strikethrough_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_Hbackspace converter FIXED


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Convert HTML-style strikethrough to "escaped" backspaces...


exec is denied

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Sample input:_

<s>Hello</s>Goodbye, world! My <del>slave-dri</del>boss decided to stall the project.

Sample output:

Hello^H^H^H^H^HGoodbye, world! My slave-dri^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hboss decided to stall the project.

Sample input:_

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer</title></head><body>
  <p>THE ADVEN<span>T</span>URES <strike>OF TO</strike>M SAWY<strike>E</strike>R BY <strike>
  MARK</strike> TWA<span>IN</span> (Sa<span>muel</span> Langhorne Clemens)
  <p>P R E F A C <span>E</span></p>
  <p>MO<del>ST of the adventures recorded <i>i</i>n t</del>his <del>book</del>
  reall<span>y occurred; one or</span> two were exper<span>iences of</span> my own,
  <del>the r</del>e<i>s</i>t thos<del>e of b<i>oys wh</i>o wer</del>e sc<b>hoolmates of
  mine. Huck Finn</b> is <span>dr</span>awn f<sup>rom li<i>fe;</i> Tom Sawyer</sup>
  <span>also, bu</span>t n<strike>ot <span>fro</span>m</strike> an individual--he is a
  combination <s>of the char</s>acteristics of <b>three boys whom I kn<i>ew</i>,
  a</b>n<i>d ther</i>efore belo<strike>ngs to the composite ord</strike><span>er</span>
  of ar<strike>chite</strike>cture<span>.</span></p>
  <p>The o<strike>dd super</strike>stitions touched upon were a<span>ll p</span>revalent
  amon<b>g</b> children a<del>nd slaves in the West at <span>th</span>e
  pe</del>ri<i>o</i>d of th<del>is story--that</del> is to say<i>, thir</i>ty or
  fort<del>y years a</del>go.</p>
  <p>Al<span>though</span> my book is intended main<sup>ly</sup> for the
  ente<i>rtainme</i>nt <b>of</b> boys <span>a</span>nd gi<b>rls, I hope it will not be
  shunned</b> by men and wome<sup>n <span>o</span>n t</sup>hat account, for part of my
  plan has <sup><span>b</span>een</sup> to try to plea<del>sa<span>n</span>tly
  remind</del> adults of what the<i>y once we</i>re the<del>mselves</del>, and of how
  the<span>y f</span>elt and thought an<sup>d</sup> talked, <sup>and <span>what
  q</span>ueer enterprises</sup> they sometime<strike>s e</strike>ngaged in.</p>
  <p><s>THE AUTHOR</s>.</p>
  <p>HARTFOR<b>D, 1</b>876.</p>
  <p>T O M <i>S A W</i> Y <del>E</del> R</p>
  <p>CHA<b>PTER</b> I</p>
  <p>No answ<del>er</del><span>.</span></p>
  <p>"TOM!" No answer<span>.</span></p>
  <p><span>"What's gone w</span>ith that<del> boy, I w</del>onder? You TOM!"</p>
  <p><span>N</span>o answer.</p>
  <p><span>The o</span>ld <sup>lady pulled her spe</sup>ct<span>a</span>cles down and
  looked o<strike>ver them</strike> abo<span>ut the room; the</span>n she put the<s>m
