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>]<[>++++[<<++++++++>>-]<-]>]<[-]++++++++[<++++++++>-]<+>]<.[-]+>>+<]>[[-]<]<]!Gur Cebwrpg Thgraoret RObbx bs Gur Havgrq Fgngrf' Pbafgvghgvba
ol  Sbhaqvat Snguref

Pbclevtug ynjf ner punatvat nyy bire gur jbeyq. Or fher gb purpx gur
pbclevtug ynjf sbe lbhe pbhagel orsber qbjaybnqvat be erqvfgevohgvat
guvf be nal bgure Cebwrpg Thgraoret rObbx.

Guvf urnqre fubhyq or gur svefg guvat frra jura ivrjvat guvf Cebwrpg
Thgraoret svyr.  Cyrnfr qb abg erzbir vg.  Qb abg punatr be rqvg gur
urnqre jvgubhg jevggra crezvffvba.

Cyrnfr ernq gur "yrtny fznyy cevag," naq bgure vasbezngvba nobhg gur
rObbx naq Cebwrpg Thgraoret ng gur obggbz bs guvf svyr.  Vapyhqrq vf
vzcbegnag vasbezngvba nobhg lbhe fcrpvsvp evtugf naq erfgevpgvbaf va
ubj gur svyr znl or hfrq.  Lbh pna nyfb svaq bhg nobhg ubj gb znxr n
qbangvba gb Cebwrpg Thgraoret, naq ubj gb trg vaibyirq.

**Jrypbzr Gb Gur Jbeyq bs Serr Cynva Inavyyn Ryrpgebavp Grkgf**

**rObbxf Ernqnoyr Ol Obgu Uhznaf naq Ol Pbzchgref, Fvapr 1971**

*****Gurfr rObbxf Jrer Cercnerq Ol Gubhfnaqf bs Ibyhagrref!*****

Gvgyr: Gur Havgrq Fgngrf' Pbafgvghgvba

Nhgube:  Sbhaqvat Snguref

Eryrnfr Qngr: Qrprzore, 1975  [RObbx #5]
[Guvf svyr jnf svefg cbfgrq ba Nhthfg 19, 2003]
[Zbfg erpragyl hcqngrq: Ncevy 14, 2006]

Rqvgvba: 11

Ynathntr: Ratyvfu

Punenpgre frg rapbqvat: HF-NFPVV


Nyy bs gur bevtvany Cebwrpg Thgraoret Rgrkgf sebz gur
1970'f jrer cebqhprq va NYY PNCF, ab ybjre pnfr.  Gur
pbzchgref jr hfrq gura qvqa'g unir ybjre pnfr ng nyy.


Gurfr bevtvany Cebwrpg Thgraoret Rgrkgf jvyy or pbzcvyrq vagb n svyr
pbagnvavat gurz nyy, va beqre gb vzcebir gur pbagrag engvbf bs Rgrkg
gb urnqre zngrevny.


Gur sbyybjvat rqvgvba bs Gur Pbafvghgvba bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf bs Nzrevpn
unf orra onfrq ba znal ubhef bs fghql bs n inevrgl bs rqvgvbaf, naq jvyy
vapyhqr pregnva inevnag fcryyvatf, chapghngvba, naq pncgvnyvmngvba nf jr
unir orra noyr gb ernfbanoyr nfpregnva orybatrq gb gur betvany.  Va pnfr
bs vagreany qvfpercnapvrf va gurfr znggref, zbfg be nyy unir orra yrsg.

Va bhe betvany rqvgvbaf gur yrggref jrer nyy PNCVGNYF, naq jr qvq abg qb
nalguvat nobhg pncvgnyvmngvba, pbafvfgrag be bgurejvfr, abe jvgu zbfg bs
gur chapghngvba, fvapr jr unq yvzvgrq chapgvbangvba va gubfr qnlf.

Guvf qbphzrag qbrf ABG vapyhqr gur nzraqzragf, nf gur Ovyy bs Evtugf jnf
bar bs bhe rneyvre Cebwrpg Thgraoret Rgrkgf, naq gur bguref jvyy or frag
va n frcnengr cbfgvat.


Jr jbhyq nfx gung nal Pbafvghgvbany fpubynef jbhyq cyrnfr gnxr n zvahgr,
be ybatre, gb fraq hf n abgr pbapreavat cbffvoyr pbeerpgvbaf.



Jr gur crbcyr bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, va Beqre gb sbez n zber cresrpg Havba,
rfgnoyvfu Whfgvpr, vafher qbzrfgvp Genadhvyvgl, cebivqr sbe gur pbzzba qrsrapr,
cebzbgr gur trareny Jrysner, naq frpher gur Oyrffvatf bs Yvoregl gb bhefryirf
naq bhe Cbfgrevgl, qb beqnva naq rfgnoyvfu guvf Pbafgvghgvba sbe gur
Havgrq Fgngrf bs Nzrevpn.

Negvpyr 1

Frpgvba 1.  Nyy yrtvfyngvir Cbjref urerva tenagrq funyy or irfgrq va n
Pbaterff bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, juvpu funyy pbafvfg bs n Frangr naq
Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf.

Frpgvba 2.  Gur Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf funyy or pbzcbfrq bs Zrzoref
pubfra rirel frpbaq Lrne ol gur Crbcyr bs gur frireny Fgngrf,
naq gur ryrpgbef va rnpu Fgngr funyy unir gur dhnyvsvpngvbaf erdhvfvgr
sbe ryrpgbef bs gur zbfg ahzrebhf oenapu bs gur Fgngr yrtvfyngher.

Ab Crefba funyy or n Ercerfragngvir jub funyy abg unir nggnvarq gb gur
Ntr bs gjragl svir Lrnef, naq orra frira Lrnef n pvgvmra bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
naq jub funyy abg, jura ryrpgrq, or na Vaunovgnag bs gung Fgngr va juvpu
ur funyy or pubfra.

Ercerfragngvirf naq qverpg Gnkrf funyy or nccbegvbarq nzbat
gur frireny Fgngrf juvpu znl or vapyhqrq jvguva guvf Havba,
nppbeqvat gb gurve erfcrpgvir Ahzoref, juvpu funyy or qrgrezvarq
ol nqqvat gb gur jubyr ahzore bs serr Crefbaf, vapyhqvat gubfr
obhaq gb Freivpr sbe n Grez bs Lrnef, naq rkpyhqvat Vaqvnaf abg gnkrq,
guerr svsguf bs nyy bgure Crefbaf.  Gur npghny Rahzrengvba funyy or znqr
jvguva guerr Lrnef nsgre gur svefg Zrrgvat bs gur Pbaterff bs gur
Havgrq Fgngrf, naq jvguva rirel fhofrdhrag Grez bs gra Lrnef,
va fhpu Znaare nf gurl funyy ol ynj Qverpg.  Gur ahzore bs
Ercerfragngvirf funyy abg rkprrq bar sbe rirel guvegl Gubhfnaq,
ohg rnpu Fgngr funyy unir ng yrnfg bar Ercerfragngvir;
naq hagvy fhpu rahzrengvba funyy or znqr, gur Fgngr bs Arj Unzcfuver
funyy or ragvgyrq gb puhfr guerr, Znffnpuhfrggf rvtug, Eubqr Vfynaq
naq Cebivqrapr Cynagngvbaf bar, Pbaarpgvphg svir, Arj Lbex fvk,
Arj Wrefrl sbhe, Craaflyinavn rvtug, Qrynjner bar, Znelynaq fvk,
Ivetvavn gra, Abegu Pnebyvan svir, Fbhgu Pnebyvan svir, naq Trbetvn guerr.

Jura inpnapvrf unccra va gur Ercerfragngvba sebz nal Fgngr, gur Rkrphgvir
Nhgubevgl gurerbs funyy vffhr Jevgf bs Ryrpgvba gb svyy fhpu Inpnapvrf.

Gur Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf funyy puhfr gurve Fcrnxre naq bgure Bssvpref;
naq funyy unir gur fbyr Cbjre bs Vzcrnpuzrag.

Frpgvba 3.  Gur Frangr bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf funyy or pbzcbfrq bs
gjb Frangbef sebz rnpu Fgngr, pubfra ol gur yrtvfyngher gurerbs,
sbe fvk Lrnef; naq rnpu Frangbe funyy unir bar Ibgr.

Vzzrqvngryl nsgre gurl funyy or nffrzoyrq va Pbafrdhrapr bs gur svefg Ryrpgvba,
gurl funyy or qvivqrq nf rdhnyyl nf znl or vagb guerr Pynffrf.  Gur Frngf bs
gur Frangbef bs gur svefg Pynff funyy or inpngrq ng gur rkcvengvba bs gur
frpbaq Lrne, bs gur frpbaq Pynff ng gur rkcvengvba bs gur sbhegu Lrne,
naq bs gur guveq Pynff ng gur rkcvengvba bs gur fvkgu Lrne, fb gung bar guveq
znl or pubfra rirel frpbaq Lrne; naq vs inpnapvrf unccra ol Erfvtangvba,
be bgurejvfr, qhevat gur erprff bs gur Yrtvfyngher bs nal Fgngr,
gur Rkrphgvir gurerbs znl znxr grzcbenel Nccbvagzragf hagvy gur
arkg zrrgvat bs gur Yrtvfyngher, juvpu funyy gura svyy fhpu Inpnapvrf.

Ab crefba funyy or n Frangbe jub funyy abg unir nggnvarq gb gur Ntr bs
guvegl Lrnef, naq orra avar Lrnef n Pvgvmra bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
naq jub funyy abg, jura ryrpgrq, or na Vaunovgnag bs gung Fgngr
sbe juvpu ur funyy or pubfra.

