Twelve Days of Christmas by inaniwa

#define Z "ing,\n"
i;l=233;main(){for(;printf("On the %.6s%s day of Christmas,\nmy true love sent to me\n%sA%s partridge in a pear tree%c\n\n","first\x00secondthird\x00four\x00\x00fif\x00\x00\x00six\x00\x00\x00seven\x00eigh\x00\x00nin\x00\x00\x00ten\x00\x00\x00eleventwelf"+i*6,i>2?"th":"","Twelve drummers drumm"Z"Eleven pipers pip"Z"Ten lords a-leap"Z"Nine ladies danc"Z"Eight maids a-milk"Z"Seven swans a-swimm"Z"Six geese a-lay"Z"Five golden rings,\nFour calling birds,\nThree French hens,\nTwo turtle doves,\n"+l,"nd a"-!i,l?46:33),l;l-="\x12\x13\x14\x13\x14\x18\x17\x15\x15\x16\x1a"[i++]);}

Note that non-ascii characters in the above source code will be escaped (such as \x9f).


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