Sort Strings


Your name:
Open code-statistics:

Language is selected by the extension of the file. See the list of supported languages to know the extension of your language.


Sort all ASCII strings from stdin


exec is denied

no deadline, the server will not save your submission

Sample input:_

hello world (endless)
echo (endless)
99 shinichiroes of hamaji (endless)
example_com (endless)
Smileys Triangle (endless)
tennis (endless)
permutater (endless)
delete blank lines (endless)
Dancing Kids (endless)
bowling scorer (endless)
e (endless)
Hamming Numbers (endless)
Hole in one (endless)
ultimate problem (endless)
Card Sharp (endless)
even lines (endless)
sort characters (endless)
Square root (endless)
Fibonacci Numbers (endless)
prime numbers (endless)
invert case (endless)
Expression (endless)
All Expressions (endless)
LCS (endless)
delete last line (endless)
swap lines (endless)
rotate lines (endless)
transpose lines (endless)
exit status (endless)
multi_key sort (endless)
show the way (endless)
Booklet Printing (endless)
Tak y (endless)
FizzBuzz (endless)
Little Endian Calculator (endless)
infix to postfix (endless)
Greatest Common Divisor (endless)
banner (endless)
HQ9Plus (endless)
Least Common Multiple (endless)
judge Janken (endless)
delete duplicate lines (endless)
reverse lines (endless)
palindromize (endless)
Phone Key Pad (endless)
L system (endless)
easy regexp (post mortem)
google (endless)
Tetris (post mortem)
Evil C Compiler (endless)
Bracket Matching (post mortem)
Nearest Smaller Value fixed version (endless)
right time (post mortem)
Circle Art (endless)
join lines (post mortem)
duplicate lines (post mortem)
inverse matrix (post mortem)
maze solving (endless)
128 bits (post mortem)
Summation (endless)
Rule 30 (post mortem)
Sierpinski Fractal (post mortem)
123 (post mortem)
edlin (post mortem)
Mirroring Character (endless)
The Golden Ratio (post mortem)
factoriazation (endless)
Quine (post mortem)
Life game (post mortem)
chemical equation (post mortem)
Caesar cipher (endless)
delete words (post mortem)
BWT (post mortem)
Reverse BWT (post mortem)
Numeral system (endless)
print file (post mortem)
Look and say (endless)
Twin primes (post mortem)
Two Dice of A sides (post mortem)
Ring world (endless)
100 (post mortem)
ieee754 (post mortem)
Text Compression (post mortem)
Timeout (post mortem)
odd lines (post mortem)
Inverse problem (post mortem)
ISBN2 (post mortem)
Elias delta to Fibonacci (post mortem)
Sphenic Numbers (post mortem)
Trace characters (endless)
NOT gate (post mortem)
Bronspeak (endless)
packed UTF 9 (post mortem)
Nothing (post mortem)
Print numbers _Revised_ (post mortem)
Factorial (post mortem)
LED counter (endless)
Divide the rectangle (post mortem)
Bessel function J_0 (endless)
permission list (post mortem)
leap year (post mortem)
postfix to infix (post mortem)
Palindromic Quine (post mortem)
Underload interpreter (post mortem)
Minimal scheme interpreter (post mortem)
reverse entire input (post mortem)
sum input (post mortem)
uudecode (post mortem)
Transpose (post mortem)
rot13 (post mortem)
Number lines (endless)
Peak Detection (post mortem)
simple language (post mortem)
Multiply (post mortem)
Multiply long version (post mortem)
Drop first line (post mortem)
RPN calculator FIXED NO REALLY (post mortem)
Encoder decoder (post mortem)
Calculator (post mortem)
Permutations (post mortem)
cut string (post mortem)
Duplicate characters (post mortem)
Word frequency count FIXED (post mortem)
segs (post mortem)
stratum (post mortem)
exec (post mortem)
red black tree (endless)
checkers pattern (post mortem)
stable partition (post mortem)
nop (post mortem)
alternating harmonic series (endless)
Minimum Spanning Tree (post mortem)
Set symmetric difference (post mortem)
binary alnum symbol (post mortem)
Topological Sorting (post mortem)
Print out a lot _56K BEWARE_ (post mortem)
1000 digits (post mortem)
Morse decode (post mortem)
trivial encoder (post mortem)
embed (post mortem)
Runge Kutta (post mortem)
Day of the Week (post mortem)
Go capture (post mortem)
Table of divisors (post mortem)
putter golf for Ruby kaigi (post mortem)
Compound interest (post mortem)
Japanese numeral for Ruby kaigi (post mortem)
slope lines (post mortem)
duplicate certain lines _A_ (post mortem)
duplicate certain lines _C_ (post mortem)
N Queens (post mortem)
baker problem (post mortem)
count down (post mortem)
sum of square numbers (post mortem)
Brainfuck (post mortem)
Brainfuck FIXED (post mortem)
ASCII from 0x01 to 0x7f (endless)
swab (post mortem)
main (post mortem)
expand text (post mortem)
ASCII Stars (post mortem)
Binary Multiplication (post mortem)
Repeating Decimal (endless)
v (post mortem)
CALC fixed (post mortem)
196 algorithm (post mortem)
Double Parity Vertical Redundancy Check (post mortem)
Simultaneous Equations FIXXED (post mortem)
Sierpinski Carpet (post mortem)
Easter (post mortem)
Monster group (post mortem)
irc (post mortem)
Derivative (post mortem)
Small Change (post mortem)
character subsets (post mortem)
Ranking (post mortem)
Ranking __REVENGE__ (post mortem)
Alnum challenge (post mortem)
Church Numerals in ski (post mortem)
LCM of 1 to n (post mortem)
GCD of 1 to n (post mortem)
cal (post mortem)
X (post mortem)
Error (post mortem)
Whitespaceless Hello world (post mortem)
bubble sort (post mortem)
Y (post mortem)
Z (post mortem)
4 in 3 (post mortem)
XYZ (post mortem)
XYZ _Revised_ (post mortem)
Polynomial Sequences (post mortem)
double back lines (endless)
Choose (endless)
apple lines (post mortem)
Maximum Cyclic Segment Sum (post mortem)
happy new year (post mortem)
Koch Island (post mortem)
Plot Circle (post mortem)
Up and Down (post mortem)
numwarp (post mortem)
FF PP ZZ (post mortem)
rotate lines reversely (post mortem)
Tak z _FIXED_ (post mortem)
quote box (post mortem)
wave line (post mortem)
Walk the line (post mortem)
Helloworldless Hello world (post mortem)
number slide (post mortem)
hexagon 2nd fixed (post mortem)
numof 1 bits in 0 to 255 (post mortem)
Directions of the star road (post mortem)
uniq words (post mortem)