Gur Ivpr-Cerfvqrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf funyy or Cerfvqrag bs gur Frangr,
ohg funyy unir ab Ibgr, hayrff gurl or rdhnyyl qvivqrq.

Gur Frangr funyy pubbfr gurve bgure Bssvpref, naq nyfb n Cerfvqrag
ceb grzcber, va gur Nofrapr bs gur Ivpr-Cerfvqrag, be jura ur funyy
rkrepvfr gur Bssvpr bs Cerfvqrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf.

Gur Frangr funyy unir gur fbyr Cbjre gb gel nyy Vzcrnpuzragf.
Jura fvggvat sbe gung Checbfr, gurl funyy or ba Bngu be Nssvezngvba.
Jura gur Cerfvqrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf vf gevrq, gur Puvrs Whfgvpr
funyy cerfvqr: Naq ab Crefba funyy or pbaivpgrq jvgubhg gur Pbapheerapr
bs gjb guveqf bs gur Zrzoref cerfrag.

Whqtzrag va pnfrf bs Vzcrnpuzrag funyy abg rkgraq shegure guna gb erzbiny
sebz Bssvpr, naq qvfdhnyvsvpngvba gb ubyq naq rawbl nal Bssvpr bs ubabe,
Gehfg be Cebsvg haqre gur Havgrq Fgngrf:  ohg gur Cnegl pbaivpgrq funyy
arireguryrff or yvnoyr naq fhowrpg gb Vaqvpgzrag, Gevny, Whqtzrag naq
Chavfuzrag, nppbeqvat gb Ynj.

Frpgvba 4.  Gur Gvzrf, Cynprf naq Znaare bs ubyqvat Ryrpgvbaf sbe Frangbef naq
Ercerfragngvirf, funyy or cerfpevorq va rnpu Fgngr ol gur Yrtvfyngher gurerbs;
ohg gur Pbaterff znl ng nal gvzr ol Ynj znxr be nygre fhpu Erthyngvbaf,
rkprcg nf gb gur Cynprf bs puhfvat Frangbef.

Gur Pbaterff funyy nffrzoyr ng yrnfg bapr va rirel Lrne,
naq fhpu Zrrgvat funyy or ba gur svefg Zbaqnl va Qrprzore,
hayrff gurl funyy ol ynj nccbvag n qvssrerag Qnl.

Frpgvba 5.  Rnpu Ubhfr funyy or gur Whqtr bs gur Ryrpgvbaf,
Ergheaf naq Dhnyvsvpngvbaf bs vgf bja Zrzoref, naq n
Znwbevgl bs rnpu funyy pbafgvghgr n Dhbehz gb qb Ohfvarff;
ohg n fznyyre Ahzore znl nqwbhea sebz qnl gb qnl,
naq znl or nhgubevmrq gb pbzcry gur Nggraqnapr bs nofrag Zrzoref,
va fhpu Znaare, naq haqre fhpu Cranygvrf nf rnpu Ubhfr znl cebivqr.

Rnpu ubhfr znl qrgrezvar gur Ehyrf bs vgf Cebprrqvatf,
chavfu vgf Zrzoref sbe qvfbeqreyl Orunivbe, naq, jvgu gur
Pbapheerapr bs gjb-guveqf, rkcry n Zrzore.

Rnpu ubhfr funyy xrrc n Wbheany bs vgf Cebprrqvatf,
naq sebz gvzr gb gvzr choyvfu gur fnzr, rkprcgvat fhpu Cnegf nf znl
va gurve Whqtzrag erdhver Frperpl; naq gur Lrnf naq Anlf bs gur
Zrzoref bs rvgure Ubhfr ba nal dhrfgvba funyy, ng gur Qrfver bs
bar svsgu bs gubfr Cerfrag, or ragrerq ba gur Wbheany.

Arvgure Ubhfr, qhevat gur Frffvba bs Pbaterff, funyy, jvgubhg gur
Pbafrag bs gur bgure, nqwbhea sbe zber guna guerr qnlf, abe gb
nal bgure Cynpr guna gung va juvpu gur gjb Ubhfrf funyy or fvggvat.

Frpgvba 6.  Gur Frangbef naq Ercerfragngvirf funyy erprvir n Pbzcrafngvba
sbe gurve Freivprf, gb or nfpregnvarq ol Ynj, naq cnvq bhg bs gur Gernfhel
bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf.  Gurl funyy va nyy Pnfrf, rkprcg Gernfba, Srybal naq
Oernpu bs gur Crnpr, or cevivyrtrq sebz Neerfg qhevat gurve Nggraqnapr
ng gur Frffvba bs gurve erfcrpgvir Ubhfrf, naq va tbvat gb naq ergheavat
sebz gur fnzr; naq sbe nal Fcrrpu be Qrongr va rvgure Ubhfr,
gurl funyy abg or dhrfgvbarq va nal bgure Cynpr.

Ab Frangbe be Ercerfragngvir funyy, qhevat gur Gvzr sbe juvpu ur jnf ryrpgrq,
or nccbvagrq gb nal pvivy Bssvpr haqre gur nhgubevgl bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
juvpu funyy unir orra perngrq, be gur Rzbyhzragf jurerbs funyy unir orra
vapernfrq qhevat fhpu gvzr; naq ab Crefba ubyqvat nal Bssvpr haqre gur
Havgrq Fgngrf, funyy or n Zrzore bs rvgure Ubhfr qhevat uvf Pbagvahnapr
va Bssvpr.

Frpgvba 7.  Nyy Ovyyf sbe envfvat Erirahr funyy bevtvangr va gur
Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf; ohg gur Frangr znl cebcbfr be pbaphe jvgu
Nzraqzragf nf ba bgure Ovyyf.

Rirel Ovyy juvpu funyy unir cnffrq gur Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf naq
gur Frangr, funyy, orsber vg orpbzr n Ynj, or cerfragrq gb gur
Cerfvqrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf; Vs ur nccebir ur funyy fvta vg,
ohg vs abg ur funyy erghea vg, jvgu uvf Bowrpgvbaf gb gung Ubhfr
va juvpu vg funyy unir bevtvangrq, jub funyy ragre gur Bowrpgvbaf
ng ynetr ba gurve Wbheany, naq cebprrq gb erpbafvqre vg.
Vs nsgre fhpu Erpbafvqrengvba gjb guveqf bs gung ubhfr
funyy nterr gb cnff gur Ovyy, vg funyy or frag,
gbtrgure jvgu gur Bowrpgvbaf, gb gur bgure Ubhfr, ol juvpu
vg funyy yvxrjvfr or erpbafvqrerq, naq vs nccebirq ol gjb guveqf
bs gung Ubhfr, vg funyy orpbzr n ynj.  Ohg va nyy fhpu Pnfrf
gur Ibgrf bs obgu Ubhfrf funyy or qrgrezvarq ol Lrnf naq Anlf,
naq gur Anzrf bs gur Crefbaf ibgvat sbe naq ntnvafg gur Ovyy funyy or
ragrerq ba gur Wbheany bs rnpu Ubhfr erfcrpgviryl.  Vs nal Ovyy
funyy abg or erghearq ol gur Cerfvqrag jvguva gra Qnlf (Fhaqnlf rkprcgrq)
nsgre vg funyy unir orra cerfragrq gb uvz, gur Fnzr funyy or n Ynj,
va yvxr Znaare nf vs ur unq fvtarq vg, hayrff gur Pbaterff ol gurve
Nqwbheazrag cerirag vgf Erghea, va juvpu pnfr vg funyy abg or n Ynj.

Rirel Beqre, Erfbyhgvba, be Ibgr gb juvpu gur Pbapheerapr bs gur Frangr
naq Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf znl or arprffnel (rkprcg ba n dhrfgvba
bs Nqwbheazrag) funyy or cerfragrq gb gur Cerfvqrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf;
naq orsber gur Fnzr funyy gnxr Rssrpg, funyy or nccebirq ol uvz,
be orvat qvfnccebirq ol uvz, funyy or ercnffrq ol gjb guveqf bs
gur Frangr naq Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf, nppbeqvat gb gur Ehyrf
naq Yvzvgngvbaf cerfpevorq va gur Pnfr bs n Ovyy.

