Make a bf interpreter changed
Language is selected by the extension of the file. See the list of supported languages to know the extension of your language.
I think the question isn't impossible now.I did it wrong again! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Same as "Make a bf interpreter".
exec is denied
rejudge feature is enabled
now post-mortem time, all source codes will be revealed
Sample input:_
Sample output:
Hello World!
Sample input:_
Sample output:
Sample input:_
Sample output:
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | mypetlion | 55 | 0.1207 | 2018/06/10 05:47:46 | 0B / 33B / 21B |
2 | ZED.CWT | 55 | 0.1126 | 2018/06/12 01:23:55 | 0B / 33B / 21B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | FizzyTea | 60 | 0.0581 | 2018/06/15 19:03:58 | 0B / 38B / 21B |
2 | ZED.CWT | 60 | 0.0391 | 2018/06/15 23:55:12 | 0B / 38B / 21B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | pooq | 66 | 0.0529 | 2021/04/15 02:33:46 | 0B / ?B / ?B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | kotatsugame | 66 | 0.0314 | 2018/06/19 09:14:42 | 0B / 37B / 28B |
2 | ZED.CWT | 75 | 0.0314 | 2018/06/12 06:19:48 | 0B / 44B / 30B |
3 | Bob | 1660 | 0.0313 | 2018/06/08 19:48:50 | 0B / ?B / ?B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | ZED.CWT | 96 | 0.0314 | 2018/06/12 06:24:05 | 0B / 59B / 34B |
2 | Rob | 1660 | 0.0315 | 2018/06/08 19:50:49 | 0B / ?B / ?B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | pooq | 42 | 0.0315 | 2018/06/13 22:31:25 | 0B / ?B / ?B |
Rank | User | Size | Time | Date | Statistics |
1 | whio | 19 | 0.1735 | 2018/06/15 02:09:55 | 5B / 12B / 2B |
Language Ranking_
Rank | Lang | User | Size | Score |
1 | gs2 | whio | 19 | 10000 |
2 | Vim | McBusLuck | 19 | 10000 |
3 | Bash | david_werecat | 20 | 9500 |
4 | jq | pooq | 42 | 4523 |
5 | Ruby | rotary-o | 43 | 4418 |
6 | Ruby2 | rotary-o | 43 | 4418 |
7 | Python3 | mypetlion | 55 | 3454 |
8 | Scala | rotary-o | 56 | 3392 |
9 | JavaScript | FizzyTea | 60 | 3166 |
10 | C | kotatsugame | 66 | 2878 |
11 | PARI/GP | pooq | 66 | 2878 |
12 | C++ | ZED.CWT | 96 | 1979 |
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