capital and small letters (post mortem)
plastic constant (post mortem)
flower (post mortem)
apery constant (post mortem)
Gray code (post mortem)
Linear Congruences (post mortem)
simple octagon tesselation (post mortem)
log (post mortem)
PTR (post mortem)
nth root of v (post mortem)
Short Pi (endless)
paper sizes (post mortem)
Decompose integer into sum of squares (post mortem)
Goldbach partition (post mortem)
asunder (post mortem)
prefectual capitals (post mortem)
football league standings (post mortem)
Expression for appreciation (post mortem)
find minimum cyclic parts (post mortem)
PubSubHubbub (post mortem)
Hello OCaml (post mortem)
seq (post mortem)
Sum of Divisors for OCaml Golf Competition (post mortem)
find anagrams (post mortem)
Negatenary (endless)
LED recognition (post mortem)
tenpai (post mortem)
Count diamonds level 1 (post mortem)
Count diamonds level 2 (post mortem)
Count diamonds level 3 (post mortem)
Diamond cards (post mortem)
create table (post mortem)
Turing Machine (post mortem)
LED information board (post mortem)
area of triangle (post mortem)
box world (post mortem)
Verhoeff Algorithm (endless)
Red Balloon Locations (endless)
happy number (post mortem)
a 3d obliquous FIXED REALLY (post mortem)
zero lines (post mortem)
Counting adventure (post mortem)
Counting Adventure 10 (post mortem)
257 (post mortem)
Tower of Hanoi (post mortem)
totient function (post mortem)
369 (post mortem)
repeat line (post mortem)
pascal triangle (endless)
calculation of decimal (post mortem)
Modular Exponentiation (post mortem)
Modular Exponentiation 2 (post mortem)
Very small number (post mortem)
Buffalo (post mortem)
Normal Distribution Table (post mortem)
Practical Numbers (post mortem)
a prime number (post mortem)
minimal PostScript interpreter (post mortem)
Telephone Keypad Letter Mapping (post mortem)
Telephone Keypad Letter Mapping Fixed (post mortem)
Collatz Problem (post mortem)
Remenber Previous Input (post mortem)
Square free integer (endless)
mix lines (post mortem)
Levenshtein Distance (post mortem)
Regexpr Next Input (post mortem)
Vertical writing (post mortem)
Check for brainwave activity (post mortem)
sort numbers (post mortem)
Big Number (post mortem)
Long PI (endless)
Bigger Number (post mortem)
Biggest Number (post mortem)
minus infinity (post mortem)
Plus (post mortem)
DECimal number to BINary (post mortem)
IPv6 Compress (post mortem)
Ghost leg solver (post mortem)
Network mask (post mortem)
char pyramid (post mortem)
Local Alignment  (endless)
PrinterOriented Banner (post mortem)
ehangc (post mortem)
Half Sierpinski (post mortem)
Network mask v2 (post mortem)
Magic square (post mortem)
Composition Calculus (post mortem)
Palindromic prime (post mortem)
Interpret Perl Code (post mortem)
Count asterisks  (post mortem)
Multiplying Polynomials (post mortem)
Factorization corrected (post mortem)
Wrap Words FIXED (post mortem)
Zigzag (post mortem)
box in box (post mortem)
Not Random (post mortem)
Coasters (post mortem)
print the 2nd (post mortem)
Kronecker product (post mortem)
Shifting Pattern Fixed (post mortem)
Roman numeral (post mortem)
Carriage no return (post mortem)
primitive brainfuck code (post mortem)
Multiplication Table (post mortem)
ASCII Table (post mortem)
Wide Periodic Table (post mortem)
Another Table (post mortem)
add_sub_brainfuck_code (post mortem)
Substract from a Googol (post mortem)
Sharkovskii order (post mortem)
Googol division (post mortem)
data order (post mortem)
box paint (post mortem)
next odd number (post mortem)
base convert (post mortem)
sudoku (post mortem)
Sort by Length for OCaml Golf Competition (post mortem)
Triangle (post mortem)
Soroban Fixed (post mortem)
Totient (post mortem)
Sokoban (post mortem)
Hangul resyllabification (post mortem)
C style constants (post mortem)
Fibonacci Number (endless)
big number arithmetic (post mortem)
Puyo Puyo (post mortem)
Subfactorial FIXED (post mortem)
Cancel fractions (post mortem)
Nth prime (post mortem)
Lisp like Evaluation (endless)
comma format (post mortem)
Tic Tac Toe (post mortem)
falling number (post mortem)
Linux words (post mortem)
perfect square free (post mortem)
spreadsheet (post mortem)
Bigger power of two (post mortem)
Lollipop (post mortem)
Lollipop KPop version (post mortem)
Ascii decode (post mortem)
weekday names (post mortem)
electronic dice (post mortem)
partition by parity (post mortem)
trimming (post mortem)
kM4_ (endless)
Twelve Days of Christmas (post mortem)
Comparing two numbers (post mortem)
SumCount (post mortem)
Christmas tree (post mortem)
Squares Fixed (post mortem)
Random data (post mortem)
sort (post mortem)
Divide section (post mortem)
Mental calculation (post mortem)
permutation date (post mortem)
Christmas Decorations FIXED (post mortem)
long decimal (endless)
Print ERROR (post mortem)
Number mountain (endless)
List of numbers to factor (post mortem)
27c3_Generate C (post mortem)
27c3_Punycode encoder (post mortem)
Old Magician (post mortem)
quickly submit (post mortem)
Submit SLOWLY (endless)
Borderizing Texts (post mortem)
Late Christmas tree (post mortem)
Yin Yang (endless)
strikethrough_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_Hbackspace converter FIXED (post mortem)
Character distance (post mortem)
Product (post mortem)
Graph (post mortem)
FIXED4 Maths Guessing Game 3IN1 (post mortem)
toggleCASE (post mortem)
Ruby (post mortem)
Squares Round 2 (post mortem)
Heavy Rotation (post mortem)
Ellipse circumference (post mortem)
camelCase (post mortem)
Circle radius (post mortem)
MD5 (post mortem)
ON bit fixed (post mortem)
Spiral Fixed (post mortem)
Yes (post mortem)
Number guess 1000 (post mortem)
House of Santa Claus (post mortem)
moo FIXED (post mortem)
Squares Round 3 (post mortem)
terminal colours (post mortem)
Numbering (post mortem)
Langtons Ant (post mortem)
Spoken Numbers (post mortem)
STRING (post mortem)
shell game EASY (post mortem)
Circumference of circle (post mortem)
Face mark (post mortem)
PATHS (post mortem)
split line (endless)
SIANGLE (post mortem)
Dragon curve (post mortem)
Koch Snowflake (endless)
