I Smoke Two Joints When I Play Video Games FIXED
Language is selected by the extension of the file. See the list of supported languages to know the extension of your language.
I smoke two joints when I play video games, and at every 10,000 points, I smoke two joints!
Given a score for a game, how many joints were smoked in achieving that score?
exec is denied
rejudge feature is enabled
now post-mortem time, all source codes will be revealed
Sample input:_
Donkey Kong: 1,272,800
Galaga: 27,560,470
Pac Man: 3,333,360
Space Invaders: 257,500
Joust: 1,723,000
Frogger: 896,980
Ms. Pac Man: 933,580
Super Mario Bros: 1,455,200
Mega Man: 47,230,400
Dig Dug: 5,429,010
Centipede: 7,750,817
Breakout: 896
Defender: 79,976,975
Gauntlet: 5,615,337
Q*Bert: 37,163,080
Tetris: 999,999
Mario Bros: 5,424,920
Ikari Warriors: 1,799,000
Paperboy: 180,241
Dr. Mario: 9,999,900
Millipede: 10,627,331
Satan's Hollow: 45,088,085
1942: 13,636,680
Raiden: 1,541,160
Arkanoid: 1,158,560
Double Dragon: 470,220
Toobin': 4,435,753
Sample output:
Donkey Kong: 129 joints
Galaga: 2758 joints
Pac Man: 335 joints
Space Invaders: 27 joints
Joust: 174 joints
Frogger: 91 joints
Ms. Pac Man: 95 joints
Super Mario Bros: 147 joints
Mega Man: 4725 joints
Dig Dug: 544 joints
Centipede: 777 joints
Breakout: 2 joints
Defender: 7999 joints
Gauntlet: 563 joints
Q*Bert: 3718 joints
Tetris: 101 joints
Mario Bros: 544 joints
Ikari Warriors: 181 joints
Paperboy: 20 joints
Dr. Mario: 1001 joints
Millipede: 1064 joints
Satan's Hollow: 4510 joints
1942: 1365 joints
Raiden: 156 joints
Arkanoid: 117 joints
Double Dragon: 49 joints
Toobin': 445 joints
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | tails | 46 | 0.0151 | 2024/05/07 09:58:25 | 0B / 22B / 21B |
2 | teebee | 46 | 0.0153 | 2024/05/07 10:21:04 | 0B / 22B / 21B |
3 | Sisyphus | 46 | 0.0151 | 2024/05/07 11:03:28 | 0B / 20B / 22B |
4 | fuzzylojik | 48 | 0.0152 | 2024/05/07 22:46:46 | 0B / 21B / 23B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | teebee | 79 | 0.0210 | 2024/05/06 18:48:55 | 0B / 44B / 33B |
2 | voytxt | 79 | 0.0208 | 2024/05/07 02:07:32 | 0B / 44B / 33B |
3 | fuzzylojik | 79 | 0.0227 | 2024/05/07 22:20:33 | 0B / 44B / 33B |
4 | KrausRaus | 87 | 0.0212 | 2024/05/06 08:21:13 | 0B / 47B / 38B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | Fleur | 40 | 0.0144 | 2024/05/06 14:16:53 | 0B / 21B / 18B |
2 | teebee | 40 | 0.0147 | 2024/05/07 02:01:13 | 0B / 21B / 18B |
3 | fuzzylojik | 40 | 0.0140 | 2024/05/08 05:13:05 | 0B / 21B / 18B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | tails | 88 | 0.0154 | 2024/05/07 10:47:57 | 0B / 27B / 53B |
2 | tails | 85 | 0.0162 | 2024/05/20 14:43:21 | 0B / 26B / 52B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | tails | 53 | 0.0197 | 2024/05/07 10:27:37 | 0B / 27B / 18B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | Fleur | 999 | 0.0143 | 2024/05/13 18:47:58 | 0B / ?B / ?B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | tails | 21 | 0.0737 | 2024/05/17 13:50:51 | 6B / 11B / 4B |
2 | whio | 21 | 0.0704 | 2024/05/18 20:28:42 | 5B / 12B / 4B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | tails | 18 | 0.0202 | 2024/05/17 13:55:04 | 12B / 3B / 3B |
2 | whio | 19 | 0.0219 | 2024/05/20 07:45:04 | 14B / 3B / 2B |
Language Ranking_
Rank | Lang | User | Size | Score |
1 | Nibbles | tails | 18 | 10000 |
2 | gs2 | tails | 21 | 8571 |
3 | AWK | Fleur | 40 | 4500 |
4 | Perl | tails | 46 | 3913 |
5 | Bash (builtins) | tails | 53 | 3396 |
6 | Ruby2 | rotary-o | 62 | 2903 |
7 | Ruby | rotary-o | 62 | 2903 |
8 | JavaScript | teebee | 79 | 2278 |
9 | Python3 | fuzzylojik | 81 | 2222 |
10 | Python | fuzzylojik | 83 | 2168 |
11 | sed | tails | 85 | 2117 |
12 | Scala | rotary-o | 94 | 1914 |
13 | dc | Fleur | 999 | 180 |
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