Frpgvba 8.  Gur Pbaterff funyy unir Cbjre gb ynl naq pbyyrpg Gnkrf, Qhgvrf,
Vzcbfgf naq Rkpvfrf, gb cnl gur Qrogf naq cebivqr sbe gur pbzzba Qrsrapr
naq trareny Jrysner bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf; ohg nyy Qhgvrf, Vzcbfgf naq Rkpvfrf
funyy or havsbez guebhtubhg gur Havgrq Fgngrf;

Gb obeebj Zbarl ba gur perqvg bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf;

Gb erthyngr Pbzzrepr jvgu sbervta Angvbaf, naq nzbat gur frireny Fgngrf,
naq jvgu gur Vaqvna Gevorf;

Gb rfgnoyvfu na havsbez Ehyr bs Anghenyvmngvba, naq havsbez Ynjf
ba gur fhowrpg bs Onaxehcgpvrf guebhtubhg gur Havgrq Fgngrf;

Gb pbva Zbarl, erthyngr gur Inyhr gurerbs, naq bs sbervta Pbva,
naq svk gur Fgnaqneq bs Jrvtugf naq Zrnfherf;

Gb cebivqr sbe gur Chavfuzrag bs pbhagresrvgvat gur Frphevgvrf
naq pheerag Pbva bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf;

Gb rfgnoyvfu Cbfg Bssvprf naq Cbfg Ebnqf;

Gb cebzbgr gur Cebterff bs Fpvrapr naq hfrshy Negf, ol frphevat
sbe yvzvgrq Gvzrf gb Nhgubef naq Vairagbef gur rkpyhfvir Evtug
gb gurve erfcrpgvir Jevgvatf naq Qvfpbirevrf;

Gb pbafgvghgr Gevohanyf vasrevbe gb gur fhcerzr Pbheg;

Gb qrsvar naq chavfu Cvenpvrf naq Srybavrf pbzzvggrq ba gur uvtu Frnf,
naq Bssrafrf ntnvafg gur Ynj bs Angvbaf;

Gb qrpyner Jne, tenag Yrggref bs Znedhr naq Ercevfny,
naq znxr Ehyrf pbapreavat Pncgherf ba Ynaq naq Jngre;

Gb envfr naq fhccbeg Nezvrf, ohg ab Nccebcevngvba bs Zbarl gb gung Hfr
funyy or sbe n ybatre grez guna gjb Lrnef;

Gb cebivqr naq znvagnva n Anil;

Gb znxr Ehyrf sbe gur Tbireazrag naq Erthyngvba bs gur ynaq naq aniny Sbeprf;

Gb cebivqr sbe pnyyvat sbegu gur Zvyvgvn gb rkrphgr gur Ynjf bs gur Havba,
fhccerff Vafheerpgvbaf naq ercry Vainfvbaf;

Gb cebivqr sbe betnavmvat, nezvat, naq qvfpvcyvavat, gur Zvyvgvn, naq sbe
tbireavat fhpu Cneg bs gurz nf znl or rzcyblrq va gur Freivpr bs gur
Havgrq Fgngrf, erfreivat gb gur Fgngrf erfcrpgviryl, gur Nccbvagzrag
bs gur Bssvpref, naq gur Nhgubevgl bs genvavat gur zvyvgvn nppbeqvat
gb gur qvfpvcyvar cerfpevorq ol Pbaterff;

Gb rkrepvfr rkpyhfvir Yrtvfyngvba va nyy Pnfrf jungfbrire,
bire fhpu Qvfgevpg (abg rkprrqvat gra Zvyrf fdhner) nf znl,
ol Prffvba bs cnegvphyne Fgngrf, naq gur Npprcgnapr bs Pbaterff,
orpbzr gur Frng bs gur Tbireazrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, naq gb
rkrepvfr yvxr Nhgubevgl bire nyy Cynprf chepunfrq ol gur Pbafrag
bs gur Yrtvfyngher bs gur Fgngr va juvpu gur Fnzr funyy or,
sbe gur Rerpgvba bs Sbegf, Zntnmvarf, Nefranyf, Qbpxlneqf,
naq bgure arrqshy Ohvyqvatf;--Naq

Gb znxr nyy Ynjf juvpu funyy or arprffnel naq cebcre sbe pneelvat
vagb Rkrphgvba gur sbertbvat Cbjref, naq nyy bgure Cbjref irfgrq
ol guvf Pbafgvghgvba va gur Tbireazrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
be va nal Qrcnegzrag be Bssvpre gurerbs.

Frpgvba 9.  Gur Zvtengvba be Vzcbegngvba bs fhpu Crefbaf nf nal
bs gur Fgngrf abj rkvfgvat funyy guvax cebcre gb nqzvg, funyy abg
or cebuvovgrq ol gur Pbaterff cevbe gb gur Lrne bar gubhfnaq rvtug
uhaqerq naq rvtug, ohg n Gnk be Qhgl znl or vzcbfrq ba fhpu Vzcbegngvba,
abg rkprrqvat gra qbyynef sbe rnpu Crefba.

Gur Cevivyrtr bs gur Jevg bs Unornf Pbechf funyy abg or fhfcraqrq, hayrff
jura va Pnfrf bs Eroryyvba be Vainfvba gur choyvp Fnsrgl znl erdhver vg.

Ab Ovyy bs Nggnvaqre be rk cbfg snpgb Ynj funyy or cnffrq.

Ab Pncvgngvba, be bgure qverpg, Gnk funyy or ynvq, hayrff va Cebcbegvba
gb gur Prafhf be Rahzrengvba urerva orsber qverpgrq gb or gnxra.

Ab Gnk be Qhgl funyy or ynvq ba Negvpyrf rkcbegrq sebz nal Fgngr.

Ab Cersrerapr funyy or tvira ol nal Erthyngvba bs Pbzzrepr be Erirahr
gb gur Cbegf bs bar Fgngr bire gubfr bs nabgure: abe funyy Irffryf obhaq gb,
be sebz, bar Fgngr, or boyvtrq gb ragre, pyrne, be cnl Qhgvrf va nabgure.

Ab Zbarl funyy or qenja sebz gur Gernfhel, ohg va Pbafrdhrapr
bs Nccebcevngvbaf znqr ol Ynj; naq n erthyne Fgngrzrag naq Nppbhag
bs gur Erprvcgf naq Rkcraqvgherf bs nyy choyvp Zbarl funyy or
choyvfurq sebz gvzr gb gvzr.

Ab Gvgyr bs Abovyvgl funyy or tenagrq ol gur Havgrq Fgngrf;
naq ab Crefba ubyqvat nal Bssvpr bs Cebsvg be Gehfg haqre gurz, funyy,
jvgubhg gur Pbafrag bs gur Pbaterff, npprcg bs nal cerfrag, Rzbyhzrag,
Bssvpr, be Gvgyr, bs nal xvaq jungrire, sebz nal Xvat, Cevapr,
be sbervta Fgngr.

Frpgvba 10.  Ab Fgngr funyy ragre vagb nal Gerngl, Nyyvnapr, be
Pbasrqrengvba; tenag Yrggref bs Znedhr naq Ercevfny; pbva Zbarl;
rzvg Ovyyf bs Perqvg; znxr nal Guvat ohg tbyq naq fvyire Pbva n Graqre
va Cnlzrag bs Qrogf; cnff nal Ovyy bs Nggnvaqre, rk cbfg snpgb Ynj,
be Ynj vzcnvevat gur Boyvtngvba bs Pbagenpgf, be tenag nal Gvgyr bs Abovyvgl.

Ab Fgngr funyy, jvgubhg gur Pbafrag bs gur Pbaterff, ynl nal Vzcbfgf be Qhgvrf
ba Vzcbegf be Rkcbegf, rkprcg jung znl or nofbyhgryl arprffnel sbe rkrphgvat
vg'f vafcrpgvba Ynjf: naq gur arg Cebqhpr bs nyy Qhgvrf naq Vzcbfgf,
ynvq ol nal Fgngr ba Vzcbegf be Rkcbegf, funyy or sbe gur Hfr bs gur Gernfhel
bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf; naq nyy fhpu Ynjf funyy or fhowrpg gb gur Erivfvba
naq Pbagebhy bs gur Pbaterff.

Ab Fgngr funyy, jvgubhg gur Pbafrag bs Pbaterff, ynl nal Qhgl bs
Gbaantr, xrrc Gebbcf, be Fuvcf bs Jne va gvzr bs Crnpr, ragre vagb nal
Nterrzrag be Pbzcnpg jvgu nabgure Fgngr, be jvgu n sbervta Cbjre, be
ratntr va Jne, hayrff npghnyyl vainqrq, be va fhpu vzzvarag Qnatre
nf jvyy abg nqzvg bs qrynl.


Frpgvba 1.  Gur rkrphgvir Cbjre funyy or irfgrq va n Cerfvqrag
bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf bs Nzrevpn.  Ur funyy ubyq uvf Bssvpr qhevat
gur Grez bs sbhe Lrnef, naq, gbtrgure jvgu gur Ivpr Cerfvqrag
pubfra sbe gur fnzr Grez, or ryrpgrq, nf sbyybjf:

Rnpu Fgngr funyy nccbvag, va fhpu Znaare nf gur Yrtvfyngher gurerbs znl qverpg,
n Ahzore bs Ryrpgbef, rdhny gb gur jubyr Ahzore bs Frangbef naq Ercerfragngvirf
gb juvpu gur Fgngr znl or ragvgyrq va gur Pbaterff:  ohg ab Frangbe be
Ercerfragngvir, be Crefba ubyqvat na Bssvpr bs Gehfg be Cebsvg haqre
gur Havgrq Fgngrf, funyy or nccbvagrq na Ryrpgbe.