The list digit (post mortem)
Farey sequence (post mortem)
LASTDIGIT2 (post mortem)
Suanpan abacus (post mortem)
Over print (post mortem)
Distributing the balls (post mortem)
Value (post mortem)
ASCII GENERATOR (post mortem)
Boolean (post mortem)
Non trivial powers Revisted (post mortem)
LASTDIGIT2 fixed and remixed (post mortem)
Factorize me (post mortem)
FRACTRAN (post mortem)
32bit integer (post mortem)
Find the nearest Prime (post mortem)
Big primes (post mortem)
FRACTRAN fixed (post mortem)
not echo (post mortem)
How did youtube film you (post mortem)
Lucky numbers (post mortem)
Summing up Last digits (endless)
Outline (post mortem)
Central binomial coefficient (post mortem)
Non Decreasing Digits (post mortem)
alphabet ranges (post mortem)
Central binomial coefficient 2 (post mortem)
Arecibo message (endless)
Integer Ranges (post mortem)
Success (endless)
Unsighned int Max (post mortem)
Bankers rounding (post mortem)
Degree of Booleans (post mortem)
Decomposition (endless)
EKG Sequence (post mortem)
Instant sudoku maker (post mortem)
Function call expression (post mortem)
Deadfish (post mortem)
SQR (post mortem)
Greeting Animals (post mortem)
Ejection (post mortem)
Basic Code Golf (post mortem)
Ejection simplified (post mortem)
NABEATSU of the world (post mortem)
Reversing numbers (endless)
Difference of (post mortem)
Zero (endless)
Power Set (post mortem)
Enumeration of divisor (endless)
Fifth Identity (post mortem)
Equations (post mortem)
Two coins (post mortem)
Joshephus or MamakoDate Sequence EASY (post mortem)
Stringy Pingy (post mortem)
hexdump (endless)
hexdump2 (endless)
Number Sequence (post mortem)
Excess3 (post mortem)
binary increment (post mortem)
Output Sequence (post mortem)
IQ Test (post mortem)
Pythagorean triple (post mortem)
Pythagorean triple fixed (post mortem)
Decode Caesar ciphers (post mortem)
ALPHA_ASCII (post mortem)
Factoradic Counter (post mortem)
Factoradic Encoder (post mortem)
Factoradic Decoder (post mortem)
CGA Palette (post mortem)
Double Square Numbers (endless)
Power Tree (post mortem)
Power Tree slow (post mortem)
Translate American to Canadian (post mortem)
Six or more (post mortem)
The Sexiest (endless)
Month Name (post mortem)
Double quote (post mortem)
ttp (post mortem)
ttp2 (post mortem)
122333 (post mortem)
Oyster (post mortem)
Euclids orchard (post mortem)
Polynomial Sequences part 2 (post mortem)
sin curve (endless)
FibBuzz (endless)
BuzzFib (endless)
121321 (post mortem)
Oyster2 (post mortem)
ABBA (post mortem)
ABBA2 (post mortem)
sort by first occurrence (post mortem)
replace last occurrence (post mortem)
replace last occurrence FIXED (post mortem)
prefix to postfix (post mortem)
straight line floodfill (post mortem)
Smiley face (post mortem)
straight line floodfill SIMPLIFIED (post mortem)
Golomb Sequence (endless)
read calculator words (post mortem)
strbonacci FIXED (post mortem)
Saving Time (endless)
DNA (post mortem)
IPv6 prefix representation (post mortem)
Gaussian Prime (post mortem)
Average Character (post mortem)
Broken Line (post mortem)
Mariko from above (post mortem)
Cup size magic (post mortem)
Starburst (post mortem)
A Japanese counting system (post mortem)
HTML paragraph (post mortem)
Multifactorials (post mortem)
Steps line (post mortem)
Steps line FIXED (post mortem)
Brain Fuck Really fixed (post mortem)
edge of cuboid (post mortem)
Rolling division (post mortem)
Hofstadter Q sequence (post mortem)
Quixey Challenge (post mortem)
Four Number Game (post mortem)
Alphabet (post mortem)
Bead Sort (post mortem)
delayed echo (post mortem)
Reverse Bits FIXED (post mortem)
Self Numbers (post mortem)
Bezier Curve (post mortem)
Real Zero (post mortem)
XOR Lines FIXED (post mortem)
Box Coloring (post mortem)
Longest Palindrome (post mortem)
Equal Temperament (post mortem)
Longest Repeated Substring FIXED (post mortem)
I love you (endless)
A plus B problem (endless)
foofoo_free sequence (endless)
ASCII value even or odd (post mortem)
Egyptian fraction (post mortem)
Egyptian fractions eaiser (post mortem)
Egyptian fractions eaiser fixed (post mortem)
Count of circles in a number aka 2581 (post mortem)
Tag system (post mortem)
pretty maze (endless)
Ladder corner problem (post mortem)
FM radio dial (post mortem)
Bowling again (post mortem)
ABC (post mortem)
Next Permutation (endless)
Factorial1000 (post mortem)
Pileup (post mortem)
Convert to hex (post mortem)
Golf ball pyramid (post mortem)
Switzerhegg 2012 (post mortem)
Rotation (endless)
Symmetric matrix (post mortem)
Do it (post mortem)
Do it HYPER (post mortem)
Do it ANOTHER (post mortem)
Do it BLACK ANOTHER (post mortem)
Nest function (post mortem)
Triangle Inequality (post mortem)
Make menu (post mortem)
Plus insert (post mortem)
paren matching (post mortem)
Expand number ranges (post mortem)
Expand number ranges FIXED (post mortem)
4 9 skip numbers (post mortem)
Invert FizzBuzz (post mortem)
alphamirror (post mortem)
Guess what it does (post mortem)
guess what it does extreme (post mortem)
Rot123456789 (post mortem)
Number in number (post mortem)
Sign of inequality (post mortem)
Palindromic formula (endless)
plus equals OR (post mortem)
Time Arithmetic (post mortem)
guess what simple (endless)
guess what a little harder (endless)
fill dots (endless)
help caesar (endless)
Number Sequence II (endless)
06040 (endless)
Polynomial interpolation (post mortem)
ICUP (post mortem)
tritri fixed description (endless)
Regular polygon (post mortem)
Triangle ASCII art (post mortem)
the same ArrayA as ArrayB (post mortem)
Digital root (post mortem)
Digital root Fixed (post mortem)
Included in Circle (post mortem)
Cross Product of two Strings (post mortem)
Presort array 10:41:00 left (07/14 21:44:56 JST)
GCD Again (post mortem)
Fixed Rows (endless)
Similarity Expansion 4day(s) and 21:03:54 left (07/19 08:07:50 JST)
Connected 19day(s) and 7:09:07 left (08/02 18:13:03 JST)
Hexdraw 19day(s) and 11:12:00 left (08/02 22:15:56 JST)
Maze (endless)
Distribute 10day(s) and 8:18:41 left (07/24 19:22:37 JST)
All Factors (endless)
All Factors 2 (endless)
Sort Strings (endless)