  up</s> and looked out under them. She <sup>seldo</sup>m or never looked THROUGH them
  for s<sup>o</sup> <span>sm</span>all a thin<sup>g as a <span>bo</span>y; the</sup>y
  were her sta<del>te pa<i>i</i>r, the pride o</del>f her heart, and were
  <b>b<span>uilt</span> for</b> "style," not service--s<span>he cou</span>ld have
  se<i>e</i>n through a pair of <span>stove-lids</span> just as <del>we</del><i>ll.</i>
  She looked perp<b>lexe<span>d</span> for a momen</b>t, and then sai<b>d,</b> not
  fiercely, but st<i>ill loud</i> enough for th<strike>e</strike> furniture to
  <p><i>"Well, I l</i>ay if I get <sup>hold of</sup> you I'll--"</p>
  <p><i>She di</i>d not finish, for by thi<strike>s ti</strike>me <span>sh</span>e
  wa<strike>s bendi</strike>ng down and punching un<i>der the</i> bed with the
  <span>broo</span>m, and <b>so sh</b>e nee<strike><i>d</i>ed bre</strike>ath to
  punctuate the <i>punc</i>hes with. She res<del>urrec<i>t</i>ed</del> nothing b<i>ut
  t</i>he cat<i>.</i></p>
  <p><s>"I never did <span>see</span> the beat of</s> that b<i>oy!</i>"</p>
  <p>She went to the open door and <span>stoo</span>d i<span>n</span> it and
  lo<sup>o</sup>ked out amon<i>g the tomato v</i>ines and "ji<s>mpson</s>" <span>weeds
  that constitut</span>ed the garden. <del><i>N</i>o T</del>om.<i>So she l</i>ifted <b>up
  her voice at an angl</b>e <i>calcu</i>lated for distanc<strike>e</strike> and
  <p>"Y-o-u-u TO<s>M</s>!"</p>
  <p>T<span>here</span> was a slight n<b>oise behind</b> her and she turned just <span>in
  t</span>ime to seiz<i>e a small</i> boy by the slack of <b>h</b>is roundabout and
  arrest his flight.</p>
  <p>"There! I might '<i>a</i>' <strike>thou</strike>ght of <span>that clo</span>set.
  W<s>ha</s>t you b<i>een doing</i> in t<b>here?</b>"</p>
  <p>"Noth<i>ing! Look at</i> your ha<s><span>nd</span>s.</s> And look at your
  mout<del><span>h</span>. What</del> IS that tr<sup>u</sup>c<i>k?"</i></p>
  <p>"<b>I <span>don't know</span>, au</b>nt." "Well, I know. I<b>t<i>'</i>s</b>
  jam--<i>that'</i>s what it is. Forty time<b>s I've sa</b>id if you didn't let that jam
  alone I'd s<b>k</b>in yo<span>u</span>. Han<strike>d me that switch.</strike>"</p>
  <p>The swi<span>tch hove</span>red in the air--t<strike>he peri</strike>l
  w<span>a</span>s d<s>espera</s>te--</p>
  <p>"My! Look be<span>hin</span>d you, aunt!" <span>T</span>he ol<s>d lady whirled
  round, <span>an</span>d snatc</s><i>hed her skirts</i> out o<strike>f danger.
  T</strike>he lad fled on the instant, scrambl<b><i>e</i>d u</b>p the h<i>i</i>gh
  board<s>-</s>fence, <i>a</i>nd disappe<strike>ared ov</strike>er it.</p>
  <p>His aunt Polly <span>st</span>ood surp<strike>ri<span>se</span>d a</strike> moment,
  and then brok<del>e into</del> a <span>gent</span>le laugh<i>.</i></p>

