Decode Caesar ciphers


Your name:
Open code-statistics:

Language is selected by the extension of the file. See the list of supported languages to know the extension of your language.


Decode Caesar ciphers given only the ciphertext.

-- nooodl


exec is denied

now post-mortem time, all source codes will be revealed

Sample input:_

Lzak ak s ygdx kwjnwj. Qgm usf wfbgq kzgjl ugvafy zwjw af kwnwjsd
dsfymsywk (83 dsfymsywk). Lzw hmjhgkw gx lzak kwjnwj ak fgl kwjagmk
ugehwlalagf. Bgcw hjgtdwek sjw owdugewv sfv qgm usf khwsc xjwwdq stgml
hjgtdwek sfv usf jwdwskw khgadwjk. Xgj kwjagmk ugehwlalagf oalz
jsfcafy, wflwj Ugvw Ygdx.

AJU uzsffwd xgj lzak ygdx kwjnwj: #sfsygd af xjwwfgvw. Hdwskw xwwd
xjww lg bgaf lzw uzsffwd lg lsdc stgml nsjagmk lzafyk sjgmfv ygdx.

Esjc Tqwjk cafvdq hjwhsjwv s kalw xgj lzak ygdx kwjnwj. Ax qgm ogmdv
dacw lg bgaf lg svv lahk, hdwskw skc Esjc lg svv qgm sk s ugddstgjslgj
(kmhhgkwvdq, af AJU?).

Sample output:

This is a golf server. You can enjoy short coding here in several
languages (83 languages). The purpose of this server is not serious
competition. Joke problems are welcomed and you can speak freely about
problems and can release spoilers. For serious competition with
ranking, enter Code Golf.

IRC channel for this golf server: #anagol in freenode. Please feel
free to join the channel to talk about various things around golf.

Mark Byers kindly prepared a site for this golf server. If you would
like to join to add tips, please ask Mark to add you as a collaborator
(supposedly, in IRC?).

Sample input:_

Ur kag bdqbmdq fqefomeqe ruxq, omppk omz nq geqp rad aftqd saxr
otmxxqzsqe (q.s. tffb://oapqsaxr.oay/). Egbbaeq kag tmhq ftq eaxgfuaz
ar "99 naffxqe ar nqqd" (tffb://oapqsaxr.oay/99-naffxqe-ar-nqqd) me
"naffxq.dn". Uz ftue omeq, omppk otqowe ur ftqdq ue m ruxq
"naffxq.fqef" uz ftq ogddqzf pudqofadk. Ur uf qjuefe, omppk qjfdmofe
fqefomeqe rday ftq ruxq. Bxqmeq otqow emybxq/* rad ftq radymf ar ftq
fqefomeq ruxq.

Ftqdq ue mzaftqd radymf ar fqefomeqe. Ur ftqdq mdq ruxqe zmyqp
fqef/naffxq*.agfbgf mzp fqef/naffxq*.uzbgf (*.uzbgf ue abfuazmx),
omppk qjfdmofe fqefomeqe rday ftqeq ruxqe. Ftq emybxq ur uz os/*.
Mzp, ur kag geq ftq emyq zmyuzs oazhqzfuaz me yuzq, kag omz geq os/*
fa fqef kagd eaxgfuaze rad oapqsaxr.oay. Zafq ftmf ftq ruxqe gzpqd os/
mdq uzoaybxqfq.

Sample output:

If you prepare testcases file, caddy can be used for other golf
challenges (e.g. Suppose you have the solution
of "99 bottles of beer" ( as
"bottle.rb". In this case, caddy checks if there is a file
"bottle.test" in the current directory. If it exists, caddy extracts
testcases from the file. Please check sample/* for the format of the
testcase file.

There is another format of testcases. If there are files named
test/bottle*.output and test/bottle*.input (*.input is optional),
caddy extracts testcases from these files. The sample if in cg/*.
And, if you use the same naming convention as mine, you can use cg/*
to test your solutions for Note that the files under cg/
are incomplete.