Sample output:

06040 (endless)
100 (post mortem)
1000 digits (post mortem)
121321 (post mortem)
122333 (post mortem)
123 (post mortem)
128 bits (post mortem)
196 algorithm (post mortem)
257 (post mortem)
27c3_Generate C (post mortem)
27c3_Punycode encoder (post mortem)
32bit integer (post mortem)
369 (post mortem)
4 9 skip numbers (post mortem)
4 in 3 (post mortem)
99 shinichiroes of hamaji (endless)
A Japanese counting system (post mortem)
A plus B problem (endless)
ABBA (post mortem)
ABBA2 (post mortem)
ABC (post mortem)
ALPHA_ASCII (post mortem)
ASCII GENERATOR (post mortem)
ASCII Stars (post mortem)
ASCII Table (post mortem)
ASCII from 0x01 to 0x7f (endless)
ASCII value even or odd (post mortem)
All Expressions (endless)
All Factors (endless)
All Factors 2 (endless)
Alnum challenge (post mortem)
Alphabet (post mortem)
Another Table (post mortem)
Arecibo message (endless)
Ascii decode (post mortem)
Average Character (post mortem)
BWT (post mortem)
Bankers rounding (post mortem)
Basic Code Golf (post mortem)
Bead Sort (post mortem)
Bessel function J_0 (endless)
Bezier Curve (post mortem)
Big Number (post mortem)
Big primes (post mortem)
Bigger Number (post mortem)
Bigger power of two (post mortem)
Biggest Number (post mortem)
Binary Multiplication (post mortem)
Booklet Printing (endless)
Boolean (post mortem)
Borderizing Texts (post mortem)
Bowling again (post mortem)
Box Coloring (post mortem)
Bracket Matching (post mortem)
Brain Fuck Really fixed (post mortem)
Brainfuck (post mortem)
Brainfuck FIXED (post mortem)
Broken Line (post mortem)
Bronspeak (endless)
Buffalo (post mortem)
BuzzFib (endless)
C style constants (post mortem)
CALC fixed (post mortem)
CGA Palette (post mortem)
Caesar cipher (endless)
Calculator (post mortem)
Cancel fractions (post mortem)
Card Sharp (endless)
Carriage no return (post mortem)
Central binomial coefficient (post mortem)
Central binomial coefficient 2 (post mortem)
Character distance (post mortem)
Check for brainwave activity (post mortem)
Choose (endless)
Christmas Decorations FIXED (post mortem)
Christmas tree (post mortem)
Church Numerals in ski (post mortem)
Circle Art (endless)
Circle radius (post mortem)
Circumference of circle (post mortem)
Coasters (post mortem)
Collatz Problem (post mortem)
Comparing two numbers (post mortem)
Composition Calculus (post mortem)
Compound interest (post mortem)
Connected 19day(s) and 7:09:07 left (08/02 18:13:03 JST)
Convert to hex (post mortem)
Count asterisks  (post mortem)
Count diamonds level 1 (post mortem)
Count diamonds level 2 (post mortem)
Count diamonds level 3 (post mortem)
Count of circles in a number aka 2581 (post mortem)
Counting Adventure 10 (post mortem)
Counting adventure (post mortem)
Cross Product of two Strings (post mortem)
Cup size magic (post mortem)
DECimal number to BINary (post mortem)
DNA (post mortem)
Dancing Kids (endless)
Day of the Week (post mortem)
Deadfish (post mortem)
Decode Caesar ciphers (post mortem)
Decompose integer into sum of squares (post mortem)
Decomposition (endless)
Degree of Booleans (post mortem)
Derivative (post mortem)
Diamond cards (post mortem)
Difference of (post mortem)
Digital root (post mortem)
Digital root Fixed (post mortem)
Directions of the star road (post mortem)
Distribute 10day(s) and 8:18:41 left (07/24 19:22:37 JST)
Distributing the balls (post mortem)
Divide section (post mortem)
Divide the rectangle (post mortem)
Do it (post mortem)
Do it ANOTHER (post mortem)
Do it BLACK ANOTHER (post mortem)
Do it HYPER (post mortem)
Double Parity Vertical Redundancy Check (post mortem)
Double Square Numbers (endless)
Double quote (post mortem)
Dragon curve (post mortem)
Drop first line (post mortem)
Duplicate characters (post mortem)
EKG Sequence (post mortem)
Easter (post mortem)
Egyptian fraction (post mortem)
Egyptian fractions eaiser (post mortem)
Egyptian fractions eaiser fixed (post mortem)
Ejection (post mortem)
Ejection simplified (post mortem)
Elias delta to Fibonacci (post mortem)
Ellipse circumference (post mortem)
Encoder decoder (post mortem)
Enumeration of divisor (endless)
Equal Temperament (post mortem)
Equations (post mortem)
Error (post mortem)
Euclids orchard (post mortem)
Evil C Compiler (endless)
Excess3 (post mortem)
Expand number ranges (post mortem)
Expand number ranges FIXED (post mortem)
Expression (endless)
Expression for appreciation (post mortem)
FF PP ZZ (post mortem)
FIXED4 Maths Guessing Game 3IN1 (post mortem)
FM radio dial (post mortem)
FRACTRAN (post mortem)
FRACTRAN fixed (post mortem)
Face mark (post mortem)
Factoradic Counter (post mortem)
Factoradic Decoder (post mortem)
Factoradic Encoder (post mortem)
Factorial (post mortem)
Factorial1000 (post mortem)
Factorization corrected (post mortem)
Factorize me (post mortem)
Farey sequence (post mortem)
FibBuzz (endless)
Fibonacci Number (endless)
Fibonacci Numbers (endless)
Fifth Identity (post mortem)
Find the nearest Prime (post mortem)
Fixed Rows (endless)
FizzBuzz (endless)
Four Number Game (post mortem)
Function call expression (post mortem)
GCD Again (post mortem)
GCD of 1 to n (post mortem)
Gaussian Prime (post mortem)
Ghost leg solver (post mortem)
Go capture (post mortem)
Goldbach partition (post mortem)
Golf ball pyramid (post mortem)
Golomb Sequence (endless)
Googol division (post mortem)
Graph (post mortem)
Gray code (post mortem)
Greatest Common Divisor (endless)
Greeting Animals (post mortem)
Guess what it does (post mortem)
HQ9Plus (endless)
HTML paragraph (post mortem)
Half Sierpinski (post mortem)
Hamming Numbers (endless)
Hangul resyllabification (post mortem)
Heavy Rotation (post mortem)
Hello OCaml (post mortem)
Helloworldless Hello world (post mortem)
Hexdraw 19day(s) and 11:12:00 left (08/02 22:15:56 JST)
Hofstadter Q sequence (post mortem)
Hole in one (endless)
House of Santa Claus (post mortem)
How did youtube film you (post mortem)
I love you (endless)
ICUP (post mortem)
IPv6 Compress (post mortem)
IPv6 prefix representation (post mortem)
IQ Test (post mortem)
ISBN2 (post mortem)
Included in Circle (post mortem)
Instant sudoku maker (post mortem)
Integer Ranges (post mortem)
Interpret Perl Code (post mortem)
Inverse problem (post mortem)
Invert FizzBuzz (post mortem)
Japanese numeral for Ruby kaigi (post mortem)
Joshephus or MamakoDate Sequence EASY (post mortem)
Koch Island (post mortem)
Koch Snowflake (endless)
Kronecker product (post mortem)
L system (endless)
LASTDIGIT2 (post mortem)
LASTDIGIT2 fixed and remixed (post mortem)
LCM of 1 to n (post mortem)
LCS (endless)
LED counter (endless)
LED information board (post mortem)
LED recognition (post mortem)
Ladder corner problem (post mortem)
Langtons Ant (post mortem)
Late Christmas tree (post mortem)
Least Common Multiple (endless)
Levenshtein Distance (post mortem)
Life game (post mortem)
Linear Congruences (post mortem)
Linux words (post mortem)
Lisp like Evaluation (endless)
List of numbers to factor (post mortem)
Little Endian Calculator (endless)
Local Alignment  (endless)
Lollipop (post mortem)
Lollipop KPop version (post mortem)
Long PI (endless)
Longest Palindrome (post mortem)
Longest Repeated Substring FIXED (post mortem)
Look and say (endless)
Lucky numbers (post mortem)
MD5 (post mortem)
Magic square (post mortem)
Make menu (post mortem)
Mariko from above (post mortem)
Maximum Cyclic Segment Sum (post mortem)
Maze (endless)
Mental calculation (post mortem)
Minimal scheme interpreter (post mortem)
Minimum Spanning Tree (post mortem)
Mirroring Character (endless)
Modular Exponentiation (post mortem)
Modular Exponentiation 2 (post mortem)
Monster group (post mortem)
Month Name (post mortem)
Morse decode (post mortem)
Multifactorials (post mortem)
Multiplication Table (post mortem)
Multiply (post mortem)
Multiply long version (post mortem)
Multiplying Polynomials (post mortem)
N Queens (post mortem)
NABEATSU of the world (post mortem)
NOT gate (post mortem)
Nearest Smaller Value fixed version (endless)
Negatenary (endless)
Nest function (post mortem)
Network mask (post mortem)
Network mask v2 (post mortem)
Next Permutation (endless)
Non Decreasing Digits (post mortem)
Non trivial powers Revisted (post mortem)
Normal Distribution Table (post mortem)
Not Random (post mortem)
Nothing (post mortem)
Nth prime (post mortem)
Number Sequence (post mortem)
Number Sequence II (endless)
Number guess 1000 (post mortem)
Number in number (post mortem)
Number lines (endless)
Number mountain (endless)
Numbering (post mortem)
Numeral system (endless)
ON bit fixed (post mortem)
Old Magician (post mortem)
Outline (post mortem)
Output Sequence (post mortem)
Over print (post mortem)
Oyster (post mortem)
Oyster2 (post mortem)
PATHS (post mortem)
PTR (post mortem)
Palindromic Quine (post mortem)
Palindromic formula (endless)
Palindromic prime (post mortem)
Peak Detection (post mortem)
Permutations (post mortem)
Phone Key Pad (endless)
Pileup (post mortem)
Plot Circle (post mortem)
Plus (post mortem)
Plus insert (post mortem)