Gur Ryrpgbef funyy zrrg va gurve erfcrpgvir Fgngrf, naq ibgr ol Onyybg
sbe gjb Crefbaf, bs jubz bar ng yrnfg funyy abg or na Vaunovgnag bs
gur fnzr Fgngr jvgu gurzfryirf.  Naq gurl funyy znxr n Yvfg bs
nyy gur Crefbaf ibgrq sbe, naq bs gur Ahzore bs Ibgrf sbe rnpu;
juvpu Yvfg gurl funyy fvta naq pregvsl, naq genafzvg frnyrq gb
gur Frng bs gur Tbireazrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, qverpgrq gb gur
Cerfvqrag bs gur Frangr.  Gur Cerfvqrag bs gur Frangr funyy,
va gur Cerfrapr bs gur Frangr naq Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf,
bcra nyy gur Pregvsvpngrf, naq gur Ibgrf funyy gura or pbhagrq.
Gur Crefba univat gur terngrfg Ahzore bs Ibgrf funyy or gur Cerfvqrag,
vs fhpu Ahzore or n Znwbevgl bs gur jubyr Ahzore bs Ryrpgbef nccbvagrq;
naq vs gurer or zber guna bar jub unir fhpu Znwbevgl, naq unir na rdhny
Ahzore bs ibgrf, gura gur Ubhfr bs Ercerfragngvirf funyy vzzrqvngryl
puhfr ol Onyybg bar bs gurz sbe Cerfvqrag; naq vs ab Crefba unir
n Znwbevgl, gura sebz gur svir uvturfg ba gur Yvfg gur fnvq Ubhfr
funyy va yvxr Znaare puhfr gur Cerfvqrag.  Ohg va puhfvat gur Cerfvqrag,
gur Ibgrf funyy or gnxra ol Fgngrf, gur Ercerfragngvba sebz rnpu Fgngr
univat bar Ibgr; n Dhbehz sbe guvf Checbfr funyy pbafvfg bs n Zrzore
be Zrzoref sebz gjb guveqf bs gur Fgngrf, naq n Znwbevgl bs nyy gur
Fgngrf funyy or arprffnel gb n Pubvpr.  Va rirel Pnfr, nsgre gur Pubvpr
bs gur Cerfvqrag, gur Crefba univat gur terngrfg Ahzore bs Ibgrf bs
gur Ryrpgbef funyy or gur Ivpr Cerfvqrag.  Ohg vs gurer fubhyq erznva
gjb be zber jub unir rdhny Ibgrf, gur Frangr funyy puhfr sebz gurz
ol Onyybg gur Ivpr Cerfvqrag.

Gur Pbaterff znl qrgrezvar gur Gvzr bs puhfvat gur Ryrpgbef,
naq gur Qnl ba juvpu gurl funyy tvir gurve Ibgrf; juvpu Qnl
funyy or gur fnzr guebhtubhg gur Havgrq Fgngrf.

Ab Crefba rkprcg n angheny obea Pvgvmra, be n Pvgvmra bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
ng gur gvzr bs gur Nqbcgvba bs guvf Pbafgvghgvba, funyy or ryvtvoyr gb
gur Bssvpr bs Cerfvqrag; arvgure funyy nal Crefba or ryvtvoyr gb gung
Bssvpr jub funyy abg unir nggnvarq gb gur Ntr bs guvegl svir Lrnef,
naq orra sbhegrra Lrnef n Erfvqrag jvguva gur Havgrq Fgngrf.

Va Pnfr bs gur Erzbiny bs gur Cerfvqrag sebz Bssvpr, be bs uvf Qrngu,
Erfvtangvba, be Vanovyvgl gb qvfpunetr gur Cbjref naq Qhgvrf bs gur
fnvq Bssvpr, gur Fnzr funyy qribyir ba gur Ivpr Cerfvqrag, naq gur
Pbaterff znl ol Ynj cebivqr sbe gur Pnfr bs Erzbiny, Qrngu, Erfvtangvba
be Vanovyvgl, obgu bs gur Cerfvqrag naq Ivpr Cerfvqrag, qrpynevat jung
Bssvpre funyy gura npg nf Cerfvqrag, naq fhpu Bssvpre funyy npg nppbeqvatyl,
hagvy gur Qvfnovyvgl or erzbirq, be n Cerfvqrag funyy or ryrpgrq.

Gur Cerfvqrag funyy, ng fgngrq Gvzrf, erprvir sbe uvf Freivprf,
n Pbzcrafngvba, juvpu funyy arvgure or rapernfrq abe qvzvavfurq qhevat
gur Crevbq sbe juvpu ur funyy unir orra ryrpgrq, naq ur funyy abg erprvir
jvguva gung Crevbq nal bgure Rzbyhzrag sebz gur Havgrq Fgngrf, be nal bs gurz.

Orsber ur ragre ba gur Rkrphgvba bs uvf Bssvpr, ur funyy gnxr gur
sbyybjvat Bngu be Nssvezngvba:--"V qb fbyrzayl fjrne (be nssvez) gung
V jvyy snvgushyyl rkrphgr gur Bssvpr bs Cerfvqrag bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
naq jvyy gb gur orfg bs zl Novyvgl, cerfreir, cebgrpg naq qrsraq gur
Pbafgvghgvba bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf."

Frpgvba 2.  Gur Cerfvqrag funyy or Pbzznaqre va Puvrs bs gur Nezl
naq Anil bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, naq bs gur Zvyvgvn bs gur frireny Fgngrf,
jura pnyyrq vagb gur npghny Freivpr bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf;
ur znl erdhver gur Bcvavba, va jevgvat, bs gur cevapvcny Bssvpre
va rnpu bs gur rkrphgvir Qrcnegzragf, hcba nal Fhowrpg eryngvat gb
gur Qhgvrf bs gurve erfcrpgvir Bssvprf, naq ur funyy unir Cbjre
gb tenag Ercevrirf naq Cneqbaf sbe Bssrafrf ntnvafg gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
rkprcg va Pnfrf bs vzcrnpuzrag.

Ur funyy unir Cbjre, ol naq jvgu gur Nqivpr naq Pbafrag bs gur
Frangr, gb znxr Gerngvrf, cebivqrq gjb guveqf bs gur Frangbef
cerfrag pbaphe; naq ur funyy abzvangr, naq ol naq jvgu gur Nqivpr
naq Pbafrag bs gur Frangr, funyy nccbvag Nzonffnqbef, bgure choyvp
Zvavfgref naq Pbafhyf, Whqtrf bs gur fhcerzr Pbheg, naq nyy bgure
Bssvpref bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, jubfr Nccbvagzragf ner abg urerva
bgurejvfr cebivqrq sbe, naq juvpu funyy or rfgnoyvfurq ol Ynj:
ohg gur Pbaterff znl ol Ynj irfg gur Nccbvagzrag bs fhpu vasrevbe Bssvpref,
nf gurl guvax cebcre, va gur Cerfvqrag nybar, va gur Pbhegf bs Ynj,
be va gur Urnqf bs Qrcnegzragf.

Gur Cerfvqrag funyy unir Cbjre gb svyy hc nyy Inpnapvrf gung znl unccra
qhevat gur Erprff bs gur Frangr, ol tenagvat Pbzzvffvbaf juvpu funyy
rkcver ng gur Raq bs gurve arkg frffvba.

Frpgvba 3.  Ur funyy sebz gvzr gb gvzr tvir gb gur Pbaterff
Vasbezngvba bs gur Fgngr bs gur Havba, naq erpbzzraq gb gurve
Pbafvqrengvba fhpu Zrnfherf nf ur funyy whqtr arprffnel naq rkcrqvrag;
ur znl, ba rkgenbeqvanel Bppnfvbaf, pbairar obgu Ubhfrf, be rvgure
bs gurz, naq va Pnfr bs Qvfnterrzrag orgjrra gurz, jvgu Erfcrpg gb
gur Gvzr bs Nqwbheazrag, ur znl nqwbhea gurz gb fhpu Gvzr nf ur funyy
guvax cebcre; ur funyy erprvir Nzonffnqbef naq bgure choyvp Zvavfgref;
ur funyy gnxr Pner gung gur Ynjf or snvgushyyl rkrphgrq, naq funyy
Pbzzvffvba nyy gur Bssvpref bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf.

Frpgvba 4.  Gur Cerfvqrag, Ivpr Cerfvqrag naq nyy pvivy Bssvpref bs gur
Havgrq Fgngrf, funyy or erzbirq sebz Bssvpr ba Vzcrnpuzrag sbe,
naq Pbaivpgvba bs, Gernfba, Oevorel, be bgure uvtu Pevzrf naq Zvfqrzrnabef.


Frpgvba 1.  Gur whqvpvny Cbjre bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, funyy or irfgrq
va bar fhcerzr Pbheg, naq va fhpu vasrevbe Pbhegf nf gur Pbaterff znl
sebz gvzr gb gvzr beqnva naq rfgnoyvfu.  Gur Whqtrf, obgu bs gur fhcerzr
naq vasrevbe Pbhegf, funyy ubyq gurve Bssvprf qhevat tbbq orunivbe,
naq funyy, ng fgngrq Gvzrf, erprvir sbe gurve Freivprf, n Pbzcrafngvba,
juvpu funyy abg or qvzvavfurq qhevat gurve Pbagvahnapr va Bssvpr.

Frpgvba 2.  Gur whqvpvny Cbjre funyy rkgraq gb nyy Pnfrf, va Ynj naq Rdhvgl,
nevfvat haqre guvf Pbafgvghgvba, gur Ynjf bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, naq Gerngvrf
znqr, be juvpu funyy or znqr, haqre gurve Nhgubevgl;--gb nyy Pnfrf nssrpgvat
Nzonffnqbef, bgure choyvp Zvavfgref naq Pbafhyf;--gb nyy Pnfrf bs nqzvenygl
naq znevgvzr Whevfqvpgvba;--gb Pbagebirefvrf gb juvpu gur Havgrq Fgngrf
funyy or n Cnegl;--gb Pbagebirefvrf orgjrra gjb be zber Fgngrf;--orgjrra n
Fgngr naq Pvgvmraf bs nabgure Fgngr;--orgjrra Pvgvmraf bs qvssrerag Fgngrf;
--orgjrra Pvgvmraf bs gur fnzr Fgngr pynvzvat Ynaqf haqre Tenagf bs
qvssrerag Fgngrf, naq orgjrra n Fgngr, be gur Pvgvmraf gurerbs,
naq sbervta Fgngrf, Pvgvmraf be Fhowrpgf.