Sample output:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer</title></head><body>
  <p>THE ADVEN<span>T</span>URES OF TO^H^H^H^H^HM SAWYE^HR BY <strike>
  MARK</strike> TWA<span>IN</span> (Sa<span>muel</span> Langhorne Clemens)
  <p>P R E F A C <span>E</span></p>
  <p>MOST of the adventures recorded <i>i</i>n t^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hhis book^H^H^H^H
  reall<span>y occurred; one or</span> two were exper<span>iences of</span> my own,
  the r^H^H^H^H^He<i>s</i>t those of b<i>oys wh</i>o wer^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^He sc<b>hoolmates of
  mine. Huck Finn</b> is <span>dr</span>awn f<sup>rom li<i>fe;</i> Tom Sawyer</sup>
  <span>also, bu</span>t not <span>fro</span>m^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H an individual--he is a
  combination of the char^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hacteristics of <b>three boys whom I kn<i>ew</i>,
  a</b>n<i>d ther</i>efore belongs to the composite ord^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H<span>er</span>
  of archite^H^H^H^H^Hcture<span>.</span></p>
  <p>The odd super^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hstitions touched upon were a<span>ll p</span>revalent
  amon<b>g</b> children a<del>nd slaves in the West at <span>th</span>e
  pe</del>ri<i>o</i>d of this story--that^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H is to say<i>, thir</i>ty or
  forty years a^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hgo.</p>
  <p>Al<span>though</span> my book is intended main<sup>ly</sup> for the
  ente<i>rtainme</i>nt <b>of</b> boys <span>a</span>nd gi<b>rls, I hope it will not be
  shunned</b> by men and wome<sup>n <span>o</span>n t</sup>hat account, for part of my
  plan has <sup><span>b</span>een</sup> to try to plea<del>sa<span>n</span>tly
  remind</del> adults of what the<i>y once we</i>re themselves^H^H^H^H^H^H^H, and of how
  the<span>y f</span>elt and thought an<sup>d</sup> talked, <sup>and <span>what
  q</span>ueer enterprises</sup> they sometimes e^H^H^Hngaged in.</p>
  <p>THE AUTHOR^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H.</p>
  <p>HARTFOR<b>D, 1</b>876.</p>
  <p>T O M <i>S A W</i> Y E^H R</p>
  <p>CHA<b>PTER</b> I</p>
  <p>No answer^H^H<span>.</span></p>
  <p>"TOM!" No answer<span>.</span></p>
  <p><span>"What's gone w</span>ith that boy, I w^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Honder? You TOM!"</p>
  <p><span>N</span>o answer.</p>
  <p><span>The o</span>ld <sup>lady pulled her spe</sup>ct<span>a</span>cles down and
  looked over them^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H abo<span>ut the room; the</span>n she put the<s>m
  up</s> and looked out under them. She <sup>seldo</sup>m or never looked THROUGH them
  for s<sup>o</sup> <span>sm</span>all a thin<sup>g as a <span>bo</span>y; the</sup>y
  were her state pa<i>i</i>r, the pride o^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hf her heart, and were
  <b>b<span>uilt</span> for</b> "style," not service--s<span>he cou</span>ld have
  se<i>e</i>n through a pair of <span>stove-lids</span> just as we^H^H<i>ll.</i>
  She looked perp<b>lexe<span>d</span> for a momen</b>t, and then sai<b>d,</b> not
  fiercely, but st<i>ill loud</i> enough for the^H furniture to
  <p><i>"Well, I l</i>ay if I get <sup>hold of</sup> you I'll--"</p>
  <p><i>She di</i>d not finish, for by this ti^H^H^H^Hme <span>sh</span>e
  was bendi^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hng down and punching un<i>der the</i> bed with the
  <span>broo</span>m, and <b>so sh</b>e nee<i>d</i>ed bre^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hath to
  punctuate the <i>punc</i>hes with. She resurrec<i>t</i>ed^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H nothing b<i>ut
  t</i>he cat<i>.</i></p>
  <p>"I never did <span>see</span> the beat of^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H that b<i>oy!</i>"</p>
  <p>She went to the open door and <span>stoo</span>d i<span>n</span> it and
  lo<sup>o</sup>ked out amon<i>g the tomato v</i>ines and "jimpson^H^H^H^H^H" <span>weeds
  that constitut</span>ed the garden. <i>N</i>o T^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hom.<i>So she l</i>ifted <b>up
  her voice at an angl</b>e <i>calcu</i>lated for distance^H and
  <p>"Y-o-u-u TOM^H!"</p>
  <p>T<span>here</span> was a slight n<b>oise behind</b> her and she turned just <span>in
  t</span>ime to seiz<i>e a small</i> boy by the slack of <b>h</b>is roundabout and
  arrest his flight.</p>
  <p>"There! I might '<i>a</i>' thou^H^H^H^Hght of <span>that clo</span>set.
  Wha^H^Ht you b<i>een doing</i> in t<b>here?</b>"</p>
  <p>"Noth<i>ing! Look at</i> your ha<span>nd</span>s.^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H And look at your
  mout<span>h</span>. What^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H IS that tr<sup>u</sup>c<i>k?"</i></p>
  <p>"<b>I <span>don't know</span>, au</b>nt." "Well, I know. I<b>t<i>'</i>s</b>
  jam--<i>that'</i>s what it is. Forty time<b>s I've sa</b>id if you didn't let that jam
  alone I'd s<b>k</b>in yo<span>u</span>. Hand me that switch.^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H"</p>
  <p>The swi<span>tch hove</span>red in the air--the peri^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hl
  w<span>a</span>s despera^H^H^H^H^H^Hte--</p>
  <p>"My! Look be<span>hin</span>d you, aunt!" <span>T</span>he ol<s>d lady whirled
  round, <span>an</span>d snatc</s><i>hed her skirts</i> out o<strike>f danger.
  T</strike>he lad fled on the instant, scrambl<b><i>e</i>d u</b>p the h<i>i</i>gh
  board-^Hfence, <i>a</i>nd disappeared ov^H^H^H^H^H^H^Her it.</p>
  <p>His aunt Polly <span>st</span>ood surpri<span>se</span>d a^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H moment,
  and then broke into^H^H^H^H^H^H a <span>gent</span>le laugh<i>.</i></p>