Polynomial Sequences (post mortem)
Polynomial Sequences part 2 (post mortem)
Polynomial interpolation (post mortem)
Power Set (post mortem)
Power Tree (post mortem)
Power Tree slow (post mortem)
Practical Numbers (post mortem)
Presort array 10:41:00 left (07/14 21:44:56 JST)
Print ERROR (post mortem)
Print numbers _Revised_ (post mortem)
Print out a lot _56K BEWARE_ (post mortem)
PrinterOriented Banner (post mortem)
Product (post mortem)
PubSubHubbub (post mortem)
Puyo Puyo (post mortem)
Pythagorean triple (post mortem)
Pythagorean triple fixed (post mortem)
Quine (post mortem)
Quixey Challenge (post mortem)
RPN calculator FIXED NO REALLY (post mortem)
Random data (post mortem)
Ranking (post mortem)
Ranking __REVENGE__ (post mortem)
Real Zero (post mortem)
Red Balloon Locations (endless)
Regexpr Next Input (post mortem)
Regular polygon (post mortem)
Remenber Previous Input (post mortem)
Repeating Decimal (endless)
Reverse BWT (post mortem)
Reverse Bits FIXED (post mortem)
Reversing numbers (endless)
Ring world (endless)
Rolling division (post mortem)
Roman numeral (post mortem)
Rot123456789 (post mortem)
Rotation (endless)
Ruby (post mortem)
Rule 30 (post mortem)
Runge Kutta (post mortem)
SIANGLE (post mortem)
SQR (post mortem)
STRING (post mortem)
Saving Time (endless)
Self Numbers (post mortem)
Set symmetric difference (post mortem)
Sharkovskii order (post mortem)
Shifting Pattern Fixed (post mortem)
Short Pi (endless)
Sierpinski Carpet (post mortem)
Sierpinski Fractal (post mortem)
Sign of inequality (post mortem)
Similarity Expansion 4day(s) and 21:03:54 left (07/19 08:07:50 JST)
Simultaneous Equations FIXXED (post mortem)
Six or more (post mortem)
Small Change (post mortem)
Smiley face (post mortem)
Smileys Triangle (endless)
Sokoban (post mortem)
Soroban Fixed (post mortem)
Sort Strings (endless)
Sort by Length for OCaml Golf Competition (post mortem)
Sphenic Numbers (post mortem)
Spiral Fixed (post mortem)
Spoken Numbers (post mortem)
Square free integer (endless)
Square root (endless)
Squares Fixed (post mortem)
Squares Round 2 (post mortem)
Squares Round 3 (post mortem)
Starburst (post mortem)
Steps line (post mortem)
Steps line FIXED (post mortem)
Stringy Pingy (post mortem)
Suanpan abacus (post mortem)
Subfactorial FIXED (post mortem)
Submit SLOWLY (endless)
Substract from a Googol (post mortem)
Success (endless)
Sum of Divisors for OCaml Golf Competition (post mortem)
SumCount (post mortem)
Summation (endless)
Summing up Last digits (endless)
Switzerhegg 2012 (post mortem)
Symmetric matrix (post mortem)
Table of divisors (post mortem)
Tag system (post mortem)
Tak y (endless)
Tak z _FIXED_ (post mortem)
Telephone Keypad Letter Mapping (post mortem)
Telephone Keypad Letter Mapping Fixed (post mortem)
Tetris (post mortem)
Text Compression (post mortem)
The Golden Ratio (post mortem)
The Sexiest (endless)
The list digit (post mortem)
Tic Tac Toe (post mortem)
Time Arithmetic (post mortem)
Timeout (post mortem)
Topological Sorting (post mortem)
Totient (post mortem)
Tower of Hanoi (post mortem)
Trace characters (endless)
Translate American to Canadian (post mortem)
Transpose (post mortem)
Triangle (post mortem)
Triangle ASCII art (post mortem)
Triangle Inequality (post mortem)
Turing Machine (post mortem)
Twelve Days of Christmas (post mortem)
Twin primes (post mortem)
Two Dice of A sides (post mortem)
Two coins (post mortem)
Underload interpreter (post mortem)
Unsighned int Max (post mortem)
Up and Down (post mortem)
Value (post mortem)
Verhoeff Algorithm (endless)
Vertical writing (post mortem)
Very small number (post mortem)
Walk the line (post mortem)
Whitespaceless Hello world (post mortem)
Wide Periodic Table (post mortem)
Word frequency count FIXED (post mortem)
Wrap Words FIXED (post mortem)
X (post mortem)
XOR Lines FIXED (post mortem)
XYZ (post mortem)
XYZ _Revised_ (post mortem)
Y (post mortem)
Yes (post mortem)
Yin Yang (endless)
Z (post mortem)
Zero (endless)
Zigzag (post mortem)
a 3d obliquous FIXED REALLY (post mortem)
a prime number (post mortem)
add_sub_brainfuck_code (post mortem)
alphabet ranges (post mortem)
alphamirror (post mortem)
alternating harmonic series (endless)
apery constant (post mortem)
apple lines (post mortem)
area of triangle (post mortem)
asunder (post mortem)
baker problem (post mortem)
banner (endless)
base convert (post mortem)
big number arithmetic (post mortem)
binary alnum symbol (post mortem)
binary increment (post mortem)
bowling scorer (endless)
box in box (post mortem)
box paint (post mortem)
box world (post mortem)
bubble sort (post mortem)
cal (post mortem)
calculation of decimal (post mortem)
camelCase (post mortem)
capital and small letters (post mortem)
char pyramid (post mortem)
character subsets (post mortem)
checkers pattern (post mortem)
chemical equation (post mortem)
comma format (post mortem)
count down (post mortem)
create table (post mortem)
cut string (post mortem)
data order (post mortem)
delayed echo (post mortem)
delete blank lines (endless)
delete duplicate lines (endless)
delete last line (endless)
delete words (post mortem)
double back lines (endless)
duplicate certain lines _A_ (post mortem)
duplicate certain lines _C_ (post mortem)
duplicate lines (post mortem)
e (endless)
easy regexp (post mortem)
echo (endless)
edge of cuboid (post mortem)
edlin (post mortem)
ehangc (post mortem)
electronic dice (post mortem)
embed (post mortem)
even lines (endless)
example_com (endless)
exec (post mortem)
exit status (endless)
expand text (post mortem)
factoriazation (endless)
falling number (post mortem)
fill dots (endless)
find anagrams (post mortem)
find minimum cyclic parts (post mortem)
flower (post mortem)
foofoo_free sequence (endless)
football league standings (post mortem)
google (endless)
guess what a little harder (endless)
guess what it does extreme (post mortem)
guess what simple (endless)
happy new year (post mortem)
happy number (post mortem)
hello world (endless)
help caesar (endless)
hexagon 2nd fixed (post mortem)
hexdump (endless)
hexdump2 (endless)
ieee754 (post mortem)
infix to postfix (endless)
inverse matrix (post mortem)
invert case (endless)
irc (post mortem)
join lines (post mortem)
judge Janken (endless)
kM4_ (endless)
leap year (post mortem)
log (post mortem)
long decimal (endless)
main (post mortem)
maze solving (endless)
minimal PostScript interpreter (post mortem)
minus infinity (post mortem)
mix lines (post mortem)
moo FIXED (post mortem)
multi_key sort (endless)
next odd number (post mortem)
nop (post mortem)
not echo (post mortem)
nth root of v (post mortem)
number slide (post mortem)
numof 1 bits in 0 to 255 (post mortem)
numwarp (post mortem)
odd lines (post mortem)
packed UTF 9 (post mortem)
palindromize (endless)
paper sizes (post mortem)
paren matching (post mortem)
partition by parity (post mortem)
pascal triangle (endless)
perfect square free (post mortem)
permission list (post mortem)
permutater (endless)
permutation date (post mortem)
plastic constant (post mortem)
plus equals OR (post mortem)
postfix to infix (post mortem)
prefectual capitals (post mortem)
prefix to postfix (post mortem)
pretty maze (endless)
prime numbers (endless)
primitive brainfuck code (post mortem)
print file (post mortem)
print the 2nd (post mortem)
putter golf for Ruby kaigi (post mortem)
quickly submit (post mortem)
quote box (post mortem)
read calculator words (post mortem)
red black tree (endless)
repeat line (post mortem)
replace last occurrence (post mortem)
replace last occurrence FIXED (post mortem)
reverse entire input (post mortem)
reverse lines (endless)
right time (post mortem)
rot13 (post mortem)
rotate lines (endless)
rotate lines reversely (post mortem)
segs (post mortem)
seq (post mortem)
shell game EASY (post mortem)
show the way (endless)
simple language (post mortem)
simple octagon tesselation (post mortem)
sin curve (endless)
slope lines (post mortem)
sort (post mortem)
sort by first occurrence (post mortem)
sort characters (endless)
sort numbers (post mortem)
split line (endless)
spreadsheet (post mortem)
stable partition (post mortem)
straight line floodfill (post mortem)
straight line floodfill SIMPLIFIED (post mortem)
stratum (post mortem)
strbonacci FIXED (post mortem)
strikethrough_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_H_Hbackspace converter FIXED (post mortem)
sudoku (post mortem)
sum input (post mortem)
sum of square numbers (post mortem)
swab (post mortem)
swap lines (endless)
tennis (endless)
tenpai (post mortem)
terminal colours (post mortem)
the same ArrayA as ArrayB (post mortem)
toggleCASE (post mortem)
totient function (post mortem)
transpose lines (endless)
trimming (post mortem)
tritri fixed description (endless)
trivial encoder (post mortem)
ttp (post mortem)
ttp2 (post mortem)
ultimate problem (endless)
uniq words (post mortem)
uudecode (post mortem)
v (post mortem)
wave line (post mortem)
weekday names (post mortem)
zero lines (post mortem)


