"ing,":"s,"):(i<2?"A":"And a")+" partridge in a pear tree"+(i>11?'!\n':'.\n'));}

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