User ranking

| Overall | ><> | A+ | Ada | Aheui | Arc | Asymptote | Atlas | AWK | Bash | Bash (builtins) | BASIC | bc | Befunge | Befunge-98 | Brainfuck | Burlesque | C | C# | C++ | Chapel | CLC-INTERCAL | Clojure | COBOL | Common LISP | Crystal | Curry | Cyan | D | D-compile-time | dc | DOS | Erlang | Euphoria | FerNANDo | Fish | FlogScript | Forth | Fortran | gas | gnuplot | Go | GolfScript | goruby | Grass | Groovy | gs2 | Haskell | Hexagony | Icon | Io | J | Java | JavaScript | Jelly | jq | jq 1.6 | JVM | K | Kite | Labyrinth | Lazy-K | LilyPond | LMNtal | Logo | Lua | m4 | make | Malbolge | Maxima | Mind | Minus | MNNBFSL | Nemerle | Nibbles | ObjC | OCaml | Octave | PARI/GP | Pascal | Pefunge | Perl | Perl6 | PHP | Piet | Pike | Postscript | Prolog | Python | Python3 | QCL | R | REBOL | REXX | Ruby | Ruby2 | Rust | Scala | Scheme | sed | Smalltalk | SNOBOL | Squirrel | Tcl | Universal Lambda | Unlambda | VHDL | Vim | wake | Whirl | Whitespace | x86 | xgawk | Xtal | z80 | Zsh |


The score is the sum of 10000 * <size of best solution> / <size of your solution> for each problems. Only submissions before the deadline are considered if the problem has the deadline. Parentheses after your name will be removed before the aggregation. If you submitted multiple solutions into a problem, the better one will be calculated. (E.g., suppose you submitted as "shinh (cheat)" and "shinh" and earned 10000 and 8000, respectively. Then, your total score will be added by 10000)

This ranking is not fair (especially for new comers). Please don't consider this so seriously, the intention of this ranking is to show how eager you are golfing :)

RankUserScoreEntriesAvg# of 10000

Last update: Sat Apr 27 02:15:24 UTC 2024 (Sat Apr 27 11:15:24 +0900 2024)

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