Ruby _

1leonid110.01302012/07/14 11:33:270B / ?B / ?B
2clock110.00562012/07/14 11:45:280B / 8B / 3B
3uru110.01272012/07/14 12:23:420B / 8B / 3B
4eban110.01232012/07/15 00:33:130B / 8B / 3B
5teebee110.03492012/07/16 05:02:260B / 8B / 3B
6kaki110.02372012/07/20 01:23:030B / 8B / 3B
7Histocrat110.01762013/02/16 05:41:570B / 8B / 3B
8bk1e110.03742014/02/21 14:44:020B / 8B / 3B
9mitchs110.04262014/04/07 03:49:090B / 8B / 3B
10jpl110.01412014/06/24 05:09:530B / ?B / ?B
11ludo110.01272015/07/26 22:10:280B / 8B / 3B
12llhuii110.01872015/11/04 20:13:210B / ?B / ?B
13xsot110.01402016/07/16 12:18:290B / 8B / 3B
14%20110.03082018/01/24 23:35:270B / 8B / 3B
15rotary-o110.01572018/03/31 11:46:330B / 8B / 3B
16tails110.01192019/06/24 13:15:360B / 8B / 3B
17Sisyphus110.02792022/12/13 14:21:360B / 8B / 3B

Ruby2 _

1mitchs110.07772015/11/04 14:24:170B / 8B / 3B
2llhuii110.06382015/11/04 20:13:290B / ?B / ?B
3ludo110.07582016/03/22 00:50:160B / 8B / 3B
4xsot110.06622016/07/16 12:18:550B / 8B / 3B
5%20110.12222018/01/24 23:35:430B / 8B / 3B
6rotary-o110.05582018/03/31 11:46:130B / 8B / 3B
7kaki110.09322019/10/25 17:28:440B / 8B / 3B
8Sisyphus110.10972022/12/13 14:21:410B / 8B / 3B

Perl _

1llhuii220.01932015/11/04 20:09:040B / 13B / 8B
2teebee220.02062015/11/05 01:09:480B / 13B / 8B
3tails220.01822015/11/05 01:33:110B / 13B / 8B
4eban290.01242012/07/15 00:37:280B / 10B / 18B
5nfouille290.01222012/07/19 03:54:211B / ?B / ?B
6tails (alnum)420.01252015/11/05 01:43:150B / 34B / 0B
7teebee(alnum)420.01282015/11/05 16:35:230B / 34B / 0B

Python _

1leonid470.02692012/07/14 11:37:350B / 30B / 17B
2hallvabo470.01702012/07/14 12:16:390B / 30B / 17B
3Hendrik470.02042012/07/14 18:00:120B / 30B / 17B
4twobit470.02862012/07/14 19:06:350B / 30B / 17B
5xsot470.03022015/01/10 22:11:590B / 30B / 17B
6llhuii470.03342015/11/04 23:38:140B / 30B / 17B
7mitchs470.03782015/11/05 00:24:130B / 30B / 17B
8rolf480.04582013/10/26 02:19:310B / 30B / 14B
9starmie480.02882015/04/27 15:28:150B / 30B / 14B
10jmlee530.01672012/07/20 11:36:120B / ?B / ?B
11localnebula760.02062012/07/14 16:24:061B / 55B / 15B

Python3 _

1mitchs410.05762015/05/15 00:52:300B / 28B / 10B
2llhuii410.06012015/11/04 23:47:470B / 28B / 10B
3xsot410.05412016/07/16 12:28:300B / 28B / 10B
4mypetlion650.03832017/10/31 03:49:230B / 43B / 20B