Va nyy pnfrf nssrpgvat Nzonffnqbef, bgure choyvp Zvavfgref naq Pbafhyf,
naq gubfr va juvpu n Fgngr funyy or Cnegl, gur fhcerzr Pbheg funyy unir
bevtvany Whevfqvpgvba.  Va nyy gur bgure Pnfrf orsber zragvbarq, gur
fhcerzr Pbheg funyy unir nccryyngr Whevfqvpgvba, obgu nf gb Ynj naq Snpg,
jvgu fhpu Rkprcgvbaf, naq haqre fhpu Erthyngvbaf nf gur Pbaterff funyy znxr.

Gur Gevny bs nyy Pevzrf, rkprcg va Pnfrf bs Vzcrnpuzrag, funyy or ol Whel;
naq fhpu Gevny funyy or uryq va gur Fgngr jurer gur fnvq Pevzrf funyy
unir orra pbzzvggrq; ohg jura abg pbzzvggrq jvguva nal Fgngr, gur Gevny
funyy or ng fhpu Cynpr be Cynprf nf gur Pbaterff znl ol Ynj unir qverpgrq.

Frpgvba 3.  Gernfba ntnvafg gur Havgrq Fgngrf, funyy pbafvfg bayl va
yrilvat Jne ntnvafg gurz, be va nqurevat gb gurve Rarzvrf, tvivat gurz
Nvq naq Pbzsbeg.  Ab Crefba funyy or pbaivpgrq bs Gernfba hayrff ba
gur Grfgvzbal bs gjb Jvgarffrf gb gur fnzr bireg Npg, be ba Pbasrffvba
va bcra Pbheg.

Gur Pbaterff funyy unir cbjre gb qrpyner gur chavfuzrag bs Gernfba,
ohg ab Nggnvaqre bs Gernfba funyy jbex Pbeehcgvba bs Oybbq,
be Sbesrvgher rkprcg qhevat gur Yvsr bs gur Crefba nggnvagrq.


Frpgvba 1.  Shyy Snvgu naq Perqvg funyy or tvira va rnpu Fgngr gb gur
choyvp Npgf, Erpbeqf, naq whqvpvny Cebprrqvatf bs rirel bgure Fgngr.
Naq gur Pbaterff znl ol trareny Ynjf cerfpevor gur Znaare va juvpu fhpu Npgf,
Erpbeqf, naq Cebprrqvatf funyy or cebirq, naq gur Rssrpg gurerbs.

Frpgvba 2.  Gur Pvgvmraf bs rnpu Fgngr funyy or ragvgyrq gb nyy
Cevivyrtrf naq Vzzhavgvrf bs Pvgvmraf va gur frireny Fgngrf.

N Crefba punetrq va nal Fgngr jvgu Gernfba, Srybal, be bgure Pevzr,
jub funyy syrr sebz Whfgvpr, naq or sbhaq va nabgure Fgngr,
funyy ba Qrznaq bs gur rkrphgvir Nhgubevgl bs gur Fgngr sebz
juvpu ur syrq, or qryvirerq hc, gb or erzbirq gb gur Fgngr univat
Whevfqvpgvba bs gur Pevzr.

Ab crefba uryq gb Freivpr be Ynobe va bar Fgngr, haqre gur Ynjf gurerbs,
rfpncvat vagb nabgure, funyy, va Pbafrdhrapr bs nal Ynj be Erthyngvba gurerva,
or qvfpunetrq sebz fhpu Freivpr be Ynobe, Ohg funyy or qryvirerq hc ba Pynvz
bs gur Cnegl gb jubz fhpu Freivpr be Ynobe znl or qhr.

Frpgvba 3.  Arj Fgngrf znl or nqzvggrq ol gur Pbaterff vagb guvf Havba;
ohg ab arj Fgngrf funyy or sbezrq be rerpgrq jvguva gur Whevfqvpgvba
bs nal bgure Fgngr; abe nal Fgngr or sbezrq ol gur Whapgvba bs gjb
be zber Fgngrf, be Cnegf bs Fgngrf, jvgubhg gur Pbafrag bs gur
Yrtvfyngherf bs gur Fgngrf pbaprearq nf jryy nf bs gur Pbaterff.

Gur Pbaterff funyy unir Cbjre gb qvfcbfr bs naq znxr nyy arrqshy Ehyrf
naq Erthyngvbaf erfcrpgvat gur Greevgbel be bgure Cebcregl orybatvat
gb gur Havgrq Fgngrf; naq abguvat va guvf Pbafgvghgvba funyy or fb
pbafgehrq nf gb Cerwhqvpr nal Pynvzf bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf,
be bs nal cnegvphyne Fgngr.

Frpgvba 4.  Gur Havgrq Fgngrf funyy thnenagrr gb rirel Fgngr va guvf Havba
n Erchoyvpna Sbez bs Tbireazrag, naq funyy cebgrpg rnpu bs gurz ntnvafg
Vainfvba; naq ba Nccyvpngvba bs gur Yrtvfyngher, be bs gur Rkrphgvir
(jura gur Yrtvfyngher pnaabg or pbairarq) ntnvafg qbzrfgvp Ivbyrapr.


Gur Pbaterff, jurarire gjb guveqf bs obgu Ubhfrf funyy qrrz vg arprffnel,
funyy cebcbfr Nzraqzragf gb guvf Pbafgvghgvba, be, ba gur Nccyvpngvba bs
gur Yrtvfyngherf bs gjb guveqf bs gur frireny Fgngrf, funyy pnyy n Pbairagvba
sbe cebcbfvat Nzraqzragf, juvpu, va rvgure Pnfr, funyy or inyvq gb nyy Vagragf
naq Checbfrf, nf Cneg bs guvf Pbafgvghgvba, jura engvsvrq ol gur Yrtvfyngherf
bs guerr sbheguf bs gur frireny Fgngrf, be ol Pbairagvbaf va guerr sbheguf
gurerbs, nf gur bar be gur bgure Zbqr bs Engvsvpngvba znl or cebcbfrq ol
gur Pbaterff; Cebivqrq gung ab Nzraqzrag juvpu znl or znqr cevbe gb gur
Lrne bar gubhfnaq rvtug uhaqerq naq rvtug funyy va nal Znaare nssrpg
gur svefg naq sbhegu Pynhfrf va gur avagu Frpgvba bs gur svefg Negvpyr;
naq gung ab Fgngr, jvgubhg vgf Pbafrag, funyy or qrcevirq bs vg'f
rdhny Fhssentr va gur Frangr.


Nyy Qrogf pbagenpgrq naq Ratntrzragf ragrerq vagb, orsber gur Nqbcgvba
bs guvf Pbafgvghgvba, funyy or nf inyvq ntnvafg gur Havgrq Fgngrf
haqre guvf Pbafgvghgvba, nf haqre gur Pbasrqrengvba.

Guvf Pbafgvghgvba, naq gur Ynjf bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf juvpu funyy or znqr
va Chefhnapr gurerbs; naq nyy Gerngvrf znqr, be juvpu funyy or znqr,
haqre gur Nhgubevgl bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf, funyy or gur fhcerzr
Ynj bs gur Ynaq; naq gur Whqtrf va rirel Fgngr funyy or obhaq gurerol,
nal Guvat va gur Pbafgvghgvba be Ynjf bs nal Fgngr gb gur Pbagenel

Gur Frangbef naq Ercerfragngvirf orsber zragvbarq, naq gur Zrzoref bs gur
frireny Fgngr Yrtvfyngherf, naq nyy rkrphgvir naq whqvpvny Bssvpref,
obgu bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf naq bs gur frireny Fgngrf, funyy or obhaq
ol Bngu be Nssvezngvba, gb fhccbeg guvf Pbafgvghgvba; ohg ab eryvtvbhf
Grfg funyy rire or erdhverq nf n Dhnyvsvpngvba gb nal Bssvpr be choyvp Gehfg
haqre gur Havgrq Fgngrf


Gur Engvsvpngvba bs gur Pbairagvbaf bs avar Fgngrf, funyy or fhssvpvrag sbe gur
Rfgnoyvfuzrag bs guvf Pbafgvghgvba orgjrra gur Fgngrf fb engvslvat gur Fnzr.

Qbar va Pbairagvba ol gur Hanavzbhf Pbafrag bs gur Fgngrf cerfrag
gur Friragrragu Qnl bs Frcgrzore va gur Lrne bs bhe Ybeq bar
gubhfnaq frira uhaqerq naq rvtugl frira naq bs gur Vaqrcraqrapr bs gur
Havgrq Fgngrf bs Nzrevpn gur Gjrysgu        Va Jvgarff jurerbs Jr unir
urerhagb fhofpevorq bhe Anzrf,

Cerfvq. naq qrchgl sebz Ivetvavn

Arj Unzcfuver

Wbua Ynatqba
Avpubynf Tvyzna


Angunavry Tbeunz
Ehshf Xvat


Jz. Fnzy. Wbuafba
Ebtre Furezna

Arj Lbex

Nyrknaqre Unzvygba

Arj Wrefrl

Jvy: Yvivatfgba
Qnivq Oerneyrl
Jz. Cngrefba
Wban: Qnlgba


O Senaxyva
Gubznf Zvssyva
Ebog Zbeevf
Trb. Pylzre
Gubf SvgmFvzbaf
Wnerq Vatrefbyy
Wnzrf Jvyfba
Tbhi Zbeevf


Trb: Ernq
Thaavat Orqsbeq wha
Wbua Qvpxvafba
Evpuneq Onffrgg
Wnpb: Oebbz


Wnzrf Zpurael
Qna bs Fg Gubf. Wravsre
Qnay Pneebyy


Wbua Oynve--
Wnzrf Znqvfba We.