Sample input:_

Gjjkj uizgbk gtj aihrumu. Avjgzkj znk bkxyout ul yigrg (2.8.1) gtj
mgaink (0.9.1). Zngtqy QoxgxotYtuc, mktmgx68, gtj s_ygzex lux znkyk

Jak zu znk hom kgxznwagqk, ck corr ngbk vrgttkj vuckx uazgmky ykbkxgr
zosky. O znotq znoy yozk sge hk juct uiigyoutgrre. Yuxxe lux
otiutbktoktik. Avjgzk: znke yge znk vuckx iusvgte oy vrgttotm tuz zu
yzuv vuckx lux se gxkg. Yu, sgehk znoy yozk cut'z hk juct.

Gjjkj yigrg, lotgrre. Zngtqy lux lurqy cnu yammkyzkj znoy rgtmagmk zu

O'bk payz xksubkj Payz xgtjus jgzg lxus znk royz gy oz ykksy znoy
vxuhrksy oy g iuve ul YVUP'y SUTY gtj vkuvrk jut'z roqk znoy vxuhrks
yu sain. Gryu, O sgjk Eot Egtm ktjrkyy hkigayk YVUP gryu ngy znk ygsk
ingrrktmk. Vrkgyk xklxgot lxus iuveotm vxuhrksy lxus YVUP.

Znkxk ckxk zcu joxkizuxoky cnkxk ck igt cxozk vkxsgtktz lorky gtj utk
ul znoy cgy aykj ot nzzv://murl.ynotn.uxm/v.xh?27i3_Mktkxgzk+I . O'bk
grxkgje lodkj znk vkxsoyyout ul znoy joxkizuxe gtj xksubkj znk
ktzxoky. Zngtqy 27i3 maey lux lotjotm znoy oyyak!

O xksubkj Yuquhgt ingrrktmk he soyzgqk haz oz xkiubkxkj tuc. Yuxxe lux

Avjgzkj znk bkxyout ul Vkxr6. Tuc oz ayky xgqaju-yzgx-2010.07.

Gjjkj ji. O gryu gjjkj HI_ROTK_RKTMZN=9999 ktboxutsktz bgxoghrk lux hi
yu oz igt yurbk suxk vxuhrksy. Zngtqy Igxruy lux znkyk yammkyzouty!

Gjjkj LrumYixovz gtj LkxTGTJu. Zngtqy rkutoj gtj gyokqokxqg lux znk

Gjjkj Fyn, loyn, gtj hi.

Yuxxe lux iutlayotm, haz veznut ktzxoky lux Hallgru tkkj zu hk lodkj.
Vrkgyk cgoz lux g cnork.... Lodkj.

Gjjkj Irupaxk. Znuamn O luxmuz zu sktzout, O znotq znoy ruuvnurk cgy
iruykj zcu ckkqy gmu. Oz ykksy yuskzosky eua igttuz xat I# gtj Tkskxrk
vxumxgsy jak zu znoy lod. Atzor O lod znoy oyyak, vrkgyk rkz sk qtuc
ol eua tuzoik eua igttuz xat znks ut znoy ykxbkx. Zngtqy Punt lux
lotjotm gtj xkvuxzotm znoy! 2009-01-29

Avjgzkj znk bkxyout otlu ul rgtmagmky.

Gjjkj aykx xgtqotm, gtj xk-uxmgtofkj znoy yozk.

Gjjkj RoreVutj. Zngtqy QoxgxotYtuc lux yammkyzotm znoy.

Tuc, eua ngbk ykzvoj otzkxlgik. Eua igt gjpayz znk VOJ coznuaz
gzzgiqotm znk ykxbkx! Znk murl ykxbkx cgy avmxgjkj. Znk tkc yeyzks
ynuarj hk lgyzkx zngt hkluxk.

Sample output:

Added octave and ucblogo. Updated the version of scala (2.8.1) and
gauche (0.9.1). Thanks KirarinSnow, gengar68, and m_satyr for these

Due to the big earthquake, we will have planned power outages several
times. I think this site may be down occasionally. Sorry for
inconvenience. Update: they say the power company is planning not to
stop power for my area. So, maybe this site won't be down.

Added scala, finally. Thanks for folks who suggested this language to

I've just removed Just random data from the list as it seems this
problems is a copy of SPOJ's MONS and people don't like this problem
so much. Also, I made Yin Yang endless because SPOJ also has the same
challenge. Please refrain from copying problems from SPOJ.