1clock570.16392012/07/27 16:26:101B / 28B / 28B

Pike _

1Hendrik500.07992014/03/05 17:57:480B / 32B / 17B
2teebee500.08712014/03/06 06:51:290B / 32B / 17B
3clock500.08462015/03/09 21:53:240B / 32B / 17B
4mitchs500.08302015/10/06 17:02:590B / 32B / 17B

Scheme _

1teebee390.06592012/10/20 21:56:430B / 27B / 9B
2clock390.02962012/10/21 03:58:240B / 27B / 9B
3kaki390.06932012/12/05 05:29:440B / 27B / 9B
4cddddr420.04162012/08/10 16:54:320B / 29B / 11B

Common LISP _

1ttmh640.11002014/08/14 19:02:580B / 41B / 22B

Arc _

1clock330.99172012/10/17 10:49:310B / 23B / 8B
2teebee331.13862012/10/18 03:52:420B / 23B / 8B

Io _

1clock460.09022012/08/26 17:43:190B / 40B / 2B
2teebee460.10432013/07/07 10:18:150B / 40B / 2B

JavaScript _

10mg580.02092012/07/14 13:54:550B / 34B / 24B
2nn580.02162012/07/15 00:01:280B / 34B / 23B
3clock580.02142012/07/16 17:09:560B / 34B / 23B
4FizzyTea580.02032015/05/16 04:24:560B / 34B / 24B
5Hendrik590.01432012/09/02 06:03:540B / 34B / 24B
6Shmiddty590.01542013/04/06 06:13:320B / 34B / 25B

Lua _

1twobit680.01232012/07/14 19:07:290B / 45B / 18B
2clock680.01262012/08/11 15:40:190B / 45B / 18B

Tcl _

1clock460.01632012/07/30 18:23:180B / 29B / 10B
2teebee460.01592012/08/27 10:51:140B / 29B / 10B
3toomas460.02032015/10/06 17:26:360B / 29B / 10B

Xtal _

1clock1040.35002013/09/29 20:04:120B / 66B / 37B

Crystal _

1clock350.01262019/08/20 01:08:510B / 21B / 11B


1clock780.96792012/07/20 17:45:010B / 40B / 21B
2teebee780.68672022/05/16 03:19:100B / 40B / 24B

Icon _

1teebee610.01032012/09/30 22:26:510B / 39B / 18B
2clock610.00812012/10/01 06:00:040B / 39B / 18B

Smalltalk _

1clock1120.20322013/01/08 18:09:260B / 58B / 49B

Erlang _

1teebee1060.15882016/07/15 05:29:220B / 61B / 41B

J _

1I., S.220.02172012/07/14 21:22:280B / 10B / 12B
2medialuna250.03042014/08/20 22:33:470B / ?B / ?B

K _

1av130.00962012/08/03 01:48:150B / 4B / 9B
2teebee130.00902012/08/03 05:44:460B / 4B / 9B
3clock130.00922013/04/10 21:43:420B / 4B / 9B
4twobit130.00822014/03/14 04:47:450B / 4B / 9B

C _

1tails770.01432020/06/10 09:22:480B / 44B / 33B
2llhuii870.03432014/12/14 16:16:240B / 51B / 36B
3twobit910.01152014/02/28 07:27:500B / 53B / 38B
4david_werecat1000.01172012/07/14 11:27:140B / 58B / 41B
5bk1e1000.00152014/02/21 14:58:520B / 59B / 40B

Haskell _

1Hendrik440.02332012/07/14 18:07:400B / 38B / 4B
2henkma440.02892012/07/15 04:42:190B / 38B / 4B
3cojna440.01742012/07/18 23:51:060B / 38B / 4B
4kaki440.03392012/07/20 01:21:210B / 38B / 4B
5zzo38440.02942012/07/21 02:23:060B / 38B / 5B
6clock440.01532013/01/09 18:47:330B / 38B / 4B

ObjC _

1llhuii880.03392015/11/04 23:34:530B / 51B / 37B

Java _

1teebee1520.14762012/10/28 08:55:230B / 103B / 44B
2dc1520.13442016/06/10 18:31:460B / 103B / 44B
3rotary-o1520.11412022/12/13 23:37:510B / 103B / 44B
4Klemmbrett1780.13202016/06/10 18:02:150B / ?B / ?B

C# _

1clock1550.07302012/10/28 19:25:520B / 114B / 36B
2teebee1550.07782012/10/29 01:07:570B / 114B / 36B
3Hendrik1550.07662012/10/29 04:28:250B / 114B / 36B

Octave _

1teebee530.20362014/12/31 09:45:520B / 32B / 20B


1clock540.02992012/07/19 12:34:370B / 38B / 11B
2teebee550.02942012/07/19 10:50:330B / 39B / 11B


1llhuii630.03582014/12/14 17:43:170B / 29B / 34B
2McBusLuck1080.06972019/06/24 17:23:330B / 48B / 58B

jq _

1teebee120.01372014/11/27 03:51:410B / 4B / 7B
2eban120.01402014/12/02 14:07:310B / 4B / 7B
3Hendrik120.01392014/12/02 14:47:030B / 4B / 7B
4clock120.01372015/02/09 01:49:410B / 4B / 7B

Bash _

1Hendrik40.01762012/07/15 00:15:210B / 4B / 0B
2nn40.01292012/07/15 00:16:270B / 4B / 0B
3david_werecat40.01192012/07/15 00:16:370B / 4B / 0B
4clock40.01322012/07/15 00:29:440B / 4B / 0B
5eban40.01262012/07/15 00:31:250B / 4B / 0B
6teebee(alnum)40.02842012/07/15 05:14:340B / 4B / 0B
7twobit40.01022012/07/15 06:22:310B / 4B / 0B
8leonid40.01182012/07/15 12:46:470B / 4B / 0B
9ush40.04752012/07/18 11:49:160B / 4B / 0B
10inaniwa40.01232012/07/18 11:59:560B / 4B / 0B
11nfouille40.01312012/07/19 03:24:200B / ?B / ?B
12kaki40.02502012/07/20 01:26:460B / 4B / 0B
13zzo3840.01172012/07/21 02:23:290B / 4B / 0B
14mitchs40.02722014/04/07 03:42:150B / 4B / 0B
15llhuii40.04012014/12/14 12:42:120B / 4B / 0B
16ninjalj40.01432015/11/05 08:46:250B / 4B / 0B
17ludo40.01672016/05/03 18:51:300B / 4B / 0B
18%2040.01122018/01/24 23:36:070B / 4B / 0B
19McBusLuck40.01262020/11/12 01:20:500B / 4B / 0B
20Fleur40.01672022/01/20 14:46:340B / 4B / 0B

Bash (builtins) _

1tails460.08562018/01/25 01:59:330B / 18B / 23B
2llhuii510.66692016/02/25 22:10:420B / 14B / 32B
3ttmh610.15842016/03/06 15:13:540B / 17B / 40B