Abegu Pnebyvan

Jz. Oybhag
Evpu'q Qboof Fcnvtug
Uh Jvyyvnzfba

Fbhgu Pnebyvan

W. Ehgyrqtr
Puneyrf Pbgrfjbegu Cvapxarl
Puneyrf Cvapxarl
Cvrepr Ohgyre


Jvyyvnz Srj
Noe Onyqjva

Jvyyvnz Wnpxfba, Frpergnel


Guvf svyr fubhyq or anzrq pbafg11.gkg be pbafg11.mvc
Pbeerpgrq RQVGVBAF bs bhe rObbxf trg n arj AHZORE, pbafg12.gkg
IREFVBAF onfrq ba frcnengr fbheprf trg arj YRGGRE, pbafg11n.gkg

Cebwrpg Thgraoret rObbxf ner bsgra perngrq sebz frireny cevagrq
rqvgvbaf, nyy bs juvpu ner pbasvezrq nf Choyvp Qbznva va gur HF
hayrff n pbclevtug abgvpr vf vapyhqrq.  Guhf, jr hfhnyyl qb abg
xrrc rObbxf va pbzcyvnapr jvgu nal cnegvphyne cncre rqvgvba.

Jr ner abj gelvat gb eryrnfr nyy bhe rObbxf bar lrne va nqinapr
bs gur bssvpvny eryrnfr qngrf, yrnivat gvzr sbe orggre rqvgvat.
Cyrnfr or rapbhentrq gb gryy hf nobhg nal reebe be pbeerpgvbaf,
rira lrnef nsgre gur bssvpvny choyvpngvba qngr.

Cyrnfr abgr arvgure guvf yvfgvat abe vgf pbagragf ner svany gvy
zvqavtug bs gur ynfg qnl bs gur zbagu bs nal fhpu naabhaprzrag.
Gur bssvpvny eryrnfr qngr bs nyy Cebwrpg Thgraoret rObbxf vf ng
Zvqavtug, Prageny Gvzr, bs gur ynfg qnl bs gur fgngrq zbagu.  N
ceryvzvanel irefvba znl bsgra or cbfgrq sbe fhttrfgvba, pbzzrag
naq rqvgvat ol gubfr jub jvfu gb qb fb.

Zbfg crbcyr fgneg ng bhe Jro fvgrf ng:
uggc://thgraoret.arg be

Gurfr Jro fvgrf vapyhqr njneq-jvaavat vasbezngvba nobhg Cebwrpg
Thgraoret, vapyhqvat ubj gb qbangr, ubj gb uryc cebqhpr bhe arj
rObbxf, naq ubj gb fhofpevor gb bhe rznvy arjfyrggre (serr!).

Gubfr bs lbh jub jnag gb qbjaybnq nal rObbx orsber naabhaprzrag
pna trg gb gurz nf sbyybjf, naq whfg qbjaybnq ol qngr.  Guvf vf
nyfb n tbbq jnl gb trg gurz vafgnagyl hcba naabhaprzrag, nf gur
vaqrkrf bhe pngnybthref cebqhpr boivbhfyl gnxr n juvyr nsgre na
naabhaprzrag tbrf bhg va gur Cebwrpg Thgraoret Arjfyrggre.

uggc:// be

Be /rgrkg04, 03, 02, 01, 00, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 92,
91 be 90

Whfg frnepu ol gur svefg svir yrggref bs gur svyranzr lbh jnag,
nf vg nccrnef va bhe Arjfyrggref.

Vasbezngvba nobhg Cebwrpg Thgraoret (bar cntr)

Jr cebqhpr nobhg gjb zvyyvba qbyynef sbe rnpu ubhe jr jbex.  Gur
gvzr vg gnxrf hf, n engure pbafreingvir rfgvzngr, vf svsgl ubhef
gb trg nal rObbx fryrpgrq, ragrerq, cebbsernq, rqvgrq, pbclevtug
frnepurq naq nanylmrq, gur pbclevtug yrggref jevggra, rgp.   Bhe
cebwrpgrq nhqvrapr vf bar uhaqerq zvyyvba ernqref.  Vs gur inyhr
cre grkg vf abzvanyyl rfgvzngrq ng bar qbyyne gura jr cebqhpr $2
zvyyvba qbyynef cre ubhe va 2002 nf jr eryrnfr bire 100 arj grkg
svyrf cre zbagu:  1240 zber rObbxf va 2001 sbe n gbgny bs 4000+
Jr ner nyernql ba bhe jnl gb gelvat sbe 2000 zber rObbxf va 2002
Vs gurl ernpu whfg 1-2% bs gur jbeyq'f cbchyngvba gura gur gbgny
jvyy ernpu bire unys n gevyyvba rObbxf tvira njnl ol lrne'f raq.

Gur Tbny bs Cebwrpg Thgraoret vf gb Tvir Njnl 1 Gevyyvba rObbxf!
Guvf vf gra gubhfnaq gvgyrf rnpu gb bar uhaqerq zvyyvba ernqref,
juvpu vf bayl nobhg 4% bs gur cerfrag ahzore bs pbzchgre hfref.

Urer vf gur oevrsrfg erpbeq bs bhe cebterff (* zrnaf rfgvzngrq):

rObbxf Lrne Zbagu

    1  1971 Whyl
   10  1991 Wnahnel
  100  1994 Wnahnel
 1000  1997 Nhthfg
 1500  1998 Bpgbore
 2000  1999 Qrprzore
 2500  2000 Qrprzore
 3000  2001 Abirzore
 4000  2001 Bpgbore/Abirzore
 6000  2002 Qrprzore*
 9000  2003 Abirzore*
10000  2004 Wnahnel*

Gur Cebwrpg Thgraoret Yvgrenel Nepuvir Sbhaqngvba unf orra perngrq
gb frpher n shgher sbe Cebwrpg Thgraoret vagb gur arkg zvyyraavhz.

Jr arrq lbhe qbangvbaf zber guna rire!

Nf bs Sroehnel, 2002, pbagevohgvbaf ner orvat fbyvpvgrq sebz crbcyr
naq betnavmngvbaf va: Nynonzn, Nynfxn, Nexnafnf, Pbaarpgvphg,
Qrynjner, Qvfgevpg bs Pbyhzovn, Sybevqn, Trbetvn, Unjnvv, Vyyvabvf,
Vaqvnan, Vbjn, Xnafnf, Xraghpxl, Ybhvfvnan, Znvar, Znffnpuhfrggf,
Zvpuvtna, Zvffvffvccv, Zvffbhev, Zbagnan, Aroenfxn, Arinqn, Arj
Unzcfuver, Arj Wrefrl, Arj Zrkvpb, Arj Lbex, Abegu Pnebyvan, Buvb,
Bxynubzn, Bertba, Craaflyinavn, Eubqr Vfynaq, Fbhgu Pnebyvan, Fbhgu
Qnxbgn, Graarffrr, Grknf, Hgnu, Irezbag, Ivetvavn, Jnfuvatgba, Jrfg
Ivetvavn, Jvfpbafva, naq Jlbzvat.

Jr unir svyrq va nyy 50 fgngrf abj, ohg gurfr ner gur bayl barf
gung unir erfcbaqrq.

Nf gur erdhverzragf sbe bgure fgngrf ner zrg, nqqvgvbaf gb guvf yvfg
jvyy or znqr naq shaq envfvat jvyy ortva va gur nqqvgvbany fgngrf.
Cyrnfr srry serr gb nfx gb purpx gur fgnghf bs lbhe fgngr.

Va nafjre gb inevbhf dhrfgvbaf jr unir erprvirq ba guvf:

Jr ner pbafgnagyl jbexvat ba svavfuvat gur cncrejbex gb yrtnyyl
erdhrfg qbangvbaf va nyy 50 fgngrf.  Vs lbhe fgngr vf abg yvfgrq naq
lbh jbhyq yvxr gb xabj vs jr unir nqqrq vg fvapr gur yvfg lbh unir,
whfg nfx.

Juvyr jr pnaabg fbyvpvg qbangvbaf sebz crbcyr va fgngrf jurer jr ner
abg lrg ertvfgrerq, jr xabj bs ab cebuvovgvba ntnvafg npprcgvat
qbangvbaf sebz qbabef va gurfr fgngrf jub nccebnpu hf jvgu na bssre gb

Vagreangvbany qbangvbaf ner npprcgrq, ohg jr qba'g xabj NALGUVAT nobhg
ubj gb znxr gurz gnk-qrqhpgvoyr, be rira vs gurl PNA or znqr
qrqhpgvoyr, naq qba'g unir gur fgnss gb unaqyr vg rira vs gurer ner

Qbangvbaf ol purpx be zbarl beqre znl or frag gb:

 809 Abegu 1500 Jrfg
 Fnyg Ynxr Pvgl, HG 84116

Pbagnpg hf vs lbh jnag gb neenatr sbe n jver genafsre be cnlzrag
zrgubq bgure guna ol purpx be zbarl beqre.