Sample input:_

Reader, suppose you were <strike>an idiot</strike>a genius. And suppose you were a <del>member of Congress</del>truck driver. But I repeat myself.
  -- <s>Mark Twain</s>Anonymous

Sample output:

Reader, suppose you were an idiot^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Ha genius. And suppose you were a member of Congress^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Htruck driver. But I repeat myself.
  -- Mark Twain^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HAnonymous


Ruby _

1yvl580.00632011/01/07 05:39:330B / 20B / 36B
2leonid580.00772011/01/07 21:54:420B / 21B / 35B
3shinh590.02872011/01/20 02:41:510B / 23B / 34B
4J-_-L600.01092011/01/06 23:11:000B / 23B / 35B
5eban600.01142011/01/07 15:55:310B / 23B / 35B
6leonid (yvl)570.02292011/01/20 11:52:410B / 20B / 35B

Perl _

1teebee560.00372011/01/07 17:32:430B / 22B / 31B
2nai560.00402011/01/07 20:57:370B / 22B / 31B
3leonid560.01202011/01/07 21:56:540B / 23B / 30B
4eban580.00372011/01/07 15:54:400B / 25B / 30B
5nai550.00582011/01/20 15:04:110B / 22B / 30B
6ninjalj630.00562011/02/14 06:31:410B / 32B / 30B

Python _

1leonid1090.08372011/01/07 21:56:290B / 61B / 44B
2hallvabo1100.08832011/01/06 22:47:410B / 63B / 43B
3twobit1100.08392011/01/06 22:59:200B / 62B / 45B
4recursive1130.08972011/01/20 06:06:170B / 64B / 44B
5leonid (yvl)1080.09122011/01/20 11:53:090B / 60B / 44B

JavaScript _

1nn970.00952011/01/06 14:07:290B / 50B / 47B
2xulapp1000.01372011/01/07 21:36:500B / 53B / 47B
3idealmachine1010.00822011/01/06 10:16:400B / ?B / ?B

OCaml _

1m.ukai3680.17292011/01/17 23:23:540B / 165B / 170B

sed _

1GeoJ1010.03852011/01/16 14:08:460B / 27B / 69B
2tails850.04012020/01/29 15:40:420B / 16B / 65B

Vim _

1nn740.17802011/01/07 01:35:260B / 24B / 47B

Groovy _

1nn776.21572011/01/06 22:03:070B / 38B / 39B

Language Ranking_

2Rubyleonid (yvl)579649
7Pythonleonid (yvl)1085092

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