Zsh _

1clock40.09372012/07/15 00:30:040B / 4B / 0B
2david_werecat40.01292012/07/15 02:34:390B / 4B / 0B
3Hendrik40.01332012/07/15 03:04:220B / 4B / 0B
4teebee(alnum)40.01662012/07/15 05:14:430B / 4B / 0B
5twobit40.01232012/07/15 06:23:010B / 4B / 0B
6leonid40.01582012/07/15 12:47:060B / 4B / 0B
7inaniwa40.02302012/07/18 12:00:110B / 4B / 0B
8nfouille40.03442012/07/19 03:23:270B / ?B / ?B
9kaki40.04452012/07/20 01:27:370B / 4B / 0B
10zzo3840.03242012/07/21 02:23:160B / 4B / 0B
11mitchs40.09522014/04/07 03:44:510B / 4B / 0B
12llhuii40.03242014/12/14 12:42:250B / 4B / 0B
13ninjalj40.02542015/11/05 08:46:340B / 4B / 0B
14ludo40.01252016/05/03 18:51:380B / 4B / 0B
15%2040.03382018/01/24 23:36:130B / 4B / 0B
16McBusLuck40.02662020/11/12 01:20:410B / 4B / 0B

Fish _

1clock40.12912012/07/15 00:29:510B / 4B / 0B
2Hendrik40.04012012/07/15 03:34:570B / 4B / 0B
3teebee(alnum)40.03022012/07/15 05:14:530B / 4B / 0B
4david_werecat40.03002012/07/15 05:23:090B / 4B / 0B
5twobit40.02902012/07/15 06:22:530B / 4B / 0B
6leonid40.02882012/07/15 12:47:010B / 4B / 0B
7inaniwa40.12662012/07/18 12:00:150B / 4B / 0B
8nfouille40.04882012/07/19 03:23:590B / ?B / ?B
9kaki40.03292012/07/20 01:27:410B / 4B / 0B
10zzo3840.04222012/07/21 02:23:250B / 4B / 0B
11mitchs40.04722014/04/07 03:45:390B / 4B / 0B
12llhuii40.04032014/12/14 12:42:200B / 4B / 0B
13ninjalj40.03202015/11/05 08:46:410B / 4B / 0B
14ludo40.02872016/05/03 18:51:470B / 4B / 0B
15%2040.03442018/01/24 23:36:190B / 4B / 0B
16McBusLuck40.04182019/06/24 16:38:470B / 4B / 0B

make _

1tails770.02082017/03/15 16:42:010B / 38B / 31B

bc _

1McBusLuck135600.02422020/06/09 02:50:180B / 8943B / 3160B

xgawk _

1llhuii410.42622014/12/14 12:37:440B / 23B / 17B
2teebee410.01772014/12/14 18:09:270B / 23B / 17B
3mitchs410.01302015/04/27 16:26:440B / 24B / 16B
4Fleur410.01612022/12/13 13:55:180B / 24B / 16B
5McBusLuck1080.48762019/06/24 17:22:200B / 48B / 58B

R _

1clock330.14732012/10/14 13:59:500B / 24B / 9B
2teebee330.17802012/10/14 16:13:000B / 24B / 9B
3mitchs330.11272018/01/26 23:15:310B / 24B / 9B
4ludo330.11132019/09/18 23:13:320B / 24B / 9B

GolfScript _

1leonid50.19682012/07/14 11:42:000B / 2B / 3B
2clock50.16752012/07/14 11:44:150B / 2B / 3B
3twobit50.30692012/07/14 18:40:010B / 2B / 3B
4nn50.31502012/07/15 12:44:270B / 2B / 3B
5nooodl50.25222012/07/17 20:32:490B / ?B / ?B
6kaki50.17882012/07/20 01:26:240B / 2B / 3B
7narb50.19512012/07/29 21:34:560B / 2B / 3B
8david_werecat50.18302012/08/16 04:18:230B / 2B / 3B
9teebee50.17272013/02/28 07:50:400B / 2B / 3B
10Volatility50.18192013/08/06 17:07:110B / 2B / 3B
11Hendrik50.21382014/05/31 01:15:110B / 2B / 3B
12mitchs50.17042015/04/27 16:02:070B / 2B / 3B
13%2050.17432015/05/14 02:40:420B / 2B / 3B
14mender50.18332016/09/12 23:22:530B / 2B / 3B
15kotatsugame50.10772018/01/04 09:21:500B / 2B / 3B
16Erik the Outgolfer50.11692020/11/23 16:51:430B / 2B / 3B

gs2 _

1mitchs30.14242015/01/04 12:39:430B / 0B / 3B
2clock30.16592015/01/17 00:42:470B / 0B / 3B
3whio30.14602015/05/14 04:43:160B / 1B / 2B
4McBusLuck30.10652020/11/24 02:15:430B / 0B / 3B

Nibbles _

1tails20.05622022/12/13 18:14:511B / 1B / 0B

FlogScript _

1clock20.61572012/07/14 11:44:480B / 0B / 2B
2leonid20.02572012/07/14 11:46:150B / 0B / 2B
3milieu20.04212012/07/14 15:31:330B / ?B / ?B
4teebee20.02842012/07/16 05:19:450B / 0B / 2B
5inaniwa20.03962012/07/18 13:02:490B / 0B / 2B
6zzo3820.23932012/07/21 02:22:410B / 0B / 2B
7mitchs20.79062015/01/10 05:20:150B / 0B / 2B
8whio20.63522015/05/14 04:53:350B / 0B / 2B
9jonathan camacho20.02852015/05/14 06:05:580B / 0B / 2B
10McBusLuck20.02942020/12/01 03:12:220B / 0B / 2B

Burlesque _

1clock60.15732012/09/16 03:11:120B / 4B / 2B
2teebee60.18792012/09/16 03:18:290B / 4B / 2B
3Hendrik60.17432012/09/16 08:28:320B / 4B / 2B
4mitchs60.18072015/02/22 12:13:300B / 4B / 2B

z80 _

1fsystem681.51362012/10/21 14:43:2543B / ?B / ?B

Vim _

1nn70.11162012/07/15 00:08:540B / 5B / 1B
2clock70.02222012/07/15 00:29:220B / 5B / 1B
3FizzyTea70.04982015/04/28 23:29:490B / 5B / 1B
4primo70.01952016/02/29 22:06:590B / 5B / 1B
5ludo70.01242019/09/18 23:34:580B / 5B / 1B

goruby _

1leonid60.02502012/07/14 11:44:180B / 3B / 3B
2clock60.03102012/07/14 11:46:090B / 3B / 3B
3uru60.02882012/07/14 12:26:270B / 3B / 3B
4teebee60.02572012/07/16 05:06:100B / 3B / 3B
5kaki60.02882012/07/20 01:25:210B / 3B / 3B
6mitchs60.02662015/01/04 12:42:340B / 3B / 3B
7ludo60.02522016/06/14 15:51:020B / 3B / 3B
8%2060.02082018/01/24 23:37:250B / 3B / 3B

Groovy _

1nn431.07262012/07/15 00:02:500B / 31B / 12B
2teebee430.98182012/07/16 05:10:280B / 32B / 10B
3clock431.10982013/10/26 14:57:240B / 32B / 10B

Scala _

1llhuii412.02582018/02/22 17:13:330B / 29B / 10B
2Hendrik412.06812018/02/23 05:19:480B / ?B / ?B
3rotary-o415.37502022/12/13 23:13:590B / 29B / 10B
4teebee421.97502018/01/24 23:35:580B / 34B / 6B

Language Ranking_

15JI., S.22909
28Bash (builtins)tails46434
37Common LISPttmh64312

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