Gur Cebwrpg Thgraoret Yvgrenel Nepuvir Sbhaqngvba unf orra nccebirq ol
gur HF Vagreany Erirahr Freivpr nf n 501(p)(3) betnavmngvba jvgu RVA
[Rzcyblrr Vqragvsvpngvba Ahzore] 64-622154.  Qbangvbaf ner
gnk-qrqhpgvoyr gb gur znkvzhz rkgrag crezvggrq ol ynj.  Nf shaq-envfvat
erdhverzragf sbe bgure fgngrf ner zrg, nqqvgvbaf gb guvf yvfg jvyy or
znqr naq shaq-envfvat jvyy ortva va gur nqqvgvbany fgngrf.

Jr arrq lbhe qbangvbaf zber guna rire!

Lbh pna trg hc gb qngr qbangvba vasbezngvba bayvar ng:



Vs lbh pna'g ernpu Cebwrpg Thgraoret,
lbh pna nyjnlf rznvy qverpgyl gb:

Zvpunry F. Uneg <uneg@cbobk.pbz>

Cebs. Uneg jvyy nafjre be sbejneq lbhe zrffntr.

Jr jbhyq cersre gb fraq lbh vasbezngvba ol rznvy.

**Gur Yrtny Fznyy Cevag**

(Guerr Cntrf)

Jul vf guvf "Fznyy Cevag!" fgngrzrag urer? Lbh xabj: ynjlref.
Gurl gryy hf lbh zvtug fhr hf vs gurer vf fbzrguvat jebat jvgu
lbhe pbcl bs guvf rObbx, rira vs lbh tbg vg sbe serr sebz
fbzrbar bgure guna hf, naq rira vs jung'f jebat vf abg bhe
snhyg. Fb, nzbat bgure guvatf, guvf "Fznyy Cevag!" fgngrzrag
qvfpynvzf zbfg bs bhe yvnovyvgl gb lbh. Vg nyfb gryyf lbh ubj
lbh znl qvfgevohgr pbcvrf bs guvf rObbx vs lbh jnag gb.

Ol hfvat be ernqvat nal cneg bs guvf CEBWRPG THGRAORET-gz
rObbx, lbh vaqvpngr gung lbh haqrefgnaq, nterr gb naq npprcg
guvf "Fznyy Cevag!" fgngrzrag. Vs lbh qb abg, lbh pna erprvir
n ershaq bs gur zbarl (vs nal) lbh cnvq sbe guvf rObbx ol
fraqvat n erdhrfg jvguva 30 qnlf bs erprvivat vg gb gur crefba
lbh tbg vg sebz. Vs lbh erprvirq guvf rObbx ba n culfvpny
zrqvhz (fhpu nf n qvfx), lbh zhfg erghea vg jvgu lbhe erdhrfg.

Guvf CEBWRPG THGRAORET-gz rObbx, yvxr zbfg CEBWRPG THGRAORET-gz rObbxf,
vf n "choyvp qbznva" jbex qvfgevohgrq ol Cebsrffbe Zvpunry F. Uneg
guebhtu gur Cebwrpg Thgraoret Nffbpvngvba (gur "Cebwrpg").
Nzbat bgure guvatf, guvf zrnaf gung ab bar bjaf n Havgrq Fgngrf pbclevtug
ba be sbe guvf jbex, fb gur Cebwrpg (naq lbh!) pna pbcl naq
qvfgevohgr vg va gur Havgrq Fgngrf jvgubhg crezvffvba naq
jvgubhg cnlvat pbclevtug eblnygvrf. Fcrpvny ehyrf, frg sbegu
orybj, nccyl vs lbh jvfu gb pbcl naq qvfgevohgr guvf rObbx
haqre gur "CEBWRPG THGRAORET" genqrznex.

Cyrnfr qb abg hfr gur "CEBWRPG THGRAORET" genqrznex gb znexrg
nal pbzzrepvny cebqhpgf jvgubhg crezvffvba.

Gb perngr gurfr rObbxf, gur Cebwrpg rkcraqf pbafvqrenoyr
rssbegf gb vqragvsl, genafpevor naq cebbsernq choyvp qbznva
jbexf. Qrfcvgr gurfr rssbegf, gur Cebwrpg'f rObbxf naq nal
zrqvhz gurl znl or ba znl pbagnva "Qrsrpgf". Nzbat bgure
guvatf, Qrsrpgf znl gnxr gur sbez bs vapbzcyrgr, vanpphengr be
pbeehcg qngn, genafpevcgvba reebef, n pbclevtug be bgure
vagryyrpghny cebcregl vasevatrzrag, n qrsrpgvir be qnzntrq
qvfx be bgure rObbx zrqvhz, n pbzchgre ivehf, be pbzchgre
pbqrf gung qnzntr be pnaabg or ernq ol lbhe rdhvczrag.

Ohg sbe gur "Evtug bs Ercynprzrag be Ershaq" qrfpevorq orybj,
[1] Zvpunry Uneg naq gur Sbhaqngvba (naq nal bgure cnegl lbh znl
erprvir guvf rObbx sebz nf n CEBWRPG THGRAORET-gz rObbx) qvfpynvzf
nyy yvnovyvgl gb lbh sbe qnzntrf, pbfgf naq rkcrafrf, vapyhqvat

Vs lbh qvfpbire n Qrsrpg va guvf rObbx jvguva 90 qnlf bs
erprvivat vg, lbh pna erprvir n ershaq bs gur zbarl (vs nal)
lbh cnvq sbe vg ol fraqvat na rkcynangbel abgr jvguva gung
gvzr gb gur crefba lbh erprvirq vg sebz. Vs lbh erprvirq vg
ba n culfvpny zrqvhz, lbh zhfg erghea vg jvgu lbhe abgr, naq
fhpu crefba znl pubbfr gb nygreangviryl tvir lbh n ercynprzrag
pbcl. Vs lbh erprvirq vg ryrpgebavpnyyl, fhpu crefba znl
pubbfr gb nygreangviryl tvir lbh n frpbaq bccbeghavgl gb
erprvir vg ryrpgebavpnyyl.


Fbzr fgngrf qb abg nyybj qvfpynvzref bs vzcyvrq jneenagvrf be
gur rkpyhfvba be yvzvgngvba bs pbafrdhragvny qnzntrf, fb gur
nobir qvfpynvzref naq rkpyhfvbaf znl abg nccyl gb lbh, naq lbh
znl unir bgure yrtny evtugf.

Lbh jvyy vaqrzavsl naq ubyq Zvpunry Uneg, gur Sbhaqngvba,
naq vgf gehfgrrf naq ntragf, naq nal ibyhagrref nffbpvngrq
jvgu gur cebqhpgvba naq qvfgevohgvba bs Cebwrpg Thgraoret-gz
grkgf unezyrff, sebz nyy yvnovyvgl, pbfg naq rkcrafr, vapyhqvat
yrtny srrf, gung nevfr qverpgyl be vaqverpgyl sebz nal bs gur
sbyybjvat gung lbh qb be pnhfr:  [1] qvfgevohgvba bs guvf rObbx,
[2] nygrengvba, zbqvsvpngvba, be nqqvgvba gb gur rObbx,
be [3] nal Qrsrpg.

Lbh znl qvfgevohgr pbcvrf bs guvf rObbx ryrpgebavpnyyl, be ol
qvfx, obbx be nal bgure zrqvhz vs lbh rvgure qryrgr guvf
"Fznyy Cevag!" naq nyy bgure ersreraprf gb Cebwrpg Thgraoret,

[1]  Bayl tvir rknpg pbcvrf bs vg.  Nzbat bgure guvatf, guvf
     erdhverf gung lbh qb abg erzbir, nygre be zbqvsl gur
     rObbx be guvf "fznyy cevag!" fgngrzrag.  Lbh znl ubjrire,
     vs lbh jvfu, qvfgevohgr guvf rObbx va znpuvar ernqnoyr
     ovanel, pbzcerffrq, znex-hc, be cebcevrgnel sbez,
     vapyhqvat nal sbez erfhygvat sebz pbairefvba ol jbeq
     cebprffvat be ulcregrkg fbsgjner, ohg bayl fb ybat nf

     [*]  Gur rObbx, jura qvfcynlrq, vf pyrneyl ernqnoyr, naq
          qbrf *abg* pbagnva punenpgref bgure guna gubfr
          vagraqrq ol gur nhgube bs gur jbex, nygubhtu gvyqr
          (~), nfgrevfx (*) naq haqreyvar (_) punenpgref znl
          or hfrq gb pbairl chapghngvba vagraqrq ol gur
          nhgube, naq nqqvgvbany punenpgref znl or hfrq gb
          vaqvpngr ulcregrkg yvaxf; BE

     [*]  Gur rObbx znl or ernqvyl pbairegrq ol gur ernqre ng
          ab rkcrafr vagb cynva NFPVV, ROPQVP be rdhvinyrag
          sbez ol gur cebtenz gung qvfcynlf gur rObbx (nf vf
          gur pnfr, sbe vafgnapr, jvgu zbfg jbeq cebprffbef);

     [*]  Lbh cebivqr, be nterr gb nyfb cebivqr ba erdhrfg ng
          ab nqqvgvbany pbfg, srr be rkcrafr, n pbcl bs gur
          rObbx va vgf bevtvany cynva NFPVV sbez (be va ROPQVP
          be bgure rdhvinyrag cebcevrgnel sbez).

[2]  Ubabe gur rObbx ershaq naq ercynprzrag cebivfvbaf bs guvf
     "Fznyy Cevag!" fgngrzrag.