There were two directories where we can write permanent files and one
of this was used in . I've
already fixed the permission of this directory and removed the
entries. Thanks 27c3 guys for finding this issue!

I removed Sokoban challenge by mistake but it recovered now. Sorry for

Updated the version of Perl6. Now it uses rakudo-star-2010.07.

Added dc. I also added BC_LINE_LENGTH=9999 environment variable for bc
so it can solve more problems. Thanks Carlos for these suggestions!

Added FlogScript and FerNANDo. Thanks leonid and asiekierka for the

Added Zsh, fish, and bc.

Sorry for confusing, but python entries for Buffalo need to be fixed.
Please wait for a while.... Fixed.

Added Clojure. Though I forgot to mention, I think this loophole was
closed two weeks ago. It seems sometimes you cannot run C# and Nemerle
programs due to this fix. Until I fix this issue, please let me know
if you notice you cannot run them on this server. Thanks John for
finding and reporting this! 2009-01-29

Updated the version info of languages.

Added user ranking, and re-organized this site.

Added LilyPond. Thanks KirarinSnow for suggesting this.

Now, you have setpid interface. You can adjust the PID without
attacking the server! The golf server was upgraded. The new system
should be faster than before.


Ruby _

1leonid410.04562011/08/13 06:17:210B / 21B / 18B
2yvl410.04732011/08/13 09:24:120B / 21B / 18B
3aglias750.04662011/08/19 23:11:510B / 41B / 34B
4slightair800.04702011/08/19 23:45:360B / 34B / 43B
5hrsh7th1560.07812011/08/07 22:30:263B / ?B / ?B

Perl _

1tybalt89340.00372011/08/07 09:14:190B / ?B / ?B
2yvl340.00382011/08/07 12:00:270B / 20B / 12B
3tails340.00372011/08/11 21:50:250B / 20B / 12B
4yibe430.02562011/08/08 21:08:050B / 21B / 20B

Python _

1twobit980.07762011/08/08 06:47:370B / 58B / 36B
2hallvabo980.08612011/08/20 03:27:570B / 57B / 37B
3masato_hi1850.09802011/08/14 21:34:226B / ?B / ?B


1masato_hi1930.11542011/08/16 21:08:200B / ?B / ?B
2yohei21122140.09862011/08/16 21:55:490B / ?B / ?B


1*yuko*960.01682011/08/20 20:05:170B / 58B / 32B

J _

1I., S.510.10722011/08/07 00:18:480B / 21B / 29B
2I., S.440.11182012/06/04 23:47:030B / 21B / 22B

C _

1inaniwa(rand)800.02722011/08/09 16:50:593B / 41B / 36B
2nn840.00722011/08/07 12:27:330B / 48B / 36B
3hogeover30890.00732011/08/19 01:52:270B / 50B / 39B
4todo930.00912011/08/18 22:43:430B / ?B / ?B
5Komaki980.00222011/08/17 05:51:000B / ?B / ?B
6aglias(rand)1060.01262011/08/18 02:58:570B / 63B / 43B

C++ _

1hogeover301140.00242011/08/19 01:54:171B / 66B / 45B
2Komaki1410.00252011/08/17 04:56:070B / ?B / ?B

OCaml _

1petchema3430.17002011/08/07 00:48:500B / ?B / ?B

Haskell _

1rst76960.00482011/08/20 00:01:240B / 61B / 32B
2Icewing1150.02412011/08/18 04:41:140B / 71B / 30B
3feuermonster1410.00402011/08/20 18:12:380B / 85B / 51B

Pascal _

1*yuko*1780.03652011/08/19 20:23:020B / 127B / 38B

Fortran _

1*yuko*1390.02572011/08/20 19:56:570B / 87B / 48B

GolfScript _

1tails351.81492011/08/13 13:30:060B / 14B / 21B

FlogScript _

1milieu250.16352012/06/05 05:41:210B / ?B / ?B
2zzo38270.21642011/09/02 11:04:280B / 7B / 20B

z80 _

1*yuko*410.03352011/08/20 19:29:5830B / 5B / 5B

Groovy _

1nn797.52512011/08/07 16:51:560B / 46B / 33B

Language Ranking_

6JI., S.445681

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