[3]  Cnl n genqrznex yvprafr srr gb gur Sbhaqngvba bs 20% bs gur
     tebff cebsvgf lbh qrevir pnyphyngrq hfvat gur zrgubq lbh
     nyernql hfr gb pnyphyngr lbhe nccyvpnoyr gnkrf.  Vs lbh
     qba'g qrevir cebsvgf, ab eblnygl vf qhr.  Eblnygvrf ner
     cnlnoyr gb "Cebwrpg Thgraoret Yvgrenel Nepuvir Sbhaqngvba"
     gur 60 qnlf sbyybjvat rnpu qngr lbh cercner (be jrer
     yrtnyyl erdhverq gb cercner) lbhe naahny (be rdhvinyrag
     crevbqvp) gnk erghea.  Cyrnfr pbagnpg hf orsberunaq gb
     yrg hf xabj lbhe cynaf naq gb jbex bhg gur qrgnvyf.

Cebwrpg Thgraoret vf qrqvpngrq gb vapernfvat gur ahzore bs
choyvp qbznva naq yvprafrq jbexf gung pna or serryl qvfgevohgrq
va znpuvar ernqnoyr sbez.

Gur Cebwrpg tengrshyyl npprcgf pbagevohgvbaf bs zbarl, gvzr,
choyvp qbznva zngrevnyf, be eblnygl serr pbclevtug yvprafrf.
Zbarl fubhyq or cnvq gb gur:
"Cebwrpg Thgraoret Yvgrenel Nepuvir Sbhaqngvba."

Vs lbh ner vagrerfgrq va pbagevohgvat fpnaavat rdhvczrag be
fbsgjner be bgure vgrzf, cyrnfr pbagnpg Zvpunry Uneg ng:

[Cbegvbaf bs guvf rObbx'f urnqre naq genvyre znl or ercevagrq bayl
jura qvfgevohgrq serr bs nyy srrf.  Pbclevtug (P) 2001, 2002 ol
Zvpunry F. Uneg.  Cebwrpg Thgraoret vf n GenqrZnex naq znl abg or
hfrq va nal fnyrf bs Cebwrpg Thgraoret rObbxf be bgure zngrevnyf or
gurl uneqjner be fbsgjner be nal bgure eryngrq cebqhpg jvgubhg
rkcerff crezvffvba.]


Sample output:

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The United States' Constitution
by  Founding Fathers

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Title: The United States' Constitution

Author:  Founding Fathers

Release Date: December, 1975  [EBook #5]
[This file was first posted on August 19, 2003]
[Most recently updated: April 14, 2006]

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We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves
and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

Article 1

Section 1.  All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a
Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and
House of Representatives.

Section 2.  The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members
chosen every second Year by the People of the several States,
and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite
for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature.

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the
Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a citizen of the United States,
and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which
he shall be chosen.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among
the several States which may be included within this Union,
according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined
by adding to the whole number of free Persons, including those
bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed,
three fifths of all other Persons.  The actual Enumeration shall be made
within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the
United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years,
in such Manner as they shall by law Direct.  The number of
Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand,
but each State shall have at least one Representative;
and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire
shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island
and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six,
New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six,
Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive
Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers;
and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Section 3.  The Senate of the United States shall be composed of
two Senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof,
for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election,
they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes.  The Seats of
the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the expiration of the
second Year, of the second Class at the expiration of the fourth Year,
and of the third Class at the expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third
may be chosen every second Year; and if vacancies happen by Resignation,
or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any State,
the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the
next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of
thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States,
and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State
for which he shall be chosen.

The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate,
but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President
pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall
exercise the Office of President of the United States.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.
When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation.
When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice
shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence
of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal
from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor,
Trust or Profit under the United States:  but the Party convicted shall
nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and
Punishment, according to Law.

Section 4.  The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and
Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;
but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations,
except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year,
and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December,
unless they shall by law appoint a different Day.

Section 5.  Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections,
Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a
Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business;
but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day,
and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members,
in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

Each house may determine the Rules of its Proceedings,
punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the
Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.

Each house shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings,
and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may
in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the
Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of
one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the
Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to
any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

Section 6.  The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation
for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury
of the United States.  They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and
Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance
at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning
from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House,
they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected,
be appointed to any civil Office under the authority of the United States,
which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been
increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the
United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance
in Office.

Section 7.  All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the
House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with
Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and
the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the
President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it,
but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House
in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections
at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it.
If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that house
shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent,
together with the Objections, to the other House, by which
it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds
of that House, it shall become a law.  But in all such Cases
the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays,
and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be
entered on the Journal of each House respectively.  If any Bill
shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted)
after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law,
in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their
Adjournment prevent its Return, in which case it shall not be a Law.

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate
and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question
of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States;
and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him,
or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of
the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules
and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

Section 8.  The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties,
Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence
and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises
shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States,
and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws
on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,
and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities
and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing
for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right
to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas,
and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal,
and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use
shall be for a longer term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,
suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for
governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the
United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment
of the Officers, and the Authority of training the militia according
to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever,
over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may,
by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress,
become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to
exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent
of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be,
for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dockyards,
and other needful Buildings;--And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying
into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested
by this Constitution in the Government of the United States,
or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Section 9.  The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any
of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not
be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight
hundred and eight, but a Tax or Duty may be imposed on such Importation,
not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless
when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion
to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue
to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to,
or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence
of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account
of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be
published from time to time.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States;
and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall,
without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument,
Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince,
or foreign State.

Section 10.  No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or
Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money;
emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender
in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law,
or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties
on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing
it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts,
laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury
of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision
and Controul of the Congress.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of
Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any
Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or
engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger
as will not admit of delay.


Section 1.  The executive Power shall be vested in a President
of the United States of America.  He shall hold his Office during
the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President
chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct,
a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives
to which the State may be entitled in the Congress:  but no Senator or
Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under
the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot
for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of
the same State with themselves.  And they shall make a List of
all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each;
which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to
the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the
President of the Senate.  The President of the Senate shall,
in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives,
open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.
The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President,
if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed;
and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal
Number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately
chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have
a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House
shall in like Manner chuse the President.  But in chusing the President,
the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State
having one Vote; a Quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member
or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the
States shall be necessary to a Choice.  In every Case, after the Choice
of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of
the Electors shall be the Vice President.  But if there should remain
two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them
by Ballot the Vice President.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors,
and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day
shall be the same throughout the United States.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States,
at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to
the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that
Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years,
and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death,
Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the
said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the
Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation
or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what
Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly,
until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services,
a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during
the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive
within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the
following Oath or Affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that
I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,
and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States."

Section 2.  The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army
and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States,
when called into the actual Service of the United States;
he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer
in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to
the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power
to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States,
except in Cases of impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the
Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators
present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice
and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public
Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other
Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein
otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law:
but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers,
as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law,
or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen
during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall
expire at the End of their next session.

Section 3.  He shall from time to time give to the Congress
Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their
Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient;
he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either
of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to
the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall
think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers;
he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall
Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Section 4.  The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the
United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for,
and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


Section 1.  The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested
in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may
from time to time ordain and establish.  The Judges, both of the supreme
and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good behavior,
and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation,
which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

Section 2.  The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity,
arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties
made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;--to all Cases affecting
Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;--to all Cases of admiralty
and maritime Jurisdiction;--to Controversies to which the United States
shall be a Party;--to Controversies between two or more States;--between a
State and Citizens of another State;--between Citizens of different States;
--between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of
different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof,
and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

In all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls,
and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have
original Jurisdiction.  In all the other Cases before mentioned, the
supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact,
with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury;
and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall
have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial
shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.

Section 3.  Treason against the United States, shall consist only in
levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them
Aid and Comfort.  No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on
the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession
in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of Treason,
but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood,
or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.


Section 1.  Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the
public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.
And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts,
Records, and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section 2.  The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all
Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime,
who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State,
shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from
which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having
Jurisdiction of the Crime.

No person held to Service or Labor in one State, under the Laws thereof,
escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein,
be discharged from such Service or Labor, But shall be delivered up on Claim
of the Party to whom such Service or Labor may be due.

Section 3.  New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union;
but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction
of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two
or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the
Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules
and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging
to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so
construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States,
or of any particular State.

Section 4.  The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union
a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against
Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive
(when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary,
shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of
the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention
for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents
and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures
of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths
thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by
the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the
Year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect
the first and fourth Clauses in the ninth Section of the first Article;
and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it's
equal Suffrage in the Senate.


All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption
of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States
under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made
in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made,
under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme
Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby,
any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the
several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers,
both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound
by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious
Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust
under the United States


The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the
Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present
the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the Independence of the
United States of America the Twelfth        In Witness whereof We have
hereunto subscribed our Names,

Presid. and deputy from Virginia

New Hampshire

John Langdon
Nicholas Gilman


Nathaniel Gorham
Rufus King


Wm. Saml. Johnson
Roger Sherman

New York

Alexander Hamilton

New Jersey

Wil: Livingston
David Brearley
Wm. Paterson
Jona: Dayton


B Franklin
Thomas Mifflin
Robt Morris
Geo. Clymer
Thos FitzSimons
Jared Ingersoll
James Wilson
Gouv Morris


Geo: Read
Gunning Bedford jun
John Dickinson
Richard Bassett
Jaco: Broom


James Mchenry
Dan of St Thos. Jenifer
Danl Carroll


John Blair--
James Madison Jr.

North Carolina

Wm. Blount
Rich'd Dobbs Spaight
Hu Williamson

South Carolina

J. Rutledge
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
Charles Pinckney
Pierce Butler


William Few
Abr Baldwin

William Jackson, Secretary


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